The Rainbow and the Covenant.

(See illustration on Cover)
How marvelous must have been the shining of the first rainbow! The bow of God set in the cloud, to speak to every age by its shining radiance, of a covenant God made with man. By this covenant the world is delivered from the fear of another deluge. Judgment will never come to the world again in that way. But judgment will come in a most terrible form upon the world in a later day. Peter tells us in his epistle (2 Peter 3:66Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: (2 Peter 3:6) and 7): “The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished; but the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” All were destroyed by the flood, save those who were in the ark with Noah — and all will have to face the fire of God’s wrath, against unpardoned sin, who have not fled for refuge to the Saviour of the World. He passed through the waters of death — He met the fire of Divine judgment, for all who trust in Him.
The rainbow continues to this day, and is “a mighty ensign proclaiming to the world, the providence of God’s goodness, notwithstanding the sin of which the rainbow is in itself the memorial.”
Let us read wonderingly and adoringly the 9th Chapter of Genesis, and when next we see “the bow in the cloud,” remember that God put it there, to shine in every age, a token of a Covenant between Himself and the earth.
And God allows us in these days to work in a thousand harvest fields for Him. The glory of accepted service shines upon us; and although clouds gather thick and fast at times, upon our knees we see “His bow in the cloud” and we know that all is well.
And when we face the sunset on His Harvest Fields and we are called to rest; may His covenant rainbow shine in gracious splendor round us, and His covenant promise cheer, “Fear not; I have redeemed thee, thou art mine.” “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
And life’s journey over, and the day’s work done, we will bring our sheaves to lay at Thy blessed feet our Saviour and our God.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.