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254 Death and judgments are behind us. Grace and glory are before all the billows rule for Jesus. There they spent Sarah Post.
True. Now we stand in creation.
Bring me by speaking on our garden.
Friday day.
Like to read a few verses in Psalm 19?
Psalm 19.
And verse seven speaks here of the Word of God, which we hope to open shortly.
The law of the Lord is perfect converting soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing. The heart commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous. Altogether. More to be desired, are they than gold? Yeah, than much fine gold.
Sweeter also than honey and a honeycomb. Moreover by them, as I servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.
We pray together.
Our loving God and Father, Thou knowest our needs better than we do.
And so we asked for that portion and feed us with food that is convenient for us, that which is needful. So we pray that the Spirit of God might have that liberty to teach us, to build us up, to strengthen us, encourage us.
All these things that are needful in this time, in this place.
We just commend ourselves to the the precious and worthy name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jason Letter.
Local brothers.
Have desired the meetings that can be.
My 31.
I had a portion on my heart. I wasn't sure about whether I had the Lord's mind or not. But this little hen. Death and judgment are behind us. Race of warriors before. And then Jesus died, and we died with him to everything great.
Invasion does not proportion, but the book of Ephesians gives us the ministry there that.
Our position in Christ were looked at as already.
Taken up and seated with place and glory.
The highest truth that we can have, but we're not there yet.
The Lord Jesus has not given the show.
And where His body down here on the earth.
And we're in the wilderness.
So with that in mind.
I was thinking of watching which gives us the wilderness pathway.
Watching 3.
Gives us the Union in Christ.
But the pathway here, we're not yet.
With them and glory, but we're joined in him by spirit. So we're in the wilderness pathway and it mentions there about.
Seeking those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things involved and other things on the earth.
Ye are dead and your life is dead. Christ and God, there's much down here.
In this wilderness pathway to attract our hearts and minds away from Christ.
Much all around us, especially in the day in which we live, not only for the young people but for all ages to attract us and get us focused on things down here.
We're not to be looking at things on the earth. Their eyes are not to be downward at things here, but we should be looking upward because there is where our hope lies.
There's where our head is, and we're going to be with them and like them for all eternity. And so this Chapter 3 gives us instruction to the wilderness.
For everyone we have.
For the wives of verse 18, husbands in verse 19, the children in verse 20, fathers in verse 21, and servants in verse 22. We have something in this chapter for for us all. And I wonder if the brothers mind would be that we take this chapter up.
Being very.
He was the brethren. I might say. Yes, that there's 25 verses in the chapter.
It might be nice to keep in mind there's two reading meetings which give us approximately 2 1/2 hours combined.
I don't think it's too much to expect that we could do 12 versus.
In one reading and that way they would get through the chapter. Just something to keep in mind.
I'll read and watch some stuff to read them.
Read the only verse 12. Read the whole chapter and just keep in mind what you said. Read the whole. Read the whole chapter 3.
If he then be risen with Christ, sink those dreams which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth, for your dead and your life is hid with Christ and gods. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, and shall ye also appear with human glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth, fornication and cleanness, inordinate affection. Evil Conclusions.
Which is idolatry, through which things seek the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
Luigi also walks on time when he lived in them, but now he also put off all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Why not one to another, seeing you have put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, gone nor free.
Courage dissolve and win all. Put on, therefore, as the elected God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, weakness, long-suffering, preparing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also be ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. Let the peace of God ruin your hearts, with which also ye are called in one body and the other painful.
Let the Word of Christ dwell on you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another, and songs and hymns and spiritual songs.
Your hearts to the Lord, and whatsoever you do, and murder thee to all, in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Wise make yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well peace and unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
Servants obeying all things, your masters according to the flesh, not with thy services men teasers, but in singleness apart, fearing God. And whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lords, and not unto men.
Knowing it of the Lord, you shall receive your Lord of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ, but he that doeth for arms shall receive the wrong which he had done, and there is no respect for persons.
Part of the have to stand up.
Bear with me, we are part of a new creation race.
For him when he signed appropriate.
Now through the work of Christ, that he read.
Buried with him in baptism.
We now are part of a new creation race.
That is an individual thought.
I think the passage is beautiful.
But keep in mind.
That our position now.
Is part of that new creation race of which Christ is?
We don't have.
The headship of the body here. So this is.
Our individual place.
In that new creation race.
Form as a result of Christ's finish work.
So when you died with Christ?
And were raised with him to new we have a new creation.
And we're part of that. Is that right here?
We saw that.
We've gone down into death of Christ.
We're waiting actually for the to be joined with him in the morning.
And as individuals here we have responsibilities too, who live our lives according to the truth that has committed to us.
First in the previous chapter.
Colossians 2 tells us exactly what Brother John was saying.
Verse 12.
Buried with him in baptism.
We're in also your vision with and through the faith of the operation of God is to raise them from the dead.
So at the beginning of our chapter it says if you then the vision was Christ.
And so on, as I mean it's the same seat for the things which are above.
If the if cannot verse is not a question of maybe yes or maybe no, It's a question of sense.
Since we are resident with Christ.
If you have a trusted.
Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, then each one of the sort of gun rack.
Has been said there are new preachers in Christ Jesus and we are risen with Christ. But then if we are, since we are, we need to be careful of our walk. At least I should.
Give a new desires heavenly.
From the Lord.
And new birth.
And the new man?
Getting the new desires.
Verse 10 you have put on the Newman which is created the knowledge after the end of the end I created him.
So we.
Where a new race of people, but.
We're a spiritual race of people.
And so we have an appetite for spiritual things.
And so the center of affection on things above, not things down here.
Things down here, we know are worldly.
There we attract the flesh evidence.
Satan's very busy to.
Put many things in front of not only the young people, but us that are older as well.
Purpose would be to rip us off and get us looking on earth and things instead of a heavenly things.
Which, as new creatures in Christ, is what we should be feeding on.
We are going to be with him.
We are going to have eternity with him.
It's nice to start now, here in this scene.
To grow spiritually and the feed upon those things that will heavy kernel and kernel weight interlock.
I was looking back as well in the chapter 2 before and her brother already read verse 12 but in verse 20 it says wherefore if he be dead with Christ from the rudiments for the elements of the world?
Why is the living in the world? Are you subject to ordinances much not case not handling?
Which all are to perish with the using after the commandments and the doctrines of men, Which things have indeed a show of wisdom and will, worship and humility and neglecting of the body, not in any honor to the satisfying in the flesh.
Speaks of the Spirit in Romans 8, but you might look at the couple of verses there.
Romans 8.
There's one There's therefore now no condemnation of them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Verse four, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled enough to walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh through mine, the things are flesh, the day that after the Spears, the things of the Spirit.
For to be carnally minded as death, but to be spiritually minded his life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against God. For is not subject to the law of God, neither in being and being. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God, if you're not in the flesh in the spirit.
There so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not abused, and so on.
The first 2 verses of our chapter would be then be risen with Christ. Seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things in the earth, and so were to have a change of mind with that repentance when you come to salvation. Aren't we into give those things to the rudiments and the elements of this world up follow only those things which please the Father and.
Just like Christ did when He was here, I came only to do the Father's will and the things that pleased him.
And verse 3 where Doctor mentions a new light.
Your life is hit with Christ in the Lord.
When we put our trust in the Lord Jesus as our Savior.
We have to save the sense takes that sin away.
He gives us his new life.
And that new light which is his way.
Sometimes referred to as nature.
But I knew like cannot send.
Because it's his lawyers.
Where Jesus could not sense.
When I sin as a believer.
Allowing the old nature that I was born with to operate.
And so the old maker.
And I shouldn't require it all, it's impossible.
Because it only, it can only send.
You need to keep those two things clear, I believe.
And the question as of.
Brother used to say, in which nature am I feeding?
Leaning on the Word of God and.
Going communion with him.
That's speeding and it will be easier for me if I can put it that way, to operate.
In that new, that new life which cannot sin. But if I'm feeding myself on the old nature, I'm feeding myself on the things of this world around. And there's as Venus was saying, there are a lot of distractions, or distractions actually.
Then I'm feeding the old major and it's going to be operating more than it should.
Some of the could display that life, life that we have on the board.
Some necessary things.
For us to do.
But pleasurable sometimes cut cut things off that you know that's wrong.
But what we are to do?
Different things here that.
In which things say the wrath of God coming from the children of disobedience.
It should not be seen in the.
The child of God and believer.
Anything in the world around us, these kind of danger, but it should not be seen.
I don't believe that. So we have a responsibility to cut those things off, not to allow them in their lives.
Because we do have other opportunities, pointed out the old nature.
Subtracted to those things.
If we're going to to display price.
Position that we're in here in this world.
The child of God.
And the pavilion display him those things that would pull us away, pull us down.
Would need to be judged.
And so it's, I think the secret is setting, setting our affection on things above if we set our minds and our hearts on things above on Christ.
He is and his glory and have an appetite for him. He would want to then cut those things off that would dishonor and displease him. So this is.
Putting Price before us and seeing him even.
Even though we're not lifting up here in Colossians, with him we are. We have this nature and we're going to be with them.
You know, coming day regarding display price. We have this nature in US and believe it.
And pointed out as part of a new a new race of people.
And Christ died. He was the first fruit of that race, He.
And, he wrote, he was raised up as a as a new man.
Head of the new race and all believers that have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ are part of that new race of hands.
So we are part of that and here's looking at believers here in this in this world, how do we conduct ourselves? How do we display Lord Jesus of Christ in our lives here of men?
Walking here with his nature.
And the desire to do that, or are we desiring the things down here that's going to distract us?
So these are the two choices.
Believe there's a little different aspect if we go over to Matthew's Gospel chapter 6.
Comments made have been very good.
And we should live in the benefit of the new life. But I was I was just thinking of verse 19, Matthew.
Six verse 19.
Just lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupts, and where thieves breakthrough and steal. But layoff for yourselves treasure is in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where these do not breakthrough nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Simple point is that.
If we strive for things in this world, we strive for things that are temporal, fleeting and onshore.
A man that way you heard about last night that lost his daughters in crossing over the ocean. He had great riches in Chicago, but when the Chicago Fire took place, he was bankrupt.
A left with nothing. So we see how quickly things in this world can disappear. But if we have treasure in heaven, it's eternal. It's an inheritance which cannot be taken away and so.
Our lives such that we are laying up treasure in heaven or treasure on the earth.
Because we are going to leave this world.
We don't know when, it may be short time, our journey might be long, but nonetheless we know that we shall leave this world and it will be in glory eternally that we will enjoy, of course, our true treasure, which is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. And so it says, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also, if we really have a heart for the Lord Jesus.
That's where our mind will be in our chapter verse two it says your affection, your mind on things above.
So it's wonderful to contemplate the person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I noticed a lot has been said about.
The fact that in verse two it should be set your mind on things above rather than your affections.
I think it's very difficult, if we've been occupied with this, with this length and everything connected with it, to have our affections then connected with the Lord in heaven. What we really need is to set our mind there. And how do we do that? By reading the Word of God and meditating on it. And the more we do that, what will happen? Our affections then will be attracted to the Lord Jesus. And so I think that's why the word should be.
Mind rather than affections. I want to say too, and this has been a help to me, that in the book of Ephesians were looked upon as in Christ in the heavenly, but in Colossians were looked upon as being on earth, connected to our heaven, our heaven, In fact, back in Ottawa many years ago.
Our brother Ichi Hale always used to talk about the keys to various books.
And I think of that second chapter and the 19th verse as being the key, you might say, to the book of Colossians not holding the head from which all the body by joints and bands, having nourishment ministered and knit together, increases with the increase of God. There was a problem in philosophy. If you go back to the second chapter again to verse verse 8.
It says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit and the traditions after the traditions of man. So there was a problem there in Colossae. They were being taken up with the philosophies of men and they were getting their eyes off the Lord Jesus at their head in the glory. And so they needed to set their mind on things above, recognizing that they were part of the body on earth connected to their head in heaven.
And he was the one that should be guided.
Another thing too, that I've enjoyed in connection with this chapter, we get the expression put on, put on and put off. And I believe that when it talks about putting off various things, it has to do with the old life before we were saved. We went on with the various things that are mentioned here, fornication, uncleanness in order to affection, evil, confusion, confuses, confusions.
ETC. That's what that's what characterized the old man. But now that we are saved, now that we have accepted the Lord, if they're saved, we're to put off those things and we're to put on and it gives a list of the things we should put on. So it's a matter of putting off the old man and putting on the Newman. That's a little different than.
The flesh.
So we'll have the fleshness until the Lord comes. We can't put that off. We can put it to death or put it in the place of death, but we can put off that which characterized the old life, and we can put on that which is according to.
The Lord's desires for us.
To be seen in that sense.
Is the old man already been put off for the work of Christ?
But Speaking of other flesh.
And never tell the subscription that that the old nature.
Has been crucified, put to death. It says that it's been condemned. Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
So our whole nature, we're going to have it until.
You go home to glory, just never looked at as being dead. In scripture, the old man is the old man and put off of the work of Christ and cross. It's in the place of death. That's a characteristic of what we were before we had saved. It should never be seen in us.
Here in this chapter by characteristic should not be seen in the new man. It has been put off the Christ on the cross, but the question certainly can be seen.
And if we allow the client to act in us, it could bring out a characteristic.
The old man.
But it it should not.
Not characteristic of a believer to display something that that old man that had been kind of way on the prophet of Christ.
Flash tell was in in Romans 8.
Has been condemned. Christ condemned sin in the pledge. It's in the place of condemnation, Brother Gordon Hajo said. He explained it analogy that something has condemned, like a building. The city will come along and they'll staple a notice on the building.
Building is condemned to be demolished.
It's just waiting for the Wrecking Ball, the nothing work to be done with it. It's totally useless.
And that's what the flesh is. It has no benefit to it whatsoever. And we, we need to reckon that Christ has condemned it and is waiting for the record volume. As soon as the Lord Jesus gives him a shout, it seemed to be gone. But as long as we're here and believers in this world, we're going to have that question.
We have a we have our responsibility in that regard to judge it and to keep them in that place of condemnation.
Romans, chapter 6.
There's a verse there.
Romans 6 and verse 11.
The same likewise reckoning also yourselves to be dead indeed, since but alive unto God through Jesus Christ.
Reckon. I think we could say consider, consider yourself.
To be dead indeed under sin.
We don't need to live in that old life anymore. We have the power to have the Spirit of God and John to live in that in a new life.
So consider yourselves to be dead indeed on this.
I was thinking of the innocent mentioned uses at the beginning.
There and in the first chapter of these seasons, not to.
Not to digress too much from Washington and the first chapter of the teachings, we have all of those spiritual heavenly blessings.
As a result of the work of Christ.
Just running down quickly. Verse four were chosen in them. Why would he choose us? They said.
In verse five with pro destination.
The adoption of children by this price on verse six, we're accepted in the robot.
In verse seven, we have redemption through their blood and the forgiveness of sins.
In verse 11.
We have an inheritance.
What more could we want?
Than all of these heavenly blessings.
People say, sometimes you hear even believers saying.
Something like this. The Lord has left my business.
Well, that's that's nice, but I don't really believe the words.
Believe that when?
May allow us to.
Well, and whatever we, our occupation is in their total.
But it's not for the purpose of gaining war of this world.
We already have an inheritance which cannot be taken away as as Darrell was saying.
Were taken away in a moment by a fire, this inheritance that we have in Christ.
All of these heavenly blessings and to be annoying that we're going to be with him.
For 80 or 90 years, Like for eternity 7.
Why would we want to have more of what this will allow?
When it's going to all disappear in a moment.
In connection with the mind, I was just.
Thinking of Romans chapter 12, we put verse one actually on our.
The conference agenda.
And says, there, I deceit you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, if you present your bodies with living sacrifice only acceptable in the God, which is your reasonable service.
Nina Trent conformed to this world would be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may be that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. And then you have another verse in second printings.
Chapter 10 and verse 3.
It's always been an exercise.
Says there.
Before we walk in the flesh, we do know more after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God. You're pulling down the strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
There you have two passages that bring very clearly before us that we have a responsibility to exercise with what we do with our minds.
And it speaks here of our warfare. And I believe that Satan has been incredibly.
Skillful, if you will, at.
Waging warfare against our minds in this day and age that we live, particularly with technology, you know, that's actually an area that I have to be involved with from my job and there is a war for our minds going on with technology and.
Exhausting every spare moment of our days and.
We need to realize that there is a war going on here.
And I was thinking connection with what you were saying, Robert, and I'd appreciate this. I have a new life.
Part of a new creation.
But there's two aspects not yet fulfilled. But the cross has already seen two of that. They will be that I will get a new body that this incorruptible, this corruptible put on incorruptible First Corinthians 15. And then in Second Peter we have that there will be a new heavens and a new earth.
Those two things are yet before us, but that is our future. We only have the new life. We don't look for new heavens and new earth because it's heaven that we are having new people. But what a glorious future lies ahead and it should be a motivation to to take our minds off this world.
I don't think we have that picture of that in Paul himself. The road Colossians, of course.
2nd Corinthians Chapter 11 We see what Paul was saying here. A few things that he had You might stay in the flesh among his people.
That they could both probably that they would.
Verse 22, Verse 21 I speak to serving reproach and so on. Verse 22 Are they Hebrew? So am I are the Israelites, so am I see the Babraham, so am I, and so on. And in the next chapter he tells them.
About what to place to him right so that verse two of chapter 12. I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago. He says whether anybody cannot tell come up to the 3rd heaven and saw those things that says that were unspeakable.
Hard to describe.
Very so the thought being that there's Paul, you know, position on the earth, but it's taken out of this world. You're talking about new creation. Well, he's caught up to the 3rd heaven and heard those things and saw those things that really fill this vision, changed his vision totally from the from the old Adam creation. They might say that he was part of. And so he he has a complete change of vision. And this is the thought that gets me to come into that. Now he wants to give us that same vision we are.
New creation in Christ. They go to Galatians chapter one, the next book coming up here.
And we he'll say this, he says.
Verse 15 of chapter one. But when it please God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his Son and me, that I might preach him on the heater and so on.
And this is the point now vote the next book, Ephesians. We just looked at a little bit and the Ephesians chapter.
Chapter 3.
You know, continue and say.
Find it.
Verse 3.
He says, How that by revelation He made known unto me the mystery.
Police, he's been given this mystery. Now, I assume again from the 3rd Ave. might say, and little farther down. He says well verse 5. Verse one, which in other ages was not made known under the sons of man, as it was now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by spirit. But a Gentiles should be fellow heirs and the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel where I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God.
Given unto me by the actual working of His power.
Unto me, or unless in the least of All Saints is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery that's from the beginning of the world I've been hitting God. If we had all things because of Jesus Christ.
We will marvelous to the intent and now on to the principalities and powers, and that will replace that we all invited Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
So we're laying up this mystery that was given to him.
In glory by arisen and glorified Christ and so it had the effectual working that it's separated in the United States from this from this current world and and brought them to that that heavenly sight. And so this is where we thought that we we too were taking these things and realize that we too have died and arisen with Christ to seek those things which are about he wants to fool us as a word.
Now the things of the old creation, that with those of the new.
And the one is that we're in the enjoyment of those things. We have spiritual sports, but I'm from California.
Animation. It's difficult.
The one who put things, Judge sent.
But that's what the scripture asked us to do.
Going to mortify members and bodies and the judge.
It tells us here to.
But now you also put off all these anger bond college classical.
These are all things that.
We did. He called it the same. These are things that we hear, unsafe people.
Saying and doing.
And as you can easily get caught up and so we need to be aware of these things, but we're not to be doing this ourselves. So we're to put these things off.
Why not one another?
Thing you have put off the old man.
Now it goes that what was put off to putting on.
And have put on the Newman which is renew the knowledge after the end we can I created him.
And then verse 12 put on there for.
The elected God fully.
Of mine meekness on suffering bury one another.
Give me one any man that would quarrel against me, even as vice we gave you, so also we need. And above all these things put on, carry on.
So we have things mentioned that we're put off.
And things mentioned that were to put on.
To the verse in Philippians.
We can use would help us.
Put things on.
Talking about keeping our minds.
And the enemy to try to corrupt their minds and get us dwelling on things down here.
Things that wife enjoys rather than the things that Christ enjoys, the things that we enjoy because we're at hand, so it says here and put the attachment for.
For sex and be careful, for nothing, everything with fear and supplication of Thanksgiving. Let's request me to pay known unto God.
Peace of God which passed all understanding and shall keep your hearts and minds through like you. That's a promise from from the Lord.
Take the things to him that would have a difficulty with relay the other before him.
And he will give us peace. He will help us with us.
Away from us and we'll keep our hearts and our minds.
And so you need to be dependent.
Speaking here of the tendency to come before the Lord and ask help for these things.
I know that and my own self. It's easy to.
Say, well, I can handle that. I don't need to pray about that. I know what I'm supposed to do. So you know, I don't need to seek the more his health. But if there's things that we know we're having difficulty.
Things that we know we can't manage yourselves.
Things that water does it's a concern to us for care to take them to the Lord but he's the one that can give us peace and keep our minds from doing things maybe that we.
Do that we should.
That's going to help me, that person looking.
Really. A promise by the Lord?
Take those things you have, you will help us.
What do you think about and?
Or shoot after as an object.
Close our lives.
We know that what we think about.
Shoe laughter as an option controls our life.
It's a comment.
Is the life of Christ that we have within us. It's not Christ personally dwelling within us. We don't have two divine persons. This is just a.
With the comment where it speaks of Christ in you the hope of glory, that does not mean that Christ is physically in the believer.
But it is the life of Christ.
Mr. Kelly makes it very clear in his writings. It is the life of Christ that we have.
And we have the new nature.
And that is already commented. We actually have put when we accepted Christ in that confession, we put off the old man we have, He's looked upon as having been put off.
When we accept so.
I don't want to get to Him, to something difficult. For the young people, just remember this, that you have now the very life of Christ. I'll never make the Lord my treasure in heaven unless I know that He has a treasury down here.
I don't think.
An exhortation to.
To try to make the Lord our treasure, if we.
Are conscious that we are His treasure down here.
Then that's going to.
Bring out our hearts and minds toward the Lord what we think about.
Already said that.
So a thought reap an action. So an action reap a habit. So a habit a reap a character show, a character reap a destiny. So what we think about is is so important and it has been brought out.
If our minds are occupied with the Word of God and eternal things, it will be reflected in our walk.
In connection with setting your mind on things above it, we didn't read that eighth verse of Philippians 4 because there we have it, I think.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lonely, whatsoever things are a good report. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Well, we know that all those things were true of the Lord Jesus, and if we're occupied with Him, these things will occupy and.
We'll be occupied with heavenly things I wanted to mention too in our chapter.
Then in the fifth verse were to put to death all these various things that are mentioned. We know what characterizes the world today. All you have to do is look at the Internet or the newspaper and all it talks about is what we have in this fifth, fifth verse. And as Christians I know we can fall into these things, but generally speaking.
We keep away from that, but you'll notice when you come down to verse 8.
It mentions another list. It mentions anger and wrath and malice and bitter thoughts towards others. Blasphemy. Filthy communication out of your mouth. Why not one to another? I think you could say that these things are habits and it's very easy to allow them to continue in our lives. We need to judge these things.
And I think it's very important we have the same thing.
Chapter 4.
Where it mentions in the 26th verse Well verse 25 put away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor. Verse 26 be angry and sin not.
Verse 29 Let not corrupt an invitation to see him. You're not. So sometimes we allow these things as habits in our lives.
We need the judgment, don't we?
Those verses standards mentioned by putting off there where they and.
And verse 9.
This is after says line out to one another.
It's going to say seeing that she had put on off the old man's ski that those things you you mentioned there Thursday 9 or what cares characterized before we could see the thing that characterized the old man.
We the old Man is really the character of someone unsafe.
How you looked at how the Aries himself, how he ordered like it's.
Dairy drugs.
That old man had to put off by Christ on the cross. He should not be seen in the city saying.
But we do know that you need help with them. And just as the Jews have mentioned in chapter 2, a lot of different things there that they have trouble with putting on. You know that the Jews have covered putting on Judaism, which is really originalism.
All the things, ceremonies and everything of Judaism is an attraction to them. And even though Christ had crucified them on the cross, they had a hard time to let go of it. And those things are still around us today. And there are things that attract the flesh and they're hard to let go of. And Christians today have the same problem with them as they did here, as the news did.
There's all kinds of other things that the enemy has to to attract practice away from from the Christian pathway. Really it's like trying to do because this is what speaking up here is how we should walk.
With the characteristic of the life that we have now in Christ, it's our walk here.
But the body itself is not sinful.
We all know the vile body is not a correct translation. It's a body of humiliation. The body itself is not looked upon as sinful. However, I can use the members of my body in a sinful way. That's quite possible. That's what the apostle is saying here. I can use my hand. I can use my feet and other members of my body.
To practice sin.
And that's what I've done in the past. And now we are not to allow the body to be used in that way anymore.
We are to own the Lords of claim, the Lord's claims upon our body, upon our members, so that they will, they will manifest.
The new life that we can stated.
That's what we have, brother John and Rowland 6th again.
Verse 13 Neither yield ye your member the instruments of unrighteousness, understand, but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness under God.
I was wondering about first, not to go back to verse 2, but where it says affections and we've all agreed that Blind should be there, but her brother John mentioned something a few minutes ago about our hearts and our minds.
Our hearts definitely come into these things as the body was mentioned. Our heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. But.
When it says that we should verse 10 where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God, that should be the focus of everything in our life. Not so much that we have the affections on things above, but that Christ is there and that should be where our affection is set. And so when we consider what he did for us on Calvary's cross.
It does bring our hearts into it because we loved Him, because He first loved us. And so therefore our hearts and minds should be set on Him, that one that is there in the glory and.
When we see the children of disobedience in verse six, we're no longer considered that we should be the children of obedience. Now following after the example that we have in first Peter 2 will probably suffer for us leaving an example that we should follow in the steps and to put these things off in verse 8, when you agree that that's a responsibility that we have each one of us to be before him and and asking for help and Karen put these things off. It was interesting showing to read those verses in the second Corinthians and just one more verse down and verse six of chapter 10 it says and having inner readiness.
To revenge all disobedience under obedience is fulfilled and so we must be at a readiness to this help to put those acts of disobedience off before we continue form. In Titus chapter 3 we have similar portion that we ourselves in verse three were sometimes foolish and disobedient, deceived, serving divers loss and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness.
Which we have done.
But according to his verse, He saved us by the Washington regeneration, renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. And so Jesus back to Christ, isn't it? We see it again in Chapter 11, which is similar to the verse our brother Derek Red. But there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond or free. But Christ is all and in all put on therefore as the elect of God holy, and blood and bowels of mercy.
And so on. And so when we put these things off, stand your over internal. And we did Timothy. And it reminds me of those verses in Second Timothy chapter 2.
It says let everyone that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
But in a great house that are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood in the earth, and some to honor, and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge himself from these or put them off, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master use and prepared unto every good work. Lee also youthful lust, but follow righteousness, faith and charity, peace within the common Lord of the pure heart. And again, characteristics of Christ, aren't they? And so.
This should be our desire.
Call the name of Christ and depart from iniquity. And then to be willing and able to be fit for his use. And that was what Paul is Derek brought out. He was fit for his use.
I guess one of the questions we should ask, how do things enter into our mind and our heart? I think when the first thing actually is, it goes through our eyes. So that's why even children, Son said. We'll be careful little eyes, what you see and.
As people teach defensive driving, sometimes you add a role or something as an obstacle.
What they teach, they teach you not to keep your eyes on the obstacle because if you do that, you will actually, you know, you tend to follow the car will go there. You should aim for the opening escape way and aim for that. And your, your, your, your hands and your mind will just go there. So as a question, I think we also need to be aware of it.
Good things and bad things enter into a heart and mind for us.
Quite often, and we need to be careful and how much time what we spend with our eyes and on what, and we'll set our hearts and mind in the right direction or the wrong direction.
Peter brings out a similar thing in the first Peter 4.
Where he also uses things in the mind. The same mind is the first one there.
Verse Peter four and verse one for as much than as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh. This is not as atonement suffering as the cross, but the suffering of the flesh. Here you just arm yourself. Likewise with the same mind. We did have something in the flesh of cease from sin that ye be no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of man left to the will of God.
Farther down it says.
I think so.
All these things put on fervent charity among themselves for cherish and cover the molecular sins who have loved spoken of. I believe her smile is tied in with that he's hospitality 1 to another without grudging. In other words that Oscar all in terms of my home being open, but it's the the love showing that same hospitable love one to another.
And out of verse 10, I believe as well as every man I can see they give Even so minister the same one to another. I believe it's reference to the same hospitality and charity, love, and not to give this gift of ministry, which is a verse 11 I do believe, but I believe in verse 10. This is as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. We have all received and recipients of the grace of God.
And so now we're called upon to use that same grace to show it same grace to others as good stewards.
That what you've been getting to us. So it's, it's all tied together, isn't it, in a practical way, that charity and hospitality and the ministry of grace.
Just like to make a comment on what the match brought before us in second Peter chapter 2.
The question was how do things enter into our mind? I believe seeing is definitely one way, but hearing is also another way. And in Second Peter chapter 2, it's speaking about Sodom and Gomorrah verse six and talks about Lot in verse eight. It says that righteous man dwelling among them in seeing and hearing vexed his righteous soul.
From day-to-day with their unlawful deeds, you know, just living in this world, we are a little bit like lot in the Sodom. And if we allow these things to come in and and take a part in our lives and minds and so on, and then the result is that we grieve the Spirit of God is brought before us in Ephesians. And when we grieve the Spirit of God, what does that produce?
Unhappiness in our life?
So in order to get back that joy of fellowship with the Lord, as he says in John's Gospel chapter 13 and 17, I believe is the verse says if you know these things, happy are you if you do so there, it takes an effort, doesn't it, to block out those things that we see around us daily everywhere in this world and set our affection and mind on that which is above.
One way, Kennedy or any purpose?
Could have said well.
Very much I'll just, you know, kind of stuck here and see the situation that I can do it, but he quit his text.
We set our minds on things down here.
We get the models first. John chapter 2.
In verse 15 it says Bob, not the world.
Man love the world and love a father of him.
For all that is in the world, lots of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, pride of life out of the Father throughout the world, those same three things that Satan used to.
Receive Adam and Eve in the garden of the same three things he uses today to trip up the believer.
The same pretty things and but it comes through the blood of the world. Love, not the world.
If we love the world because of opening Satan, that command and use one of those three things to get our hearts and our minds away.
Spiritual things by the world.
So another verse two of that is enrollments down to 12 and.
Says there be not conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
You may include, but it's good and acceptable.
Perfect world of God.
Our minds should be set on spiritual things.
I believe we should be comparing spiritual spiritual as we get in first grade and.
Growing spiritually on the school of the Word of God spiritually.
But there is that attraction. We need to be renewed in our mind. We need to have a mind change.
Especially when the believers might change that.
Things there in the world.
Going through the practice, we're going to find a love for them and then sit in the first John and the enemies going to use that plus.
Of the flesh, the eyes are pride. You draw us away.
That's so the enemy works. He tried to do that with the board, didn't he?
Before he beat him with the word of God.
The Lord didn't have a wife like we. We have it in but.
He did that with word of word of the Lord.
But he used those three things. He used the lust of the guys, the lust of the flesh, pride, all three. And that's what he uses today. And though he he doesn't change in his character, still the same.
46 in the back.
46 in the appendix.
Have I an object, Lord below, which would divide my heart with you, which would divert its even flow in answer to life constancy #46 in the back?
Have I?
My heart.
To pray.
To all those strangers and waiting for thee.
Father, we thank you for this time together here this afternoon.
Lord, we thank You for this portion, how it reminds us that our hearts and minds should be set on Thee, our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. In consideration of what Thou has done for us in the example of Thou has left, that it too should be our desire to be obedient children. Do only those things that please the Father, that you might put on Christ.
And Lord, like those ones there in the mountains, how when they lifted their eyes, they saw no man say, Jesus only learned that we just have our eyes fixed on thee and not the things of this World War that we might put all these things off. We just put on Christ. And so we just pray for the remainder of the time together here this weekend. Thy name we pray, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen.