Incidents of the War and the Peace

“His Best Friend”
A distinguished soldier who had taken part in eight campaigns, and who has for many years been a servant of Jesus Christ, recently told a touching story at a men’s meeting in London.
After a terrible battle, he was going among the wounded, doing various things for them and telling them of the love of God, when he came across a horrible sight. A young horse artilleryman had had his hip shot away, and the condition of the poor fellow was so terrible that even the older man, who was so accustomed to the horrors of war, was deeply moved by it.
“I was going by him,” he said, “and just giving the thought that was in my mind, I said, ‘I am afraid your best friend can do no more for you now.’”
“I am not an emotional man, but there is a lump in my throat and a catch in my voice today as I recall his quiet reply; ‘Yes, He can, sir.’
“I stopped and looked at the poor mangled fellow. His injuries were dreadful.
“Who?’ I said.
“The Lord Jesus Christ, sir,’ he replied.
“You know Him, do you?’ I asked.
“Thank God, He is my Saviour,’ he said.”
His best. Friend, in that awful moment of agony and helplessness and approaching death. There was no one there to applaud his pluck; no newspaper correspondent to chronicle the incident. When all human aid failed, the brave Christian soldier breathed the name of the Friend who fails not, the Friend who could supply every need―and then in peace he died.
There are times when even the closest and dearest of earthly friends cannot help us. To us all there may come suddenly the summons to, another world. How shall we face it?
Oh, what a friend: Jesus is in “a tight place”! When we have to come to face the eternal world, what have we to lean upon? Nothing but Jesus. What a Friend He is!
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And in the hour of our extremity who can do without the Friend who sacrificed Himself for us?
“I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!
So kind and true and tender!
So wise a Counselor and Guide,
So mighty a Defender!
From Him who loves me now so well
What power on earth can sever?
Shall life or death? Shall earth or hell?
No; I am His forever.”