The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word which tells what the right hand of the Lord became in its display of power for Israel at a crucial time in their history. [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. Figuratively speaking, when sheep will be on the right hand, what will be on the left? [1]
2. Something marvelous that David, as a petitioner, desired to be shown by the One that saves by the right hand. [1]
3. That which a “man” had done, entitling him to take a place of prominence on the right hand of God. [3]
4. That which was placed in the right hand of one who was being mocked and despitefully used. [1]
5. The time frame in which a remarkable cure occurred when a right hand was lifted up. [1]
6. A double injunction for the people of Israel: (1) not to go aside to the right hand (or the left) from the spoken word, and, (2) that which they were not to go after or serve. [2]
7. Where the man clothed in linen was seen who held up his right hand and his left unto heaven. [3]
8. A conservative estimate of the number of persons who could not discern between their right hand and their left hand. [2]