The Only Hope for England is Prayer

If we do not pray for others it may be too late to pray for ourselves. The devil and his hosts are loose in the world. He has made men deny the Saviour of mankind and blaspheme His holy name. He is passing from one end of England to the other inciting men through his human agents to riot and revolution. The tide of this awful sea is rising rapidly. The only hope for England is prayer and the circulation of God’s Word. The apathy of Christians is the devil’s opportunity. Thank God for every man and woman who is lifting a standard for God and Christ today. We may not approve of every effort put forth, but let us be careful how we criticize when and where God is blessing. It is easy to stand idle in these stern and terrible days, and in our idleness find fault with the labor of others, but the Master’s eve is on His servants as they labor.
The following verses on Prayer were sent me by a devoted Christian worker. I am glad to insert them here: ―
Four Answers
The answer that we love to hear is “Yes,”
“In Him” — the promised “Yea,”
When prayer is founded on God’s promises,
We pray — “Lord, please, today.”
Then there’s another answer that He gives;
Sometimes He must say “No.”
Ah, then we trust His wisdom and His love;
“Hereafter” we “shall know.”
How often there’s an answer too, He sends,
This, “something better still.”
His very best, remember, God knows all,
So leave it to His will.
But there’s yet other answer still. We hear
His voice when He says “Wait.”
We know God works for him who waits for Him;
That answer must be great!
L. M. Warner.