One time we were holding meetings in a sod school house in western Nebraska, and a boy named Johnny S.— was very regular and attentive. I wand very much to have a talk with him, to see what effect the Word was having on his soul. But Johnny was a busy farmer’s boy, and I knew that to talk much with him I must follow him to the field. So I went one day. Johnny was plowing corn. I took the plow handles, Johnny drove the team, and we had our talk. I said: “Johnny, there are three questions I want to ask you.” He said, “All right, sir.” I said “There is something that has come into this world, and ruined everybody! —What is it?” Johnny said, “It is Sin.” “Now Johnny, there is one thing, and only one, in the whole universe of God, that can wash away sin, —What is that?” Johnny said, “It is Blood.” Of course he meant the Blood of Jesus. Then I said, “Our sins are here on earth, and the Blood speaks in heaven.
Now, what can bring these two things together, and make the Blood do its work on my soul? In other words, What must we have in order to get the benefit of that Blood?” Johnny answered, “Faith.” Three little words, one syllable each. The first telling of our ruin and need, the second, God’s remedy for it all, and the third, the mighty link that binds the other two together, and gives us peace with God!
We walked along the rows of corn some time, in silence, and at last I ventured to ask another question, which I hope God will press upon the heart of every reader of these lines, “Johnny, have you that faith?” Johnny’s immediate and cheering answer was; “Yes, sir!”
I have never seen Johnny since that day. If living, he is a man now, but men and boys—all need to heed the mighty teaching of these three words. Sin—The Blood—Faith. W. D. C.
ML 05/14/1899