Incidents of the War and the Peace

“Sinners, it was not to angels
All His wondrous love was given,
But to those who scorned, despised Him―
Scorned and hated Christ in heaven.”
The British Dead
An American writer says, speaking of the British dead during the War, “that were ‘it possible to marshal them four abreast it would take at least a fortnight if they marched continuously day and night before they could pass through London.”
And every dead man has an immortal soul, and is living now in eternity. Living forever! Where? The answer we must leave with God. We can help the living. Many of them are coming to Christ. I had the following letter: ―
“My Soul is Right with Him”
A soldier writes to me: ―
Dear Sir, Somewhere in France.
“I was reading ‘A Message from God,’ and I saw some of the boys were sending to you for Testaments, and I thought I would write to you. I was talking to some of my chums, and I found out that some had no Testaments. Will you please send me a parcel? I suppose you would like to know if my soul is right with Him. Well, I am glad to say it is. I have it pretty hard at times, but I supplicate to Him in prayer. I have been one of His children for over a year now. I am glad I have taken Him as my Saviour. He keeps me safe, and makes me happy. I never can repay to Him what He has done for me. I could not repay Him if I gave my life―my life can never repay what He has done. I am fighting for Him, and I give myself into His hands. — From one of His children, SIDNEY C—.”
A Soldier’s Gratitude
Dear Brother in Christ,
“In gratitude to our God for preserving and sustaining grace whilst in Belgium and France, principally at Ypres, also at Arras, Bapaume, and Cambrai, I am sending a thank offering of 10/- for the distribution of the Gospel amongst my comrades, many, alas! who do not know the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, and I pray that God’s blessing may further rest upon your labor of love, having seen the blessing of salvation conveyed through the distribution of tracts and Testaments. Truly He has said, ‘My word shall not return unto Me void!’ I have seen this proved over and over again. With Christian greetings, yours in our soon coming Lord, F. BENNETT.”
Wishing the Prisoners were Home
Dear Dr. Wreford,
“Please accept this small gift from me. I wish it were a hundredfold more. I read over your valuable little books, and then send them on to others, so if I cannot help you, I do hope others will. May God bless and reward you for all the pains you have taken to send out His Word to men who were facing death daily. I am truly thankful the war is over. How I wish all the prisoners were at home, but many wives here have not heard from their husbands for months. With all good wishes for the new year, and trusting that your good work will spread all over the world. I pray each day that ‘all peoples’ may have God’s Word to read. ―Your sincere friend, G.W. —”
A Thank offering for Peace
Dear Sir,
“Please accept this P.O. for 5/- as a thank offering for peace, and may God give you health and strength to carry on the good work to save the souls of men in the future as in the past. Thank God the War is over! Yours sincerely, W. H―.”