A Dead Soldier's Testament

The following affecting little letter I received, and it cheered me to know that God had used the soldiers’ Testament to comfort and bless the soldiers’ soul: ―
Dear Mr. Wreford,
“Some time during this great European War, you sent some Active Service Testaments to the men at the Front. One of them was received by a Corporal R. Wallace in the 15th Hussars. He has since been killed at Bourton Wood, near Cambrai, on November 25th. I am writing to thank you very much for your gift to him, as I know it was properly used, and often. I received the Testament from his chum last week, and that is how I found your address. The little Book is much stained, and dropping to pieces with use It is the only thing we have back of his belongings, so it is very precious to use ‘We were all very much upset by his death, but he served his country to his fullest ability, and now he has gone to serve a Higher King, which be found with the help of a Chaplain as well, who has since been killed in Frantz. His officer wrote and said he was loved and admired by all, his men for his unselfish ways. Thanking you once again, I am, sir, his cousin. ―Yours truly, MAY WALLACE.”
Thank God for the Testament read and re-read, and for the godly Chaplain who helped Wallace to Christ―they both behold His glory now.