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Ezra 2

Ezra 2:65 KJV (With Strong’s)

Beside their servants
`ebed (Hebrew #5650)
a servant
KJV usage: X bondage, bondman, (bond-)servant, (man-)servant.
Pronounce: eh'-bed
Origin: from 5647
and their maids
'amah (Hebrew #519)
a maid-servant or female slave
KJV usage: (hand-)bondmaid(-woman), maid(-servant).
Pronounce: aw-maw'
Origin: apparently a primitive word
, of whom there were seven
sheba` (Hebrew #7651)
from 7650; a primitive cardinal number; seven (as the sacred full one); also (adverbially) seven times; by implication, a week; by extension, an indefinite number
KJV usage: (+ by) seven(-fold),-s, (-teen, -teenth), -th, times). Compare 7658.
Pronounce: sheh'-bah
Origin: or (masculine) shibrah {shib-aw'}
'eleph (Hebrew #505)
hence (the ox's head being the first letter of the alphabet, and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand
KJV usage: thousand.
Pronounce: eh'-lef
Origin: prop, the same as 504
shalowsh (Hebrew #7969)
masculine shlowshah {shel-o-shaw'}; or shloshah {shel-o-shaw'}; a primitive number; three; occasionally (ordinal) third, or (multipl.) thrice
KJV usage: + fork, + often(-times), third, thir(-teen, -teenth), three, + thrice. Compare 7991.
Pronounce: shaw-loshe'
Origin: or shalosh {shaw-loshe'}
me'ah (Hebrew #3967)
properly, a primitive numeral; a hundred; also as a multiplicative and a fraction
KJV usage: hundred((-fold), -th), + sixscore.
Pronounce: may-aw'
Origin: or metyah {may-yaw'}
shlowshiym (Hebrew #7970)
multiple of 7969; thirty; or (ordinal) thirtieth
KJV usage: thirty, thirtieth. Compare 7991.
Pronounce: shel-o-sheem'
Origin: or shloshiym {shel-o-sheem'}
and seven
sheba` (Hebrew #7651)
from 7650; a primitive cardinal number; seven (as the sacred full one); also (adverbially) seven times; by implication, a week; by extension, an indefinite number
KJV usage: (+ by) seven(-fold),-s, (-teen, -teenth), -th, times). Compare 7658.
Pronounce: sheh'-bah
Origin: or (masculine) shibrah {shib-aw'}
: and there were among them two hundred
me'ah (Hebrew #3967)
properly, a primitive numeral; a hundred; also as a multiplicative and a fraction
KJV usage: hundred((-fold), -th), + sixscore.
Pronounce: may-aw'
Origin: or metyah {may-yaw'}
singing men
shiyr (Hebrew #7891)
a primitive root (identical with 7788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy); to sing
KJV usage: behold (by mistake for 7789), sing(-er, -ing man, - ing woman).
Pronounce: sheer
Origin: or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam. 18:6) {shoor}
and singing women
shiyr (Hebrew #7891)
a primitive root (identical with 7788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy); to sing
KJV usage: behold (by mistake for 7789), sing(-er, -ing man, - ing woman).
Pronounce: sheer
Origin: or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam. 18:6) {shoor}

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two hundred.
Ex. 15:20‑21• 20And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.
21And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
(Ex. 15:20‑21)
2 Sam. 19:35• 35I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king? (2 Sam. 19:35)
Neh. 7:67• 67Beside their manservants and their maidservants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and they had two hundred forty and five singing men and singing women. (Neh. 7:67)
Psa. 68:25• 25The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels. (Psa. 68:25)
Psa. 148:12‑13• 12Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:
13Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.
(Psa. 148:12‑13)
Eccl. 2:8• 8I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts. (Eccl. 2:8)
Jer. 9:17‑18• 17Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider ye, and call for the mourning women, that they may come; and send for cunning women, that they may come:
18And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.
(Jer. 9:17‑18)
Matt. 9:23• 23And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise, (Matt. 9:23)
 What had these pilgrims to do, for example, with singing men and singing women? Their land was desolate, their sanctuary had been consumed with fire, and was lying waste, and they themselves were but a feeble remnant just emancipated from the yoke of captivity. Surely it was no time for mirth and song! (Compare Psa. 137.) Alas! Every action of the Spirit of God, producing a revival in the hearts of His people, is speedily limited by man, and by his own thoughts and desires. (Ezra 2 by E. Dennett)

J. N. Darby Translation

besides their servants and their maids, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven; and they had two hundred singing men and singing women.