After Fifty Years.

More than fifty years passed away before Miss Leakey knew the facts of the Colonel’s conversion and her connection with it. Someone found the whole history written in her own mother’s hand amongst a packet of letters that had never been opened till then. Her mother had pondered these things in her heart and had-written the account in order to get it printed, as was evident from some marks on the paper. Dear Miss Leakey said when she heard of this, “Oh, how thankful I am I was never told; but now I rejoice to find my own conviction trues that as a baby I loved my Saviour, and that from a child I have been longing to go back to heaven with Him. No wonder that when that hymn came out―
“Shall I be there?
I shall be there;
Through faith in Christ I shall be there,”
it had such a special attraction for me. I can only say, “I thank God for early training.”
It was only a few days ago that Miss Leakey sent me an account of the salvation of two souls which I am going to print here. She is nearly ninety now — longing to go home, but longing also to point sinners to the Saviour she loved, and began to testify for, eighty-six years ago, continuing the testimony all her life. H.W.