The West Indies are a question of service, and he that saveth his life shall lose it. I like neither winter seas, scorpions, nor heat; but the gracious Lord will take care of me, if it is His service and His will that I should go. It will cheer and encourage them, and I do hope interest others as it has in Canada and the States. But I feel that in the present state of the church of God and the world, if spared, there is a serious work to be done in England in the breaking in of the latter-day evils, and that my present service with what strength. I have left, is mainly there, and I trust, ere some six months be up, the Lord helping, to be there. There is blessing here just now so that I linger....
Our life here is but a passage, West Indies or anything; but there is a government of God, a dealing in grace, but in respect of our state, as in Deut. 8 I feel my visit there is a trial as to my mere nature; but I feel that is nothing, and if God be with me, all will be well....
I trust all will be peace as to -. I fear narrowness, but long experience has made me feel continually more the importance of respecting the actions of those habitually engaged in service in any place.
Peace be with you, kindest love to all the beloved brethren.
P.S.—I have been much struck lately with the fact that in Luke we have more of suffering in Gethsemane and none on the cross.
September, 1867.