The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word describing that which any man actually knows when measured by what he ought to know, even though he may think he knows much more. [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. The time of rising for someone seeking to understand germination, a process which he knows not at all. [3]
2. Someone even an ox knows: a truism which should have humbled an ancient people. [1]
3. Something vain and invisible, belonging to wise men, which the Lord knows only too well. [1]
4. A character judgment that often results when men justify themselves, but God who knows men’s hearts, rightly ascribes “abomination” to such evaluations. [2]
5. Something a Christian might properly pledge to depart from, as guided by the realization that the Lord knows those that are His. [1]
6. Something written in stone, given to an overcomer, which is quite personal since no one else knows it. [2]
7. That which a certain man, sorely tried in God’s crucible of affliction, expected to compare himself with when the refining process was completed, because of his understanding of what God knows. [1]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
R. Erisman