A Letter to Miss a. A. L?.

Germany, Dec. 23rd 1918.
Dear Sister in Christ,
“Please forgive me not answering you before. I duly received a letter, and two parcels, from you. One contained the ‘Message’ and other books, which the boys to whom I gave them were very pleased; and the other was the French Testaments and papers, which the Belgians were very pleased at receiving. It would have done you real good to see their faces light up, as I was privileged to. We are at a place called M―, on the Rhine. We crossed the border on December 4th and arrived here on December 16th. I praise God for His goodness to us this year, in sending us the much desired suspension of the War, which I trust will be for good. Of course everybody today is very glad that God has answered our prayers in such a way. There is only one place that I would sooner be than here, and that is with the wife and son in Canada, where I hope to be soon. God bless you. —Yours in the Master’s service, F. J. H —, Canadian Engineers.”