An Atheist's Awakening!

Darwin Dyson was born near Wigan, Lancashire, in the year 1890. His father was an avowed atheist and his mother was a Spiritualist. They named their youngest child after the famous scientist, Charles Darwin. That son is the subject of this leaflet. He worked as a coal miner in Lancashire and afterward in South Wales. When still young, his head was cut open in an accident, which left a mark for life.
Soon he became notorious as an atheist, a Communist, and a great reader of agnostic and atheistic literature. He also lived an ungodly life and led many young men into paths of evil.
In the year 1914 he married a Welsh woman who, though a chapel member, had no experience of conversion. She was often opposed by her husband, who commanded her to have nothing to do with religion. Eventually, in 1921, she received the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. From this time she took a definite stand for Christ and often prayed for the conversion of her husband. This angered him the more, but she prayed on.
One night a fire broke out in the kitchen of their one-story miner’s cottage. Before they knew of it, the mantelpiece light, he sprang out of bed and rushed into the next room. His first thoughts were for his infidel books and tracts. These he dashed from the shelf, but the flames had already rendered them useless. With the help of neighbors, the fire was soon brought under control and put out.
The next morning, as they were surveying the scene together, Mrs. Dyson observed that her Bible was intact, even though the flames had reached beyond it and destroyed other books on the same shelf. She called her husband’s attention to this, saying, “The flames have not damaged even the leaves of my Bible. Surely God’s Word will stand forever.” These words and the fact combined went home to his conscience; and this impression never left him.
A year or so later two evangelists were conducting Gospel Meetings in the district and special prayer was made for Darwin Dyson.
On Saturday night, March 3rd 1923, while drinking in a public house, conviction of sin laid hold of him. Immediately he left the beer and went home. Later, to the surprise of his wife and all, he went to the Gospel Meetings; and on Sunday, March 4th he realized that God lived and loved him. Under deep conviction, he left the meeting, but he soon returned and walked into the inquiry room, where other anxious souls were being helped. There he submitted to the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came to set captive sinners free.
The warfare had ceased forever. Darwin Dyson went away a pardoned and a changed man. Prayer was answered. That night, for the first time, husband and wife together knelt down before God. The only words he gave expression to were, “Lord, keep me.” This prayer also was answered.
The news spread rapidly, and fellow-miners asked him concerning his changed life. He told them what great things the Lord had done for him. For more than five years he bore a good confession, though often in great trial and adversity.
In April, 1928, he felt constrained to go through the streets of the village in which he lived, ringing a bell, and proclaiming the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” He warned the people to “flee from the wrath to come.” A few months later he was laid low by a serious illness. Though in great pain he praised God for the peace that was his daily portion. For two weeks he suffered, but was much in worship, praise and prayer to God. Many times he gave thanks for the day of his regeneration, for the atoning blood of Christ, for the victory of Calvary, and for the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. Then, after five and a half years’ walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, Darwin Dyson went Home “to be with Christ: which is far better.” Truly “a brand plucked out of the fire.” “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom. 5:2020Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: (Romans 5:20)).
The above facts are attested as true, both by his widow and by a former fellow-workman.
The following are extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Dyson to the latter, now an evangelist: ―
“Thank you very much for your kind letter of sympathy and prayers for me during my journey through the deep waters. Blessed be God for the realization of His tender pierced hand leading me along... When I look back upon his death I can do nothing but praise God for His sustaining grace. I can say ‘It is a grand thing to be saved,’ One day I think of my sorrow and loss; another day I feel my heart bubbling over with joy, in the realization that Darwin has had an eternal deliverance from sin, affliction and pain; and that in the near future we shall meet again around the Person of our blessed Lord. What a wonderful Saviour! What a wonderful Friend!” She also wrote, “This is my heart’s testimony: ―
I have found a joy in sorrow
A secret balm in pain;
A beautiful tomorrow
Of sunshine after rain.
I have found that branch of healing
That was near the bitter stream,
I have heard the silent promise
Stealing o’er the broken string.
John Newton.