The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word defining something an apostle did not want to be when he put early believers in remembrance as to the present truth. The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. Something, very personal, which a sonless son of a king wanted to be kept in remembrance, that caused him to rear up a pillar. [1]
2. Peter’s second, by which he sought to stir up pure minds by way of remembrance. [1]
3. Something which saints of the Lord should do at the remembrance of His holiness. [2]
4. The name of a mother who, together with her daughter, personified unfeigned faith when brought to remembrance. [1]
5. A word which explains the transformation of a soul brought from darkness to light, and which may also be the time of the onset of affliction’s ways when called to remembrance. [1]
6. An all-inclusive word that tells of all peoples who shall have a remembrance that the Lord endures for all time. [1]
7. The place of rehearsal between a leader and his replacement, concerning the extinguishment of a certain unpleasant remembrance. [3]
8. The time of day, so to speak, when a song was called to remembrance, accompanied by stirrings of heart and spirit. [1]
9. The mental activity of those who are included in a book of remembrance. [4]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
R. Erisman