Instead of letters, I feel I must issue an Appeal. WE WANT 50,000 TESTAMENTS. Our shelves are getting empty, but we are full of gratitude to God for His continued supply of all our needs.
We face 1922 with hundreds of workers in all parts of the world asking us for the Word of God. Never was there such need as now for the world to know Him whom to know is life eternal. He can only be known through the book that speaks of Him. Help us to send this Book, and God will bless you, and you will be a channel of blessing to others.
For every 20/you send us we can get 50 Testaments. For £5 we can get 250 Testaments. One soul is worth more than the whole world. Help us in our need now for Christ’s sake.
Your gifts may be sent to
Dr. Heyman Wreford, The Firs, Denmark Rd., Exeter.