Blessed Savior, Lord of Glory!
Gladly we Thy praise proclaim:
Telling forth the matchless story
Of Thy love's undying fame:
Peerless Savior!
Thou hast borne the sinner's blame.
From Thy throne in highest Heaven,
Thou did'st come in wondrous grace;
Man, for whom Thy life was given,
Scorned, disowned Thee to Thy face:
Loving Savior Of a thankless, fallen race!
Sinner, Jesus thee is seeking,
He can make thee truly blest;
O! but trust, and in His keeping
Thou wilt find eternal rest:
Tender Savior!
Folded on His loving breast.
Jesus long with thee has pleaded,
Is thy heart so cold and hard
That His patience thus unheeded
Must remain without reward?
Blessed Savior!
O, receive Him as thy Lord!