My Soldier Boy

A munition worker writes to me: ―
Dear Sir,
“I have read most of your lovely books that have been presented to my friend and myself at our work, and It is a great pleasure to me. I am writing to you now on behalf of my soldier boy, who is in Ireland doing his duty, and I should be so pleased if you would forward hiss one of your Testaments, and help him on to the, path that leads to our Saviour, for it is through reading your books that I have been changed and am a new girl.―I remain, Yours, sincerely in Christ, A Munition Worker:”
How gladly we read this letter and sent her “soldier boy” the Testament at once, and as we put it in the envelope we prayed, “God bless her soldier boy and save his soul.”
Any who wish us to send Testaments to their friends have only to write to us and ask us, and a Testament will be sent at once free of all charge.