The first letter of each of the following responses will form a word that describes the exceeding great promises that are given to Christian believers, through which they are partakers of the divine nature. [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. That which jewels were considered by a king who had exceeding much riches and honor. [1]
2. One of two men in an Old Testament parable who had exceeding many flocks and herds. [2]
3. The place whereon four little things are found that are exceeding wise. [1]
4. Something that was great and exceeding and bitter that was uttered by the elder of a set of twins. [1]
5. The composition of the teeth of an exceeding dreadful beast, seen in a vision. [1]
6. Something publicly spoken that constrained a king to do that for which he was exceeding sorry. [1]
7. Something God gave Solomon exceeding much of, besides wisdom. [1]
8. Something seen by certain travelers from the east, for the second time, which caused them to rejoice with exceeding great joy. [1]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
R. Erisman