Are You a Hinderer?

Bishop Hill, of Africa, tells how one day he was speaking to some young men, but could not get on because of a young fellow who turned everything to ridicule. At last, unable to stand it any longer, he turned to the young man and said, “Do get out of this! If you don’t want to be saved yourself, don’t hinder others.” The young man got up, left the meeting, but God used those words to awaken him to a sense of his danger, and late that night the Bishop pointed him to the Saviour. Three months later Bishop Hill stood beside the death-bed of that same young man. All was well as far as he was concerned, but he was full of anxiety about the other young men. With voice quivering with excitement, he said, “Were those others saved? Oh, I may have hindered them.” If we do not ourselves lead others to Jesus. Christ, at least let us not hinder those who are trying to do so.