The Wiles of the Devil.

The devil will let us do any amount of “work for God.” only it must be done without prayer to God, and without dependence on God, “for it is God that worketh.” When we do it in our own flesh-energy it delights the devil, for he knows it will come to nothing, and will only hurt the cause of Christ.
Beware! He cannot get at the Christ to destroy Him, but He seeks to destroy the testimony of us who are His members. He cannot touch the living Christ―the Word of God in the heavenlies―so he seeks to tear to pieces and trample underfoot the written Word of God―the Bible―in our hands. Sad it is to see so many of His avowed “friends” wounding Him and rejecting Him in this way, and so helping the devil. “Away with Him! Away with Him!” is still the devil’s cry, and he seeks to fill the mouths of “the priests, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the religious rulers,” and the crowd of religious professors of today with the same cry, and he is wonderfully managing his purpose. Beloved, simple ones, who love our Christ, as the volume of the cry increases, with the nearing of “the end,” let it be our sweetest delight to raise our voice of love to Him, however “ignorant and unlettered,” “foolish and feeble” it may seem. “Christ for me!” Christ for me!”
D. McCall B—.