A few weeks ago a little boy of six years of age went to his mamma one morning and said, “See, mamma, I need new shoes, can I get some?”
His mamma said, “I don’t know whether you can get them today or not.”
During the day the same question was asked but his mamma said, “Not today.”
At night as the little fellow was going to bed, he asked again about the shoes and wanted to know why he could not get them. His mamma had to tell him she did not have the money and he would have to ask the Lord for them. So he kneeled down and after thanking God for taking care of him during the day, asked Him to send him some new shoes, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
In the morning he went to his mamma’s bed and said,” Has the Lord sent the money yet?” His mamma said, “Not yet.”
As the shoes had not come by night, he seemed a little disappointed and his mamma said, “The Lord heard your prayer and He will be sure to send them.”
On going to bed he repeated John 14:1414If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14). “If ye ask anything in My Name I will do it,” and the next morning he went again to his mamma’s bed and said, “Mamma I prayed twice last night and three times this morning, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, for God to give me some new shoes.”
He had not long to wait, that morning his prayer was answered and he got his new shoes. How delighted he was!
His mamma thinking he was so taken up with his new shoes that he had forgotten to thank God for sending them to him, said, “You must thank God for your new shoes,” when he promptly answered, “Yes, mamma, I did.” And you, dear little ones, may go to God about everything, “In the Name of the Lord Jesus,” if you know that He died on the cross for you; and has washed all your sins away. God loves to have little children come to Him and tell Him all their troubles, just as you do to your mamma, and ask Him for what you need.
Sometimes, when you ask God for what you need, He may see best to give it to you right away, when at another time, He may know it would be best to have you wait a little while, and when He answers your prayer, don’t forget to thank Him at once.
Remember, you should always ask God for what you want, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, as the verse which the little boy repeated, says, “If ye ask anything IN MY NAME, I will do it.”
If you know that God loved you so much that He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross, to bear the punishment for your sins instead of you, He will also give you, through Him, what you ask Him for, if it is for your good.
You might ask God for something that would do you harm and God in His love for you, could not let you have it, just as the baby often cries for a sharp knife, because it is pretty and bright, but mamma cannot let him have it, as she loves him too much to allow him to cut himself. But God always hears when you ask Him for what you need and tell Him your troubles.
ML 05/21/1899