The Boy who Died with a Smile on His Face

In the issue of “Message from God” for January of this year we told the story of the death of Bandsman Robert Collingbourne, of Winton, Bournemouth, who sang as he went into battle:
“Every step of the way, dear Lord,
Every step of the way!
For Thou art mine, and I am Thine,
Yes, every step of the way.”
He was killed singing, and died with a smile on his face. Towards the end of January I received the following letter which interested me very much indeed.
Dear Dr. Wreford,
“I have just come back from visiting Mrs. Collingbourne, the story of whose boy is given on page 6 of your January ‘Message from God.’ She was much surprised and delighted when I showed it to her, and I promised her I would write to you on my return and ask you to send some copies of the ‘Message’ for her, and we prayed together that God would make them a blessing to all those who knew the lad in Winton. I enclose 8/6 for 100 copies of ‘Message from God’ for January. ―Yours sincerely, J. M. H―.”