We, and all our workers, are deeply exercised as to the future of our work. We have added another prayer meeting every day in our Depot, in order to learn God’s will. Our applications for Testaments and Booklets everywhere are increasing. So far we have sent to all. We want the earnest prayers of all our Christian friends to know God’s will concerning our future. God’s word to us when we came to our Depot work in 1914 was, “Cast not away therefore your confidences, which hath great recompense of reward” (Heb. 10:3535Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. (Hebrews 10:35)).
My beloved wife’s wishes were always with me in this work for God, and thinking and talking of it not long before she went home, she said, “I hope my sufferings, will be for the blessing of many.” She rejoiced greatly in all that God had done all over the world through the Depot. She has been taken home before me, but I want to work stilt in the Harvest Fields until we meet again with Christ. We shall meet in the morning.
I beseech you to pray clear friends that I may know His will and do it. I can carry on the work if it is the Lord’s will to give me the help of His saints. Prayer is what I want, and prayer will be answered.
Yours affectionately in Christ,
Heyman Wreford.
The Letter
New York, U.S.A.
July, 1932.
MY DEAR BROTHER, — Knowing that depression now covers the whole world, and that the need is great on every hand, and knowing also that we are in the “last days,” we are thankful that the Word continues to go out.
Enclosed you will find check $5.00 fellowship in the work from my wife and self, trusting that you are in health.
I remain, Yours in our Lord, H.C.