“ ... ... I am so pleased to be able to say I have already seen a blessed work wrought by my stand for Christ.... One of the lads of my own room gave his heart to God during the evening service. He testified to my prayers and courage being the means of this act ... Thanks so much for ‘Message’ and Testaments. I pray God may strengthen me spiritually to work onward for Him in the spreading of His Word.
“My prayers shall include our Doctor’s needs and, the removing of the obstacle regarding the Gospel work among the French soldiers.
“ ‘Jesus shall reign, where’er the sun
Doth its successive journeys run;
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.’
“May the dear Lord grant you His blessing and strength to go forward into victory, through Jesus Christ. ―Yours, kept by the grace of God, Private N. W—.”