Have you ever wondered how the sailors find their way across the tossing waves? We can easily pick out landmarks journeying in town or by country-side, but at sea one wave is just like another.
During the railway strike some of us took a sea trip, and rising very early in the morning, just as it was dawning, we saw two fishing boats making across the water straight for L—.
The white light from the lighthouse and the red light at the harbor mouth were shining brightly, so steering the fishing boats was easy work just when we saw them, but what about the many miles they had traveled from the fishing grounds when no friendly light was in sight?
Ah! but they had a good chart and a faithful compass and a skilful skipper who knew how to read both correctly. That was the secret of their sailing so peacefully straight to port.
What is the secret of peacefully steering straight to heaven? Why, first of all, believing in and submitting to the best of Captains, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then always going by and obeying God's Holy Word, the Bible, which is like an infallible chart, and maintaining a good conscience, which is like a compass.
If you really believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Savior and Lord, and then conscientiously obey His Word, you will not only steer to heaven somehow, but steer there straight, and also have a very happy voyage by the way.