The Black Cloth

Are we not told in Matt. 5 that you are to “let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven”? Mind, dear reader, it is to glorify your Father, not you. No, let us hide ourselves in His righteousness and let Him shine through us. I am just thinking of a dear lady who is depressed because she is suffering pain of body, although there is no doubt about it, that she is the Lord’s dear child and daily serving and glorifying Him. Perhaps she is only on the Black Cloth for a time, to show her brightness to let others see the shining. Do you know if you were to go into a jeweler’s shop and ask to see a certain jewel, he will not bring a gold dish or a silver plate to put the jewel on to show you, but a Black Cloth, and then you will see the precious stone sparkle and you will rejoice; and so dear afflicted friend if you are on the Black Cloth of illness, or sorrow, or distress, shine, shine out to glorify your Father in heaven.
Emily P. Leakey.