The Diary of a Soul

By The Editor
January, 1922
Eternity and God
A SAINT of God, poor and old, lay on her bed at the commencement of the year dying in a wretched room. No earthly comforts are hers, but as a Christian stood by her bedside and gazed upon her face, he was struck with its spiritual beauty, sanctified by sorrow. She said, I hope you have brought me a good word about the Lord. Christ is with me. I’ve known Him more than twenty years, and I’ve been dying six months alone with Him. After a pause she continued, “I hope someone will be with me when I die, because I should like them to see how happy I am.”
A few days later the Christian stood again by her bedside. She was much weaker. She said feebly, “You have come to see me die. Read in Romans 8, verse 38 and 39.” the read, “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” With the glorious music of this splendid assurance sounding in her ears she passed from all the sorrows of earth to the endless joys of heaven.
I want this year, God helping me, to speak a good word about my Lord Jesus Christ every month. To uplift before the eyes of men and women the only One who, can benefit the human race. To point the weary to the only One who can give them rest. To point the despairing “to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.” To let a world of sinners, lost through sin, know the gracious fiat of divine and unalterable love: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”