What a Letter Did.

A master, who longed for the salvation of one of his workmen, sent him a note one day containing these words: “James, I want you to come and see me at six o’clock, after you have left the works.”
Exactly at six the young man stood at the master’s door and knocked. He was told to enter; he came inside and stood in the room. After a while the master said, “Do you wish to see me, James?”
Surprised at the question, the man held out the letter that the master had sent him, saying as he did so, “The letter, sir, the letter you sent me.” “Oh! I see, you got my letter; you believed I wanted to see you, and when I sent the message, you came at once.”
“Yes, sir, surely; what else could I do?”
“You did quite right. See, here is another letter for you; will you attend to that?” And as he spoke, he handed him a piece of paper, folded up in the shape of as letter.
James took the paper, opened it, and read: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” As he read, his lips quivered, and then his eyes filled with tears. He took a packet-handkerchief from his pocket, and covering his face, said: “Am I just to believe this in the same way as I believed your letter?”
“Yes, just in the same way,” was the answer.
That night he came to Jesus, and be was saved. He learned that believing God was Salvation.