Dear children: do you know what a terrible thing sin is in the sight of God, and how He hates it? It is not a difficult word to spell, but it is hard for many to believe it is true of them. Hover, it is a fact that “All have sinned,” for God says so, and our own consciences tell us that we have sinned.
Spell the word, s-i-n, and what do you find? A little “i” in the middle, fenced in by s and n. And are you not saying right now, “Yes, that is me, I am in my sins?” Oh how sad it makes us feel to think we have sinned against God, who loves us so. We know too, that God cannot receive one into His holy presence with sins. But He wants us to be with His dear Son, and is now forgiving the sins of those who in real self-judgment believe in Him who died on the cross.
Do you not want your sins forgiven? Then confess them to God at once. Do not wait until you are older or better, for you will be growing worse. Come to Him just now, owning your sins and God will forgive you at once for Jesus’ sake. Then you can be a real happy boy or girl, with your sins all forgiven, and washed away in the Blood of Jesus.
Dear young reader, do confess your sins to God this moment, and claim Jesus as your Saviour. F. E. H.
ML 05/21/1899