Articles on

Exodus 15

Ex. 15:15 KJV (With Strong’s)

'az (Hebrew #227)
at that time or place; also as a conjunction, therefore
KJV usage: beginning, for, from, hitherto, now, of old, once, since, then, at which time, yet.
Pronounce: awz
Origin: a demonstrative adverb
the dukes
'alluwph (Hebrew #441)
from 502; familiar; a friend, also gentle; hence, a bullock (as being tame; applied, although masculine, to a cow); and so, a chieftain (as notable, like neat cattle)
KJV usage: captain, duke, (chief) friend, governor, guide, ox.
Pronounce: al-loof'
Origin: or (shortened) talluph {al-loof'}
of Edom
'Edom (Hebrew #123)
from 122; red (see Gen. 25:25); Edom, the elder twin-brother of Jacob; hence the region (Idumaea) occupied by him
KJV usage: Edom, Edomites, Idumea.
Pronounce: ed-ome'
Origin: or (fully) oEdowm {ed-ome'}
shall be amazed
bahal (Hebrew #926)
to tremble inwardly (or palpitate), i.e. (figuratively) be (causative, make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated; by implication to hasten anxiously
KJV usage: be (make) affrighted (afraid, amazed, dismayed, rash), (be, get, make) haste(-n, -y, -ily), (give) speedy(-ily), thrust out, trouble, vex.
Pronounce: baw-hal'
Origin: a primitive root
; the mighty men
'ayil (Hebrew #352)
properly, strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an oak or other strong tree
KJV usage: mighty (man), lintel, oak, post, ram, tree.
Pronounce: ah'-yil
Origin: from the same as 193
of Moab
Mow'ab (Hebrew #4124)
from (her (the mother's)) father; Moab, an incestuous son of Lot; also his territory and descendants
KJV usage: Moab.
Pronounce: mo-awb
Origin: from a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m- and 1
, trembling
ra`ad (Hebrew #7461)
from 7460; a shudder
KJV usage: trembling.
Pronounce: rah'-ad
Origin: or (feminine) radah {reh-aw-daw'}
shall take hold
'achaz (Hebrew #270)
to seize (often with the accessory idea of holding in possession)
KJV usage: + be affrighted, bar, (catch, lay, take) hold (back), come upon, fasten, handle, portion, (get, have or take) possess(-ion).
Pronounce: aw-khaz'
Origin: a primitive root
upon them; all the inhabitants
yashab (Hebrew #3427)
properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle, to marry
KJV usage: (make to) abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate), take, tarry.
Pronounce: yaw-shab'
Origin: a primitive root
of Canaan
Kna`an (Hebrew #3667)
humiliated; Kenaan, a son a Ham; also the country inhabited by him
KJV usage: Canaan, merchant, traffick.
Pronounce: ken-ah'-an
Origin: from 3665
shall meltf away
muwg (Hebrew #4127)
to melt, i.e. literally (to soften, flow down, disappear), or figuratively (to fear, faint)
KJV usage: consume, dissolve, (be) faint(-hearted), melt (away), make soft.
Pronounce: moog
Origin: a primitive root

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Cross References

Gen. 36:40• 40And these are the names of the chiefs of Esau, according to their families, after their places, with their names: chief Timna, chief Alvah, chief Jetheth, (Gen. 36:40)
Num. 20:14‑21• 14And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, Thus says thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trouble that hath befallen us,
15how our fathers went down to Egypt, and we dwelt in Egypt a long time, and the Egyptians evil entreated us and our fathers;
16and when we cried to Jehovah, he heard our voice, and sent an angel, and brought us forth out of Egypt; and behold, we are at Kadesh, a city at the extremity of thy border.
17Let us pass, I pray thee, through thy country; we will not pass through fields, or through vineyards, neither will we drink water out of the wells: we will go by the king's road; we will not turn to the right hand nor to the left, until we have passed thy border.
18But Edom said to him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come out against thee with the sword.
19And the children of Israel said to him, We will go by the high way; and if we drink of thy water, I and my cattle, then I will pay for it: I will only, without anything else, go through on my feet.
20And he said, Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out against him with much people, and with a strong hand.
21Thus Edom refused to give Israel passage through his territory; and Israel turned away from him.
(Num. 20:14‑21)
Deut. 2:4• 4And command the people, saying, Ye are to pass through the border of your brethren the children of Esau, who dwell in Seir; and they will be afraid of you; and ye shall be very guarded: (Deut. 2:4)
1 Chron. 1:51‑54• 51And Hadad died. And the chiefs of Edom were: chief Timna, chief Aliah, chief Jetheth,
52chief Oholibamah, chief Elah, chief Pinon,
53chief Kenaz, chief Teman, chief Mibzar,
54chief Magdiel, chief Iram. These were the chiefs of Edom.
(1 Chron. 1:51‑54)
all the.
Deut. 20:8• 8And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and shall say, What man is there that is timid and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart melt as well as his heart. (Deut. 20:8)
Josh. 2:9• 9and said to the men, I know that Jehovah has given you the land, and that the dread of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. (Josh. 2:9)
Josh. 2•  (Josh. 2)
Josh. 14:8• 8And my brethren that had gone up with me made the heart of the people melt; but I wholly followed Jehovah my God. (Josh. 14:8)
1 Sam. 14:16• 16And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and behold, the multitude melted away, and they went on slaying one another. (1 Sam. 14:16)
2 Sam. 17:10• 10and even the valiant man whose heart is as the heart of a lion shall utterly melt; for all Israel knows that thy father is a mighty man, and they that are with him are valiant men. (2 Sam. 17:10)
Psa. 68:2• 2As smoke is driven, thou wilt drive them away; as wax melteth before the fire, the wicked shall perish at the presence of God. (Psa. 68:2)
Isa. 13:7• 7Therefore shall all hands be feeble, and every heart of man shall melt, (Isa. 13:7)
Isa. 19:1• 1The burden of Egypt. Behold, Jehovah rideth upon a swift cloud, and cometh to Egypt; and the idols of Egypt are moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt melteth in the midst of it. (Isa. 19:1)
Ezek. 21:7• 7And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore dost thou sigh? that thou shalt say, Because of the tidings, for it cometh; and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall languish, and all knees shall melt into water: behold, it cometh; it is here, saith the Lord Jehovah. (Ezek. 21:7)
Nah. 2:10• 10She is empty, and void, and waste; and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and writhing pain is in all loins, and all their faces grow pale. (Nah. 2:10)

J. N. Darby Translation

Then the princes of Edom were amazed; The mighty men of Moab, trembling hath seized them; All the inhabitants of Canaan melted away.