One fine winter afternoon, some years ago, four men, three of them young, and one past middle age, were driving along a turnpike road. One of the toll gates on the road was tended by an old man, getting very feeble. He came forward, hobbling on a stick, to receive the few pennies he demanded. His form was sadly bent, and his white hair indicated that the snows of many winters had left their indelible mark upon him.
Having paid him his money, the eldest of the four men politely offered him a neat booklet, saying as he did so, that it was something interesting and important about God's way of salvation, and expressed the hope that the old man was saved. An angry flush mantled the faded cheek of the toll-keeper, as he savagely retorted: "No, I don't want your book, and I am not saved, nor is anyone else in the world. And it is my opinion that there is plenty of time, and everything is right in its season.”
Having thus said, he went in, slamming the door behind him. Poor old man! One foot in the grave, and saying, "Plenty of time." His sun almost set, and he had not yet been saved; he had no joy in his life, the joy of sins forgiven was unknown by him.
And this is the case with many. God's warnings and invitations alike fall unheeded, youth gives place to middle age, and middle age to old age, and Eternity and the having to do with a holy God, are counted not worthy of attention.
Dear young friend, take warning: God says "today", Satan ever says "tomorrow", but tomorrow never comes.