A friend wrote me a cheering letter in which she said, “You are doing a good work, may your heavenly Father richly bless you for Jesus’ sake. I wish I could send you a large sum — the work needs it. My prayer is, that you may get all you need to carry on the work. It is for eternity — God’s work.” Yes, we work for God and for eternity.
We are working against the tremendous power of Satanic energy. We are working against the chaos and confusion, the anarchy and lawlessness that is everywhere seen today. We are working against the unbelief that is denying the deity of Christ and forsaking the Bible. We are fighting against the unrest among all classes that is heading for revolution. The volcanic forces of desperate and daring unbelief may burst forth at any moment, and then indeed our country will be in the gravest peril.
We are fighting against the modern blasphemy of the pulpit. Dean Inge tells us that “the story of Balaam’s ass and Jonah’s whale has no more to do with the Christian religion than Jack and the Beanstalk.” The vulgarity of this comparison is only equaled by its blasphemy.
Another Dean tells us, “that Jesus did not claim divinity for Himself.” And yet Jesus said, “I and My Father are one.” We might multiply instances of these onslaughts on the Son of God and the Book that testifies of Him. The devil is seeking everywhere to destroy this Testimony. We must uphold it to the utmost of our power — by importunate, prevailing prayer, by personal living and confession, saying, “We believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” By distributing far and wide the Book of which Christ says, “In the volume of the Book it is written of Me.” What Book? What Person? The Bible, and the Christ.
I am sure, dear friends, you will help us to multiply our scattering of the good seed a hundredfold. The object of our work is the glory of God, the exaltation of His beloved Son, and the salvation of the lost.
In wishing our friends the only happiness that can give them a, Happy New Year, that is the knowledge of Him whom to know is life eternal, I would ask your daily prayers for strength, for wisdom and for blessing for all the work.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.