"I Will Come Again"

These words are sounding in my ears now. Christ is coming! He has been expected by many all the year. He is coming. When will He come? God knows. Will He come today? He may.
O reader, ere this year is ended, come to Jesus! Lift up your hands and hearts to heaven now, and say, “Christ for me, Christ for me.” Say your last word to the world today. Give your first word of faith in Christ. Own your sins. Say, “Jesus save me, Jesus bless me―now.” Then sweeter than the sweetest sound on earth, the words will come to you, “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me”; and as the mists of early morn flee before the sun, your troubles and your cares will flee away before the splendor of the beams of redeeming love; and with the old year shall finish the old life, with all its sins, and before you will shine a New Year that will brighten and brighten with the love of God, until you are in that eternity where the years are never counted, and where troubles never come. It will indeed be a morning with Jesus,” and peace upon the waters.