A Hospital Ship Torpedoed by German Submarine

A ship filled with doctors, nurses and wounded men on the way home to the Hospitals of England, is torpedoed without warning by a German submarine. The barbarous cruelty of such an act can never be surpassed. Thank God many were rescued before the ship went down, but many perished, among them the wounded, the helpless and the dying. Let us thank God that He has delivered us from falling into the hands of these wicked men. It is a great mercy to be saved from the wrath of man, but what a blessing to be delivered from the “wrath to come.” Only faith in Christ can save us from that. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
I should like you to read a letter I received from a United States Chaplain.
An American Chaplain’s Letter
American Red Cross Military Hospital,
Paignton, England.
November 25th 1918.
From E. A. Spencer, A. Chaplain, A.R.C.M.H. 21.
To Dr. Heyman Wreford,
The Firs, Denmark Road, Exeter.
Thy dear Brother in Christ,
Allow me to in this way express my sincerest thanks for your much appreciated Bible literature and other religious matter, which we were in such dire need of at the very time of its arrival. Words cannot express my gratitude for the reality of answered prayer in this matter, and that God made it possible to receive His Word from the hand of so faithful a friend as you. Again let me thank you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for your help at this most propitious time. ―Yours in His service,
Earl A. Spencer, Mass., U.S.A.
P.S.―We are evacuating the entire hospital group this week. Future address: U.S.A.