"The Light of the Glory of God."

“The light of the glory of God.” Where? In the face of Jesus Christ. God pointing to that face, says, “If you want to know all my glory, there it is.” Unsearchable glory―glory past finding out―there it is in the person of My Son?”―G.V.W.
Yes, dear friend and reader, how wonderful for us to be channel to send forth “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” To be able to send the living Word of the living God, that carries heaven’s light wherever it goes. Oh! to be the light-bearers for Jesus Christ! Oh, to be known, as those who love their Lord! A very grateful heart thanks you now for the wonderful help you have given in answer to our appeal. I wonder if anyone ever had such beautiful letters as I have had since writing my appeal. If they have I am sure they must want to go to heaven, to give worthy praise to the One who prompted the letter, and gave the gracious responses from so many of His own. We shall know then the result of our appeal, and not fully till then. Meanwhile we go praising on our way, feeling assured that there are riches unsearchable for us to draw from and that our constant need will touch ten thousand hearts if it be the will of God. Above all we know it will reach His heart, who gazing on the face of His beloved Son says: “If you want to know all My glory, there it is.” If you want to know all the longing of My heart for sinners it is there-there in that blessed face, shining with the unsearchable glory of God. If you want My help, you must seek it in His name, and for His sake. Only a little while and our life’s labor will be done. We shall have asked you for our last Testament, and our last parcel will be sent. It is all for Christ, the center and circumference of all our work is for Him. He is Jehovah―Jesus to our souls, the Son of God, and God the Son.
In His name and for His sake alone we ask you to help us still to win souls for Him. Any gift you may be led by God to send, may be sent to―
Dr. Heyman Wreford,
“The Firs,” Denmark Road, Exeter.
Our monthly circular dealing with the work of the Testament and Tract Fund will be sent post free to any who desire it. Please write to: