As is the glory of an object, the worth of an object, the rarity of an object, the usefulness of an object, its possession must be important, and a glimpse of it much to be desired. Now Christ embodies all these in Himself, and infinitely more; and therefore, to possess Him, to perceive Him, to catch a glimpse of Him, must be a favor indeed. True it is, myriads possess Him not, love Him not; but this makes Him all the more precious to those who do perceive, love, and possess Him. Christ is a rare jewel, but men know not His value―a sun which ever shines, but men perceive not His brightness, nor walk in His light. He is a garden full of sweets, a hive full of honey, a sun without a spot, a star ever bright, a fountain ever full, a brook which ever flows, a rose which ever blooms, foundation which never yields, a guide who never errs, a friend who never forsakes. No mind can fully grasp His glory; His beauty, His worth, His importance, no tongue can fully declare. He is the source of all good, the fountain of every excellency, the mirror of perfection, the light of heaven, the wonder of earth, time’s masterpiece and eternity’s glory: the sun of bliss, the way of life, and life’s fair way. He is all together lovely, says the saint; a morning without clouds, a day without night, a rose without a thorn; His lips drop like the honeycomb, His eyes beam tenderness, His heart gushes love. The Christian is fed by His hands, carried in His heart, supported by His arm, nursed in His bosom, guided by His eye, instructed by His lips, warmed by His love — His wounds are his life, His smile the light of his path, the health of his soul, his rest and heaven below.
Hast thou had a glimpse of Jesus, Reader? Remember He must be seen here by faith, ere heaven is possessed. Wouldst thou see Him―then ask for faith, for faith is the eye by which His beauty is seen, and the stronger thy faith, the clearer thy sight. Is something of Jesus’ beauty seen while yet thy choice lingers between Him and the world? Listen to Him, “Hearken, O daughter, consider and incline thy ear, forget also thy own people and thy father’s house; so shall the king greatly desire thy beauty, for He is thy Lord, and worship thou Him.” Art thou waiting upon Him, praying to see more, feel more, do more? He speaks kindly to thee, “Wait on the Lord, and be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thy heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.”
“If earthly glimpses, Lord, of Thee,
Such happiness impart,
What must the full fruition be,
To know Thee as Thou art?”
W. P. B.