Let me tell the readers of this paper how a boy once illustrated John 3. 16. He had just asked his little brother how he knew that God loved him, and he could not tell. “Well,” said the boy, “you are not in heaven, are you?” His brother answered “No.” “And you are not in hell, are you?” “Oh! no,” said his little brother, who appeared quite startled.
“Then you are in the world, aren’t you? And God so loved the world. So you see how you know that God loves YOU,” triumphantly explained the boy.
Dear earnest reader, it is true that God really loves you, and if you are anxious to know how much He loves you, just listen to what He tells you; “GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON.” How could He love you more than to give His only Son to die for you? This question cannot be answered. But some of you wonder why God gave His Son to die that shameful death upon the cross. God has told us why, and He wants you to know it “THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM, SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.” I know you do not want to perish, and spend eternity with the wicked, apart from the Blessed Lord Jesus, then confess your sins, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ this very moment, and receive the gift from God, even eternal life.
ML 05/14/1899