"His Praise"

I have just had the pleasure of answering a letter from a dear soldier friend in France, and it is cheering to read these words: ―
“My heart is full of His praise, and I pray to Him that He will put words into my mouth that will win many for Him. I am sure that unless we put our whole trust in Him, we will do no good... There are many temptations when you are mixed with all conditions of men, and only by the power of God can I win.”
Dear reader, do you know that power of God ‘which will enable you to overcome, so that you may know and experience “My heart is full of His praise”? All this blessed experience and joy flows from the new birth; without this change we are in darkness. I leave with you the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” Do you know Him? the One who saves “to the uttermost” all who “come unto God by Him.”
A. A. L.