Yes, we may be quite sure if we ask God to direct and to guide us He will answer prayer and teach us by His Spirit what to do. Never was there a more decided answer than the following incident which was told ma last week: “A man who visits our Hospital for wounded soldiers, and gives away Testaments and tracts, saw a soldier lying, as he thought, sound asleep. He would not disturb him, so he chose a little lavender-bag, and placed it close to the man’s nose. The man opened his eyes widely, saying: ‘What is that?’ ‘Only lavender; I thought you might like the smell.’ ‘Read me the text that is pinned to it,’ said the soldier. ‘It is: “My son, give me thy heart.’” ‘Surely I will,’ said the soldier, with a start of joy, ‘but how did you know my name?’ ‘I do not know your name,’ said the Missionary, but God sent you the text. ‘My son’ is my name, and God has asked me for my heart. I yield it to Him.’”
May the dear soldier be kept always yielding himself to God his Saviour. Have you, dear reader?
Emily P. Leakey