Incidents of the War

General Foch And Prayer.
A Frenchman who knows General Foch says that he an ardent believer in the power of prayer. “We shall yet be saved by it,” he says, “and it will not be the first time in this deadly struggle.”
“The thoughts of man have taken the place of the Word of God they will no longer have its authority; the will of man will no longer have the authority of Christ.” — J. N. D. “Christianity is a crime which the world can never forgive.” — J. N.
A Godly Preacher’s Answer
John Nelson, a godly preacher, was urged by some to leave off preaching, he replied, “If you can persuade the devil to be still for a month; but if he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and God hath put a sword into my hand, I am determined to attack him wheresoever I meet him; and wheresoever I meet sin I meet Satan.”
N. Y. D.
In an hospital in France these letters were printed on a card, hung over the bed of a wounded soldier. The “Tommies” in the ward, in their usual jocular way, said the letters meant “Not, Yet Dead.” In a similar mood they translated three letters which were further down the card, “S.W.B.” (South Wales Borderers) into “Soon Will Be.”
These letters, “N.Y.D.,” were really intended for the guidance off the Doctor and meant―
Not Yet Diagnosed
That is, the wounded soldier had not yet been medically examined, and the wound had not been located, or the disease specified.
But; dear fellow sinner, if you are still unsaved, “N.Y.D.” ―not yet diagnosed, not yet proved or detected as a sinner―cannot be said of you, for our God has diagnosed your disease Unerringly. Many a Doctor has treated a patient wrongly, through not knowing what the disease was, but God makes no mistakes.
From Eden’s gates tin to the Cross, and on to the present hour, man was proved to be a sinner, under law, and under grace―God’s verdict, His diagnosis is―
All Have Sinned
A soldier, dying in the trenches, was heard to say to his mates before he passed away, “Can you tell me anything about God?”
Now, dear reader, we want to tell you something about God, of His wondrous love, of His matchless grace to you. May these words, just as you read them, be blessed to your soul.
This God, against whom you have been sinning so long,
Loves You
and loves you just as you are. Yes, you, with all your sins, with that hard, careless heart of yours, the fact―the unchanging, blessed fact―remains, God loves the sinner, but He hates your sins; and the proof of His love is, He gave up the Son of His love to suffer on the Cross instead of you, and to bear the judgment of God on account of sin and sins.
Now, we do not ask you to wait till you feel this love, but to believe what He says. Remember God cannot lie. “Christ died for the ungodly.” Do not listen to what your own heart says.
Let me tell you of another soldier who, some time ago, was mortally wounded in the trenches. He cried out to his fellow soldiers around him, “I’m dying and I am lost, tell me how to be saved?” Alas! none of the soldiers could help him. But one said, “I know a young soldier down the line, he knows.” He ran and brought a young Christian soldier. He had his Bible with him, and turned to John 3, and read to the dying soldier how Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, “even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,” and then the prophet would proclaim to the dying men around him―
Look and Live
And as many as looked away from their wounds and from themselves to the brazen serpent were healed and saved. The poor dying soldier looked to Christ, and as he passed away, he said, “I see it, I see it.” How simple is God’s way of salvation!
Dear reader, do look now, for
“There is life in a look at the Crucified One.”
Some time ago, some soldiers were leaving the North of Ireland going to the Front, and as they were leaving by train, some of the bystanders cried out “Give them Hell.” This sad expression is often used of the awful fighting that goes on in the trenches. But, some time after this, some Evangelists miter also leaving for work among the soldiers in France, and some fellow Christians, in bidding them goodbye, said, “Give them Christ.” How precious this is! To tell not of religion, or sacraments, or going to Heaven because one dies on the battle, field, but of HIM, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.
It is Christ you need, a loving Saviour, who will never east you out. It is Christ and Christ alone will save you.
Christ on the Cross for you,
Christ on the throne for you,
Christ coming, to the air for you
Will you take Himself just now as you read these words? For
“He loved you and gave Himself for you.”