Gospel—Michel Payette
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I'd like to welcome everyone to our gospel meeting this evening.
And to start our meeting, we're going to sing #9 on the hymn sheet that was handed to you.
The course goes, only trust Him, only trust him, only trust him now. He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now #9 on the Gospel hymn sheet.
Anywhere else? Thank you.
For taking your name.
You're doing now.
Before we open the scriptures, we have a word of prayer together. Ask for God's blessing on our time.
Our God and our Father we.
Come before thee this evening. We would thank thee for this opportunity. We thank you for the good land that we live in and the liberty we have of having meetings like these, and that we pray for blessing on our time together.
Let us know the need of all the hearers, and we pray for Thy help with the speaker and with our hearts to to hear and believe those things that Thou has prepared for us, written down for us in our precious word. So we pray Thy help as we speak from its pages and we pray for a blessing for everyone here this evening. Father, we ask it with confidence. We know thus love us, loves us, Let us love us. And the proof of that is Thy Son, the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross. And we thank you for this. And we pray that none would leave this room tonight without being at the benefit of that finished work done for us in Thy love and by thy beloved Son, Father.
And we ask it with Thanksgiving, in His precious name, Amen.
I'd like to start this evening by looking at some verses in.
The book of Romans.
Those that were with us earlier, we were in the 8th chapter of the book of Romans. We'll go to the first chapter.
Apostle Paul writing to believers in the city of Rome.
I would just like to start from the 14th verse.
Romans, chapter one and 14.
I am a debtor boat to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. So as much as in me is I'm ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.
I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. What is the power of God unto salvation? To everyone that believeth, To the Jew 1St, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to fate. As it is written, a just shall live by faith.
Well, someone told me this week as we read some of these verses, she says what about us, We live in Quebec. What about us, We live in Ontario, St. Thomas or whichever location. Well, the Apostle Paul was ready to preach wherever the Lord would send him the the Greeks to Rome, to the Barbarians, to the wise, to the unwise, the messages the same.
It's wonderful to consider the message of the gospel that there is not a 2013 edition of the gospel God has not had in time to revise the good news.
It's been around for 2000 years and millions in glory will have believed the good news.
And our concern tonight is that if you're in this room with us, that you'll be one who has believed this good news. That's what the word gospel means. It means good news.
And your parcel, Paul, as to the good news that he preached, he was very specific and I'd just like to say a few words about that.
When the Lord Jesus was born, there were shepherds in the field.
And the angels had good news for them, and the good news was about the birth of a child, which was the Lord Jesus, the promised Messiah. Christ the Lord promised to the people of Israel, a descendant of the lineage of David, to be king of Israel. That was the good news that the angels presented. And this is not the good news the apostle Paul was preaching.
The good news is the Apostle Paul was preaching went further.
Because there was a time when the Lord Jesus lived on the earth. He was born and he lived on the earth, and then he died and he did the work that had been prepared before the foundation of the world that God wants you and me to hear about. And the apostle Paul saw himself to be the one to whom it was committed to tell others about this wonderful good news.
We could turn for a verse in the First Corinthians chapter 2.
He was writing to believers in the city of Corinth.
And he says in chapter 2 and verse 2.
For I determined not to know anything among you save.
Jesus Christ.
And him crucified.
The substance of the good news the apostle Paul preached, had not to do with the birth of the Lord Jesus.
But with his death on the cross.
And that doesn't sound like much good news.
But this is the good news that God wants you to hear.
Emily, it's about a person and his work.
If I say I have good news, it was 85° in Florida and the people had a wonderful time on the beach, that's good news for them, not good news for you.
The good news wants that. God wants you to hear concerns you.
Very important.
This message that we have tonight before us in the Word of God is for you.
And what does Jesus Christ and Him crucified have to do with you?
Well, this good news of Jesus Christ and Him crucified gives God the power.
Towards you.
Take that away from the Word of God.
And God, I have to speak rabbently, is powerless to bring you in heaven.
Or me in heaven? Or anyone else in heaven.
And that's what we had in Romans chapter one. Let's look at that again.
Your parcel, Paul says in the 16th verse. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ where there's a power of God.
And to salvation to everyone that believeth.
Here's the power of God.
The God of the Bible is a thrice holy God. Holy, holy, holy. There's no sin in him, no darkness in him. He's absolute light.
And if you and I have a fault, a defect, a sin, a failure, were estranged from him forever because of that absolute holy nature.
But God is not only light, absolute light is absolute love.
And He had in his heart to have you. You have me failing creatures in His presence forever in eternal bliss and happiness.
In the enjoyment of himself and of one another.
And to do that, the Lord Jesus came into the world. He was born of a virgin, perfect man. He lived a perfect life, and then he was crucified as a malefactor.
Objects of curse. A curse that is one who hangs on the tree.
That's Jesus Christ.
And him crucified.
We have a verse in first Timothy chapter one and the 15th verse.
Let's look at that for a moment.
First Timothy, Chapter One.
Verse 15.
This is a faithful saying.
And worthy of all acceptation.
The Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
First qualification for someone to be saved is to be a Sinner.
The Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And is there someone in this room tonight who doesn't own themselves as a Sinner?
Falling short of God's expectation, His glory.
God, that's never savior for you. He has a savior for sinners.
And that's why Christ Jesus came into the world, became a man.
And accepted our rejection, our insults.
Our spittle in his face as we had this afternoon. How we hit him with our fists. The crown of thorns, mockery, blindfolded hymns. Say you be the Son of God who tell us who hit you.
You just submitted to that because He came to save sinners, not to judge. He will come later to judge, but He came to save, to seek, and to save that which was lost.
Now this little verse says here, this is a faithful saying.
In my French Bible and perhaps another English translation, it says this is a sure word.
Sometimes just the same, something that we say, it's something that's absolutely sure.
It's a sure word of God.
And worthy of all acceptation.
And unfortunately, some people have not yet accepted that.
And perhaps I could put the question to you this evening.
Have you accepted that?
It's worthy of all acceptation.
Well, the good news the apostle Paul preached concerned that person, the Lord Jesus Christ, who he is, the eternal Son of God, become a man born into the world so he could die.
He partook of flesh and blood so he could die.
And he died.
And he rose again the third day, and as we speak together this evening, he's at the right hands of God, a man in flesh and bones, with nail prints in his hand and his feet. This is Jesus Christ the Lord, the one who's going to rule this earth, the King of kings and Lord of Lords.
I can't show them to you tonight because he's invisible. He's at the right hand of God. You can behold him by faith. You trust in him.
But there's a day coming when you will see him.
Every eye will see him.
Some will wail and weep.
Some will be in terror when they see him.
And many of us will be in fullness of joy when we see the face, the one who loved us so much.
And gave himself for What's it gonna be for you?
You know, it tells us in the scriptures that God is long-suffering patient, not willing that any should perish, but also come to repentance.
We live in a culture.
North America.
Culture that keeps you busy.
Keeps your ears busy, your eyes busy, your fingers busy.
Everybody's busy, busy, busy.
And sometimes we're so busy that we're sleeping.
We're spiritually unconscious of what's happening.
On this planet.
What I was saying about on the Internet, you saw something on the Internet, this man called Kim Jong, 28 years old.
The ruler of North Korea.
He has hundreds of thousands of children. He's going like this.
Remind me of one who is saluted like that. Hello Hitler.
His folly brought the death of over 50 million people.
And destroyed most of Europe. One man and his folly and the ones that followed him.
They tell us.
Not to worry about him.
He probably doesn't have nuclear warheads.
I hope they're right.
Well, Pakistan, you read about. Pakistan's people get killed in Pakistan every week.
People get bombed in the marketplace. What about Afghanistan? Iran.
In Africa, some of the countries in Africa.
Turmoil upset war.
What about the economics on the face of your nice planet that we live in? What about Cyprus and Portugal and Spain and Italy?
But this afternoon was speaking about.
Our way of spending money we don't have.
This could crash any moment.
Are you sleeping?
Busy with all sorts of things, but not being conscious of the times that we live in.
We are living the very last moments of God's patience towards this earth.
He's not willing that any should perish.
There's a limit to his patience.
There's a day he's appointed and in which he's going to judge this world.
And we need to be sensitive at the warnings that God gives us and the things that we see all around us.
I hope you're worried.
I hope you're concerned.
I hope you're awake.
Help you know?
How about your condition before God tonight and how many in this room they have accepted that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners?
And God's power has been active towards them and saving them because they believed.
Look at that verse again, Enrollment chapter one.
I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
Men are not ashamed of blaspheming the name of Christ every day.
Not in Muslim countries and Christian countries.
They're not ashamed of blaspheming the name of Christ. They're not ashamed of their wickedness and abuse and immorality. They're not ashamed of that.
I asked you, unbeliever, you're ashamed of the gospel.
But Paul wasn't ashamed of the Gospels. The power of God.
Unto salvation to everyone or anyone.
Who believes?
That's your part.
You can know about it. You can answer questions about it. You can know Bible verses by heart.
Teach them to other people.
But unless you believed in your heart.
You're a guilty Sinner.
That she deserves God's wrath.
And God is not going to give it to you, because he's given it already to the Lord Jesus in your stead.
That's what God wants you to believe.
So God has us hear the gospel, and he expects you and me to believe what he says, what he says about you, and what he says about his Son. 2 little verses in First Epistle to John.
John, Chapter one.
Verse 10.
First, John one and 10 if we say that we have not sinned.
We make him a liar.
And his word is not in US.
God says you were sin. You said no, I haven't sinned. Well, you make God a light.
Very serious to refuse a testimony of God that he gives us about ourselves.
I thank the Lord I have occasion from week to week to speak to men and women.
We have many difficulties in our lives.
Because of sin.
And they have no difficulty accepting.
That they are sinners.
And many are attentive.
To the offer of God's forgiveness to the Lord Jesus, and I trust many have put their faith in him well. The other verse in first John chapter 5.
Verse nine first John 5:00 and 9:00.
If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.
This is the witness of God, which he had testified of his Son. He that believeth on the Son of God had to witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believe it not. The record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record that God had given us to us eternal life. And this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life, and he's a hath not the Son of God.
Hath not life. Here's another instance where.
Someone is C making God a liar but not believing a testimony of God concerning his Son.
We believe the testimony of God concerning us. We believe the testimony of God concerning his Son. It's as simple as that. So we have in Romans chapter one, the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it. God is powerful to bring everyone in heaven to forgive all their sins. He's powerful to do that because of the finished work of the Lord Jesus, because His Holiness is righteousness has been satisfied. His judgment poured out on someone who didn't have any sins, who did not deserve judgment.
And he would receive it in our stead on the cross. But it's to everyone that believe it.
I don't know how many people there are in this room this evening.
But I trust we're all going to heaven.
I trust tonight as you leave this room, if you were not saved when you came in, before you leave this room, say I'm one of the ones who believe on the name of the Son of God. I believe the gospel that concerns the Lord Jesus Christ crucified for sinners. I believe that Christ died for my sins.
May perhaps you say?
I've heard that many times. And it's not that I don't believe, I mean.
But I I'm thinking about it, I'm I'm not fully persuaded.
There might be other ways where God could.
I could be acceptable before God. Well, men have many, many ways that they'll tell you.
Will make you acceptable before God. That's what men say.
But God says their salvation in no other.
Someone is wrong somewhere, and I'm fully persuaded that the one who's wrong.
Is not God. I'm fully persuaded that the one who cannot lie.
Is right when he speaks about my condition before him as a lost and guilty Sinner.
One who cannot lie, who testifies to the work of his son that has satisfied.
His Holiness and righteousness forever. So it says here in Romans chapter one to everyone that believeth, to the Jew 1St and to the Greek it's for everyone. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed. And if you might allow me to use the words that I have in my French Bible on the principle of faith for fate as it is written, the just shall live by faith.
You see, in the Old Testament, God had given prescriptions through the law.
How? How man could be righteous before him if he kept his commandments, his ordinances, his laws?
And nobody ever kept it perfectly save the Lord Jesus.
So on the principle of the works of the law, no man can be justified before God.
And God doesn't tell us that, so He will condemn all of us. But He wants us to understand that we cannot stand before Him on the basis of our performance.
Even if your performance might be a lot better than somebody else's, You might be almost perfect, but you might be almost perfect, but you're not.
You have to be perfect. How many sins can get into heaven? 0 Nobody save the Lord. Jesus never committed any sins in thought or word. Indeed, we're all sinners.
Falls short of the glory of God.
So God has given us his standard to prove to us.
That we cannot be before him on our own merits.
But you can have anyone in his presence on the merits of another, which is the Lord Jesus.
So if you read in the Gospel of Luke, that thief on the cross, a matter of factor, one who did evil things, it is not specified which evils he's done, might have been a murderer. He had capital punishment there.
He was on the cross beside the Lord Jesus.
Railing him with the others, insulting him with the others, deserving the wrath of God.
To such an extent.
And that man is gonna be in heaven.
In fact, he's in heaven right now, not with his body, but in his spirit. He's with the Lord Jesus.
How can that be?
I'm not as bad as that fellow.
I think.
But he's gonna be in heaven.
What did he do?
He said didn't hear Paul's gospel.
Never read the Bible, he said to Jesus, Lord, Remember Me an alchemist, and I came and the Lord Jesus said, today thou would be with me in paradise.
He called upon the name of the Lord.
With itsy bitsy teeny weeny face.
Ultimate time in his life. He just turned, didn't ask the Lord to forgive him his sins. He didn't have all this information.
He just knew he was going to enter into eternity.
And he called upon the name of the Lord. Tell us in the Scripture, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord.
Shall be saved.
There's the glory of the Son of God dying for guilty ones, one right beside him. He was guilty almost to the last minute, yet he's gonna be in glory.
And you know I'm afraid.
Many people, many, many, many who have not done things as bad as that man are not going to be in heaven.
They don't think they're bad enough to need to get saved.
Well, it's brought to us here on the principle of faith. That's how God justifies now. He justifies those that believe.
And he says that to you and me, so we would believe.
It's four feet.
That's why we hear the message for it to be believed and for those that believe God is powerful to save him them. First Corinthians chapter one.
We looked at verses from chapter 2 a minute ago.
Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Verse 17 of 1 Corinthians chapter one.
First Corinthians one and 17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel.
Not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved. It is the power of God as it is written. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent, whereas the wise, whereas the scribe, whereas the disputer of this world, has not yet made foolish the wisdom of this world. For after that in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God.
It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe, For the Jew require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified unto the Jew, as stumbling block unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto them which are called both Jew and Greek, Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
Brother Bob this afternoon was Speaking of.
The power of God and creation.
Beyond our ability to grasp how we could produce, create a universe, we cannot even measure by the power of His word.
That's how powerful God is. He just says, and there it is, Let there be light, and there was light.
As the power of God and creation.
But the power of God and salvation.
It required more than words.
They required a sacrifice.
Not just any sacrifice.
A sacrifice that would satisfy God's character and holiness forever for everyone who are going to be in eternity with God.
And for God's power and salvation to be effectual for you and for me.
Jesus Christ came into the world.
Born of a virgin. And he walked the streets of Palestine, and he healed, and he preached, and he resurrected and he fed.
And then he let himself.
Be taken and smitten and spit upon.
And he could say.
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
What words of grace and forgiveness forgive them for they know not what they do.
Do you know what you're doing tonight?
Do you realize what you're doing tonight?
As you're hearing from the word of God in weakness, what I trust in truth about Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
You're either giving God the power to save you by trusting in the work of the Lord Jesus.
Or you can be sealing your doom.
You can know tonight.
The judgment of God upon you.
If you put off trusting in the Lord Jesus, let's read a verse in Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
1St The 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 speaks of the man of sin coming.
Verse 9 Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders.
You know many people who were eyewitnesses.
Of signs and wonders and miracles.
By the Lord.
Perhaps remained in unbelief.
Most people in this room that are believers never saw the Lord or any miracle performed by the Lord, yet they're believers. How can that be? Well, that's how God works.
God works in having us here and believe without seeing. Blessed are they that have believed and have not seen, and that's you and I. But those that I've seen and heard and have not believed, well they're gonna see and believe. And we have this in Second Thessalonians chapter 2. It speaks of one coming after the working of Satan without power signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.
So there's somewhere perishing, and here is why they perish.
Because they receive not the love of the truth.
That they might be saved.
And for this 'cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned, who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
She doesn't say here because they receive not the truth. They receive not the love of the truth.
What we're refusing when we refuse, put off the offer of God's salvation and forgiveness. It's his love.
God had no reason other than love to you and me to get His Son.
To forsake him on the cross. And our answer is dying. Christ, my God, my God.
Why hast thou forsaken me?
In love for you, he forsook him.
And you won't have that for yourself.
You won't believe that for yourself.
Well, in the day coming.
God will ask you accounts about that.
It says in First Corinthians chapter one as to the Apostle Paul, God hadn't sent him to baptize.
Well, this world has.
Many propositions to make to men, to mankind, to make them better and fit for heaven. And those scriptures teach about baptism. Baptism won't make you fit for heaven.
The only thing that can make you fit for heaven is the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross, the gift of God's love.
That you can be yours tonight by simple faith in the Lord Jesus.
You actually could have come in this room tonight and sat in your chair.
Dead in trespasses and sins.
And on your way to a lost eternity and you could get up from that chair, save forever through faith in the Lord Jesus. It does not depend on God.
The work of your salvation has been done 2000 years ago. God has accepted it. God makes you hear it, so you believe it. And you would benefit by it by trusting in the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
I ask you tonight, my friend, trying to make it as simple as they can if you walk into this room tonight a lost person.
And you walk out of this room tonight a lost person.
You'll have to answer for what you heard, maybe not only tonight, but on many other occasions what you've read.
Did you not hear? Did you not know? Did you ever hear these words? Jesus Christ and him crucified?
For you God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life, Well, they receive not the love of the truth to be saved. And that's why they're perishing for not receiving. They don't go to hell for being sinners.
We go to help for not receiving the salvation that God has provided for us. Just a few more verses in First Corinthians chapter one.
Verse 18.
The preaching of the cross is to them that perish.
You know foolishness today.
As a Tribune, I know that's the right word. They have. They have access to the media.
They can publish and they can announce and they can say all sorts of things.
Can be proclaimed throughout this world tonight. Nobody challenges it.
God says in this book here.
That he made the world by the power of his word.
That's being refused.
There was something in the beginning and.
Was really small, little tiny black hole. It was really, really small. And there was so much puffer. There was so much pressure. It exploded. And when it exploded, it created the universe that's all around us. Ordered full of beauty, full of design. Just happened like that. This is foolishness, The fool is saying in his heart, There's no God. There is a God that made the world. You're responsible for looking at it and knowing that I'm there.
But there's more than the testimony of creation. There's a testimony that God has given us concerning his Son, the apostle Paul writes in First Timothy chapter 2.
There's three.
The end of the verse. First Timothy two and three. God our Savior.
We will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. There's one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. That's a testimony that we hear now to the apostle Paul and many others now, until it was done, until he had given himself a ransom for all. Risen again, gone back to glory.
God couldn't announce the message, but now it's here, the testimony to be testified in due time. Run to Amazon. A preacher, an apostle. I speak the truth in Christ. I lie. Not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Verity.
This is the testimony that we have before us in the Word of God.
He gave himself a ransom for all. Here's some prisoners. They're all tied in feathers. They can't move around. And there's been a ransom asked for them. And somebody comes and pays the ransom and the jailer comes around and he takes all the feathers off and he says, OK, you can leave.
The one who paid the ransom stands at the door and he says come, I paid the ransom for everyone.
Those that believe.
They come up, they benefit the liberty that has been provided for them by the one who paid the ransom.
Can you imagine someone staying in that dungeon, in that prison, not coming out?
That's what we're doing.
When we put off the gospel, the Lord has given himself a ransom for all willing to save everyone. All the asks of you is to believe in your heart. You also confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. It's God's power, it's God's word through the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Don't put it off.
Don't be a fool tonight.
Don't listen to the mockers of this world who think the cross of Christ is foolishness.
Foolishness to them that perish, but to us who believes the power and wisdom of God.
We sang on him. Only trust him, only trust him, only trust him now.
He will save you. He will save you. He will save you now.
When you get up from your chair tonight, are you gonna be saved on your way to heaven?
Or still lost in your sins, young person, young child.
Older one.
It's your choice, it's offered to you. It's free cost God a lot. The ransom was paid.
Will you trust him now? Don't put it off. Let's pray.
I got in. Our Father, how we thank thee for the Lord Jesus.
For the gift of Thy Son who gave himself a ransom, for all that one mediator between God and man. And we thank thee, Father, for his work on the cross, for his shed blood, for his finished work, for thy satisfaction in him. Thou St. him from the dead, set him at thy right hand. And we know he's coming from heaven shortly to take his home home, and then to come back in judgment over this guilty, guilty world. We thank Thee for thy long-suffering. Father, We pray for the gospel this evening wherever it goes forth. And we pray that none in this room tonight would leave still lost in their sins. We just thank Thee for thy patience. We thank you for thy word.
For Thy Spirit that strives with our souls, we thank Thee for it all, Father, in the beautiful and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm in.