"God has Opened my Eyes"

What a changed life, when this is true of a precious soul, when the mind so long blinded by the god of this world is aroused by God’s Holy Spirit, “and the light of the glorious, gospel of Christ” shines in and dispels the darkness; no longer on the downward road, but “passed from death unto life.” The dear young soldier friend who wrote me this glad news was aroused by reading some of Dr. Wreford’s books, and sent for a Testament. In one of his letters he writes, “You wanted to know that I am saved. I can now say ‘Yes,’ and that I am ready to work for my Saviour in the way in which He will lead me. I was not saved till I read God’s way of salvation. I used to think by my own efforts I could be a Christian.”
My friend is in a Labor Company in France, and writes: “Now doing the work of re-burial of our heroic dead, which is being carried out by volunteers from other Labor Companies. It is a good work, and shows the nation’s respect for those who have fallen. The graves are scattered all over the country, and the dead are given a decent grave.”
My young friend has given me a word asking that it may be printed in the “Message,” and may the following reach some heart: ― “Reader, think.! What is it to be? Life everlasting, or death? It is for you to decide. I advise you not to delay. It is no use saying, ‘We will turn to Christ before we die.’ We may be killed instantly, with no chance whatever to repent,”
I close this appeal with that blessed promise, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
A. A. L.