The Ways of God

By the Editor
THE articles that have been published in the Message, this year especially, have brought me a host of friends, whose sympathetic interest in the work has been beyond all price.
If God allows me to be encouraged in this way, I praise His name a lady writes to me―
Dear Sir, — I enclose check for £3 in gratitude for your work, leading so many to salvation.”
Another writes: ―
Beloved in Christ,― It was laid upon my heart as to whether I should forward a thank-offering or not, but on coming to business this morning, I found your booklet awaiting me, and it was truly “A Message from God” to which I joyfully respond, and I enclose a check for £1 in His name, and pray still further blessing may attend the distribution of the infallible word, of God (until He come). With Christian love and greetings, ―Yours through Grace, F.B.
Dear Dr.―Thanks very much for your past love in sending me parcels. I may cheer you, and give cause for all to praise God for blessing on your book, “What is there after Death?” A young man spoke in our Swansea open-air meeting of being led to the Saviour by the reading of same last week. Praise the Lord!
“Our times are in Thy Hand.” The ever-changing developments of the chequered surface of life, and they are in His hand. There is something very calming in this thought or verse: ―
“Never can the threads of our life slip out of His hand,”
The coming, the unknown, lies already safe and certain there.” The enclosed £3 to help on the great, good work. ―Yours in the blessed hope, ―D.T.B.