Giants and Slayers

YP Talk—Michel Payette
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Megan could work and keep you guys busy. Now I really encourage yesterday when for the meeting because.
I've had thoughts on my heart connected with Ephesians chapter 6 also, and uh, I'm gonna get to that in a minute, but I'd like for us to sing again #312.
I'm a copycat, but we'll see the second standard with a different word in it, if you don't mind. It says there we follow the our guide and we'll sing who does.
Celebration. Be true, be just as true.
We could also say we follow the our guide who will salvation break? 3 aspects of salvation. One connected with the past as the work of ****** from lacrosse who died for you. If you believe in him, you're safe. One connected with the future salvation final salvation when it comes from heaven.
And one salvation connected with this life to have a safe life.
The first one and the last one you get by faith of the Lord Jesus. You believe in Him. Now. When you come, you're going to have final salvation guaranteed. But what about your life?
That's the salvation God wants you to participate in so you can do something with you and your life. And so let's say #312 and when we sing the second standard, we'll sing it in the present tense, if you will. Who does salvation break?
Someone raised the tune for me, please.
We are almighty.
War laid on to victory.
Curry my livelihood.
With joy.
We followed him.
We didn't follow the art of God could the dark celebration and grace reading all those things tremendously information.
That's why.
Fraud and Jesus and all.
We're ready.
Cry from the sun.
We live in front of the world.
And all those may thy color bright.
Ah, Dirty School show.
Let's pray.
Our God and our Father, we thank you once again for a beautiful day with a nice setting here, for the time available, for the activities, for the friendships, for the instruction and identification too, for our young people.
We would thank you again, Father, for your love to us, for the gift of life, Son, our Lord Jesus, as we wait for him from heaven, that, uh, we have occasions to, to live for him. And uh, we thank you for what we heard yesterday. And uh, it says of having overcome all. And uh, we do pray that all the young people here would be overcomers, not to be overcome by anything, but with thy strength and I might to overcome all. And so we pray as we have.
Moments this afternoon and tomorrow to alert willings. I'll leave us here that we'll be strengthened in our faith and, uh, encourage the long and, uh, challenged and, uh, having a renewed desire to look into thy word. It's a no more of the Lord Jesus. So we pray for blessing now and we just count on my health as we turn to thy word. In the name of our Lord Jesus, we pray, Amen.
So let's go back to Ephesians chapter 6.
And we're not going to go over anything our brother mentioned yesterday.
We kind of just skipped over that which I was gonna bring up, so I was thankful for that.
Brother once told you was worried we, we're at the conference, uh, some meetings and he was worried I was gonna take up the same subject he did. And I did, you know, but we talked about it differently, you know, And so I think the Lord gives us, that was happening two years ago 2 here when they asked me to take some meetings for young people. The other brother that was speaking with Josh Stewart, I believe, and Josh had thought that we were just in line with the Lord had given me. And that's from the Lord himself because I think he has a special concern for each.
And so he gives us things that should be a help to you. And I trust you're attentive to what he's bringing before us because I think it's from him. And so Ephesians chapter 6, verse UH-10. Finally, my brother, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Now, as a kid, I wasn't brought up in the meeting I used to watch.
Cartoons and, uh, one of them was mighty mouse. That's pretty yeah he was a mouse, but boy, he could do things, you know, Mighty Mouse and then, uh.
Later on, Asheville's comic books Superman and he was a superhuman, you know, he just, uh, did all sorts of things. And you know, the actor that played in one of the movies for Superman, he had a, a writing accident. He was riding a horse and he became, uh, paraplegic. Uh, what you call it paraplegic, uh, paraplegic, OK. He couldn't move his hands and speak. He's just using a wheelchair.
I thought it was really a word from the Lord, you know what I'm saying?
Well, here's one who has might the power of his might. What is mightier than his mightier?
Anything mightier than his might. Nothing. Nothing. So it's good for us to realize that. And it says to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Not my might, not your might, not our might, His might.
And so it goes on to say, put on the armor of God, that we may be able to expand against the Wiles of the devil. Verse 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but four things, against principalities and powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Against.
Against spiritual wickedness in high places.
OK, my strength, my my, my support.
We wrestle against these guys. I mean, it powers them. I'm no match for them. Neither are you. Neither is anyone among us a match for that. But here's my He can make us overcomers over any of that with his mind and to be strong in the Lord, get his strength in our life and his wife offered it in our life. He's gonna do that.
So these four enemies is what I wanted to talk about.
And, uh, I have a portion in the Old Testament that I need to turn to. I'm not going to exhaust what these powerful enemies represent, but we'd just like to talk a little bit about that to help us identify some of the things that come our way and that are sent from the enemy of your soul and mind to destroy our life.
You know, sometimes we think somebody has a lost life because he went into, uh, drugs and alcohol and immorality and he lost his life.
But if you and I sit around.
There are large counts.
We're gonna lose our life. He didn't not leave us here. He didn't let her come. You didn't do that. He's left us here for a purpose. He has a purpose for every one of us. And I know what he has has a purpose for your life. But he does have a purpose for your life.
So we're gonna go to, uh, Second Samuel 21.
And we're gonna meet up with four giants.
Might compare those to those enemies we just read about that we wrestle against.
Second Samuel 21.
It says see we him there. It says the last time is up until we were no more. It's a time when there will be no more war, will be a perfect peaceful war.
When we wrestle, it's kind of never over. You know, you wrestle and he gets up again and you wrestle some more and he gets up again, he wrestles some more. It's a constant battle. And God has provided for us the necessary provisions for us to be victors every day of our life, you know, it says of the Bereans.
That they receive the word of God gladly.
And they searched the scriptures daily, every day, every day they went into the what they had available. They didn't have a New Testament. They had the Old Testament. And maybe they had got a lot of trouble to check that because it wasn't as available as we have it today. We're much more privileged than they are. We have the whole word of God. We have it in written form. Some of you have it on your telephone, you have it on your computer. You can go and check every time.
My brother says something. You can let it go in one year, out the other.
But you can keep it in there. So I'm gonna check that out, make sure that what the brother said, what the brother wrote, what's being published is in conformity with the Word of God and that the Spirit of God is using what's being said or written in conformity with the Word of God to edify me, to comfort me. I trust you're gonna do that with what I say. I said something at the meeting there on Saturday, open meeting. And.
I wanna make sure that what I say.
I got up a few in the morning. I went on my computer. I had this. My texts are French, English, Spanish, whatever, all the versions there. I looked up the Greek and the Hebrew there. It was simple. It's a simple thought, but it's not generally published among us. But.
The word of God is wonderful. You know, sometimes this is beautiful translation. Sometimes there are words in here that happens that they're not in the original and sometimes there are words in the original that are not in here. And that's what just about every version. So it's nice for us to say, I'm going to check that out and when we check it out, we'll find out that this book is wonderful. So these four enemies, we're going to read up of a second simultaneous 21 from verse 15. These were the.
Of Goliath. Remember Goliath? Well, he was he was a Superman. He was superhuman. He was taller than everybody else. Wouldn't go through the door. He had to go down like that. You know, he talked to him like that. Get a neck ache like your brother had this morning. Yes, Sir, you know.
David was a young man, you know, maybe your age. He flew that giant. How could that be? Whoa, the power of God in David's life. Slug of my beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus who vanquished Satan on the cross. You know, you know though, I said to David verse Samuel 17. He says you're coming to me with sticks. It's nice. It's in the plural.
Usually Shepherd just had one stick now, but he said now cometh to me with six. He had at least two sticks, you know.
When the Lord went up to meet Satan, he went with the cross. Two pieces of wood to bankership to be made a curse for you and me. Goliath curse David and vice Gods and horses was cursed on the cross. Beautiful pictures First Samuel 17. Read that, enjoy it because the Spirit of God has written these things for us to see the beauty of inspiration and to show us the person of the Lord and all these beautiful pictures.
But when we get this second annual 21, let's read from verse 15.
Moreover, the Phyllis Science had yet war again with Israel, and David went down and his servants with him and fought against the Philistines and David Wax Faint and Ishpe Benab, which was of the sons of the giant. The first of the sons mentioned. All four of them are sons of the giant. The way to boost peers.
Weighed those peers weighed 300 shekels of brass and weight, keeping girly with a new sword taught to have slain Davidson, David, but epishai.
The cinnamon Soraya sacred him, and smoked the Philistine, and killed him. Gentlemen of David, swear unto him, saying, Thou shalt grow no more out with us to battle that thou quench not the light of Israel.
This is the first one. One thing I noticed is what David went down and his servants with him. Remember the story David, He had a terrible failure in his life and it happened when his men went to war and he stayed home. He was their leader and he didn't lead them to battle. He stayed home and he was led into sin.
And terrible thing. And he hadn't had one of his better soldiers, had one of his strong men. He had a murder to cover his sins.
That's the David of the Old Testament, the true David, the Lord Jesus. Oh.
Here we have him. He went down and his servants with him. He's the leader.
We follow him lead on Almighty Lord, we sang about that and you know, we all have different personalities. Some of you, that's the way we are, are more followers and that's our person. We like, you know, we like to go forward, but some of your leaders, you know.
Peterson, I go efficient and the other side, we gotta go with you.
I go a great meeting. I go partying. I'm living with you. I go a preaching.
I go attractive shooting. I go witnessing. Go ahead. You're a leader. Make sure you set a good example for others. And what you'll find in very little times, people are going to follow you and say no, you're setting a good example. And you know who has that kind of power? I don't have that kind of power.
Neither do you. Does the Lord have that kind of power? Of course He has. He can give you a kind of power if you get it from Him. And you know he used his personality. Peter was a leader.
Others were more followers. They're all godly men and wanting to please the Lord. We have different ways of acting, but if you have a leader's character, you'd be like the Lord Jesus. You'd be a good leader. Be careful where you go. Be careful what example you set.
Be careful with the things that you allow in your life because others are gonna imitate what you're doing. Be a Berean. And why did you read this morning? You know, and you don't say it like that because people should feel judged. Say hi. This morning I read this. Share something that you enjoyed in the word of God that you really enjoyed. And then I said, yeah, I never saw that. That's nice. Yeah. And maybe he didn't read his Bible, but he got something from the word of God through you.
And it's quite something, you know, when somebody your own age and the same peer group.
Does something like that doesn't make you feel awkward, it just gives you a little nugget there. Well.
Now David wax faith and you know my uh, savior, he never watched his faith. He's he's mighty, he was mighty, he's mighty. We'll be mighty, but his strength is made perfect and weakness.
So you can use the weakest one in this room to manifest its power and strength.
So even if you're the weakest one, you say, well I have available the the greatest power from the Lord. The weaker I am, the stronger it can be in my life. Well, let's go on. What's about this giant Ishpevenab? I think his name means seated on high.
HP Phenob, which was in the Sons of the Giant, the whit of whose spear weighed 300 shekels, you know.
Philistines, I believe, represent to us enemies in the land.
And your Satan, he, he wants to be active. He's got the whole world in darkness. I mean, you know, that doesn't take much energy for him. You know, natural man goes after the less of the flesh, less of the eyes and the part of life is going on their systems out there. He's got all these panels by the highway, you know.
So he's got to work especially hard.
Among believers, to distract them, to destroy what God is building. That's what he wants to do. He's attacking here the people of God and what he wants to get to Ishpeban Nob, he wants to get to David.
That's always you want to get because David killed his father, you know, he's after David and that's why it says here that, uh, taught to have slain David.
What about this giant? Well, one thing I remark about this giant that he was sitting on high and from what I read he carried a lot of weight.
Some believers.
Carry a lot of weight. I would rather Catholic.
And I tell you, the pulp carries a lot of weeks.
You can say things and everybody else has to say that it's gotta be true. The Pope said it. But I know the Pope says things that countries are worried about. I brought a Catholic and they took a little while for the Spirit of God to give me liberty ship. The Pope's a man. He carries a lot of weight, but not with me anymore.
And I say this with respect, brothers, that we should respect our older brothers and we should benefit from what the Lord has given them. But the danger with the natural man and myself and everyone in this room is if you get a little bit of a position, a little bit of a name.
We had that in First Peter 5, Lording, being Lords over the **** carrying excessive weight, too much weight. The Lord is leading this way. But I have my thoughts about it. That's a very serious thing. And you know, we are a small gathering. We are small gatherings. We're not, we're not big groups, we're small groups.
And there's much weakness, but you know, uh, as weakness has made perfect is Frank has made perfect in weakness. And there's opportunity we have is so small that we can enjoy the Lord, you know, and you can come in and, and manifest himself and give us common thought. How come I have the same thoughts with my brother there? I didn't phone Teddy didn't phone me. He just goes, I want these young people to be encouraged and I'm going to give them to whoever uses thoughts has come from him and we get to be the mouthpieces and it's a real privilege.
He went after David, you know, the enemy of our souls. He, uh, wants to attack the person of the Lord and this is the first thing you need to be established in the Lord Jesus really is.
Authorities is God manifested in the flesh? He is absolutely God. He was always absolutely God. He never became God. He was always God, but he was always a man. He became a man when he was born into the world. And here's one whose name is Jesus. God manifest in flesh.
He's a man.
A former how do you become a manager worker born of a woman? He's born of a woman, a virgin, married to working of the Holy Spirit, doesn't have an earthly father, doesn't have an earthly a fallen nature, but he's perfectly a man still God.
But a man and as you read the Scriptures and you see the Lord as the obedient servant, you will find verses where he speaks of his Father greater than him. He's not comparing himself as God. He took that position of a servant and he gives glory to his God and Father. And so he does that as a man. Now when we talk about the Lord Jesus as a person in the Old Testament, there was a time when the art was brought to a certain place and they wanted to look in the ark and when they looked into.
The Lord slew them and I, I think 70 men died. Other versions say more than that, but seventy men died right there. Because God doesn't want you to look into the ark, which is the reality of who the person of the Lord is. You cannot dissect him as to his manhood or his godhood. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. He's perfectly God and he's perfectly man. And when we get beyond that, we might get into trouble because we're attacking, talking about this person, perhaps in a way.
That is not uh.
Commonly, I should say, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Adrian Ace that the Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in flesh. They would say he's a creature. That in the Old Testament he was the Archangel Michael, which is absolutely false. He does not have a beginning as God.
Another sect that is still going around, as far as I know, is by a man who is an American called William Branham. I need seduced a lot of Christians because he had a very, very biblical discourse on prophecy. Many of the things he said were just right on. And if you were listening to him today, the older brothers here with no brothers say wow, when he speaks of the seven churches in Revelation, why he's right on.
What William Branham taught was that.
God is one. There's no such thing as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
They would read first John and say the Father became the Son to be the savior of the world. They would never deny that deity of Christ.
What they deny is the personality of the Son. They get rid of the Son. Who's that from jail with witnesses? They deny his deity.
William Branham denies his personality. Oh, Satan is so subtle, you know, he uses this book. Jehovah's Witnesses are going around with Bibles, you know.
Not this one though, and not the French one that I have. They have their own version where they change things because the attack is on the Lord Jesus.
That's pretty clear to you and me, I'm sure. But uh, I just want to mention there are other attacks on the person of the Lord Jesus.
It's presenting him, not according to his character.
A legal Jesus. A Pharisee called Jesus.
A liberal Jesus.
These are thoughts of men.
Maybe somebody else putting that in their hearts to say things about the Lord which are not true. Believe also Paul says that I may know him. He knew him already. Throwing grace in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Forget to know him more. He's a wonderful person and May God grant us as we speak of him. We speak of him as who He really is. God, gracious, loving, absolutely holy.
Understandable. A shepherd caring well.
I just wanna go back to, uh, uh, before we go to the other three there, I wanna go back to a portion in the book of judges.
In the book of Judges.
I wanna go to Lord there in the book of Judges, his name is Adonai Bezek. We spoke about him yesterday at the dinner table. I think, uh, Judges Chapter 7. You know, in the book of Judges, Moses isn't there anymore and Joshua wasn't there anymore. And so they're kind of, you'd say they were left to themselves. They weren't gonna be left to themselves. But and to us, you know, the, the Lord is gone and the apostles are gone and are we left to ourselves? No, God-given us his.
And his Spirit and he has given us sufficient resources for us to be living the Christian life. Nothing lacking on part of his provisions or lacking is on our part. But it was a Danai Bezek.
And they catch him, uh, verse, uh, six. And by then Ibiza fled and they pursued and that's Judah and Simeon. And you know, I, I enjoy the thought that Judah helped Simeon, You know, Judy says, you're going to come with me. I'm going to go and fight over there. And he went up with him and he didn't have nice to give others a hand. You know, sometimes it's not really our exercise, but there's a, a help. I can be, I can be a help. I'm fine. I'm, I'm doing something for the Lord. And that's what the Lord wants me to do. He wants me to be a help.
It's one of the gifts one of the members of the body are helps you know so.
They pursued him after him, and caught him and cut off his thumbs and great toes, and here's what Adonai Bizzak says. And I don't. Bezek said. Three score and 10 kings, having her thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table. As I have done so. God hath requited me, requited me, and they brought him to do something there. He died other night. Bedzek, he's the Lord, I deny his Lord.
Some translation said he has. He's a lot of dispersion, but he was the Lord and he had a table.
Yeah, as a Lord he had a table, but he had all these 70 kings he got off their thumbs and their great toes, and he had them feed on what fell from his table on the ground.
And I like to have a volunteer. I need a volunteer.
You wanna be my volunteer? Thank you, Sir. If you come right here, I have a volunteer I'm gonna have. I have five quarters here.
I want to speak to pick up these five quarters, but before you do.
Before you do, I'm gonna have to limit the use of your phone. If you don't mind. I want to play the role. That's a nice.
Two to three months of that.
It's too much fun, this one. I played it very much so you don't get your time.
Don't wanna sign in? Go ahead. Oh, he's pretty good boy. He's got good fingernails. Listen, you're putting me to shame.
OK, let me see this way.
I can bring my $0.10. Well, I'll tell you what, you're doing everything too good.
Stay there, stay there. We're going to try this toast now.
This is a piece of work. Do you want to hold that for me, Sir? I have these little cutters here.
I want to show you that.
Cool. Look at that. OK, so which leg we go? I'll be there.
Well, it didn't work the way I wanted because I couldn't take my hands last night, you know? Uh-huh.
I couldn't pick them up. I said I'll get somebody to introduce Marcus.
If you want to be Superman, I'd vote for you.
But Can you imagine? Can you imagine?
Being on the floor, not being able to use your tongue, trying to get whatever you could get, you know?
He didn't pick 70 peasants.
70 people from you know the market with 70 king.
People who had opportunity kingdoms, you know, rules and things they could have done, implemented where they were, and he made them as slaves under the table.
It reminds me of that Canada night woman and she, uh, she called on the Lord Jesus in Magic 15 and she says, uh, son of David, have mercy on me. Your daughter was tormented with an evil spirit. And he said, I'm only consent to the lost sheep of Israel. I says Lord, you know, she called him Lord and he says not proper to take the bread of the children to give it to the dog, you know, and she says even the dogs, they get the crumbs under the table.
And the Lord was surprised. Wow, great faith.
So it should be done as as she wanted. She went home and started with him. She was delivered, you know.
The Lord Jesus doesn't want you to eat the crunch under his table.
You want you at this table and join him in fellowship with him and eating the same thing, these eating and enjoying the Father too. What a difference, you know.
Now can you show me your account if you can please?
Have we got it on you? Thumbs up. You wanna go somewhere you don't have a car?
They're pretty handy.
Well, I think the enemy of our souls is able to cut off our thumbs spiritually.
What happened to you?
Listen, I have a new tenant, my wife and I, we have a property in Montreal with my in-laws and we have moved in and doing welfare and she was a nurse where we went. She said it's like mother stuff and we just take empty her car residents. So they moved in and I went there this week to do something. In fact, that's where I have this tool. I brought it to clean up some branches and the White House was invented. It smells like cat, uh, computer called English.
Put it back.
OK, anyway it was.
So I just, uh, said, uh, no, you got a lot of boxes now, you know, so, uh, and then maybe you haven't noticed with that, you know, I do you're here all the time. You might not notice what it says. It smells a lot like absolutely Nope, didn't make a that didn't make it. Plus I just mentioned I'm having to fix the back door and everything so.
I'm on the way here. She sends me an epistle. 2 1/2 pages.
She must have been like that.
Not one mistake, not one spelling mistake. I do it on my keyboard. I have to correct myself.
I was really upset. I have to settle that when I get back. But you know, the enemy of our souls, maybe he cannot touch your thumbs up.
I can keep your thumbs busy.
Try holding your Bible without your tongues.
Try try and find the page in your Bible without using your thumb. You're fine. You're gonna drop your Bible. You're gonna have a hard time.
Terms are essential.
Some people have accidents and you can you can be.
Umm, how practical it is. How'd you get ahold of things with just your fingers? So I've given them back.
This little, uh, gadget here.
If you look at it properly, it has five fingers on each side.
And that's what gives it, the engineer who designed it multiplied the power of these fingers. So I can just set the two inch branch. That's pretty good. That's a 2 inch branch. Greenwood there you can go in the in the woods and you can get, if you can get that branch in it, you can just cut like that. I've used it many times. They're not told, but I have used it and it works.
Hasten multiplies.
His device is to use devices to promote devices. He multiplied *********** and he multiplied filthiness and he multiplied and he multiplied and it's available everywhere.
I'm still with you.
They don't. It's a wonderful tool. I enjoy being able to talk to my wife and you know, but then I.
It's a tool. You use a tool in a proper way. It's it's good. Use it in a wrong way. It's better. I had a son when I said he's older now. When he was younger boy, he picked up a hammer. Please get out of the way. He just knocked on everything.
It wasn't made for that. It was hit nails, you know, but he just banged here. So make sure make sure this is a new year of Catholic. This is all new things he had there. He had a new IT doesn't. It says I think it's a new let's see what it says verse.
1821 verse 15. He had a new, new sword that's in italics. He has a new sphere. There's been a new something. It was new, bringing something new in.
What's the purpose? Attacking David, Attacking those that belong to David. And that's who these things were. They were kings picking up crumbs from the floor.
Your sons and daughters of the King, you have great privileges. Don't let Satan have you pick up crunch on the floor. You can be sitting at the Lord's table. He's made you fit for that by His work on the cross, not looking for anything from you to make you fit. He's made you fit and you can stay fit for that. Just behave, you know. Well, let's go back to our little little portion there in the second Samuel 15.
So this appetite fluent.
And the man of David, swear to him, thou shalt go nowhere out with us, verse 17, to battle that thou quench not the light of Israel. You know, I think it's a good, uh, parallel to be very attentive as believers to what's being said about our Lord and his work.
I often go to Cuba and meet up with Levers and I tell them about, uh, about the Lord and salvation. How's it going, Mr. Believers? Luciano?
I'm wrestling.
They're wrestling to keep their salvation, Luchando. Because if you don't luchando, you might go to the Perdido, you know?
But God wants you to rest and then finish work with the Lord Jesus. First step, who he is, and then what He's done. And right there is worship.
And he's made us worshipers. He delights in having our service. You know, he's a life for you to live for him. He wants you to live for him. He's gonna help you to live for him, but has nothing to do with what he's done for you because he loves you. And if you one day, he said, Lord Jesus, I want you to be my Savior. You trusted him in your heart. You're gonna be in glory, everyone of us, we're gonna be in glory. And I wanna be sorry for wasting my time down here for wasting my life for dishonouring his name.
Now you have more of a life to live than I have. If the Lord doesn't come, you know.
As years go by, you know we all, we all lead this team. Many dear brothers who helped us along, If they're gone and there's new generations coming along, and when the new generations come along, the devil has new ways.
Of tripping them up, distracting them, keeping them from being what they're supposed to be. And you know, it's surprising that I go to Cuba. I meet up with more believers in Cuba than in North America percentage wise. Everybody who talks about God, I go to Africa. I speak about some more employees. People have receptive rather go to India. Doors open in India and then Angola and you know, America.
It's getting all the time.
Why is that?
With secular, we've given up.
Politically, you might say publicly as we're given up on Arsenal power as might hasn't changed and you can sustain you in this day and age to live for him. Well, what's the next one? Here we have verse 18.
And it came to pass after this that there was again a battle with the Philistines at God. Then Civic Kaiser Husati flew Sath, which was of the sons of the joint. I'm sure there's more in that verse, but all I got in that verse was the name of Saks. It means extended, you know, get more, brother said on Saturday. You know, just I want much, much more. I just want.
What I have now is not enough.
God has give you this word, gotta give you this spirit, gotta give you brothers and sisters, gotta give you perhaps a place to intend to be and to enjoy the Lord together. But, uh, it's not an I show up more young people. I wanna go over there and, uh, charismatic teacher, I wanna go where, you know, So scripture says we should be content. A content spirit is something wonderful.
And if the Lord asked you tonight, for this afternoon, if you're the Lord, if he asks you, if he sat beside you and he put his restaurant around, he said, am I, am I enough for you?
How much efficient? What am I not the size is satisfied again a missing company. I'm not in love with you.
We've probably seen a little while. They're sufficient. My natural life might say I would like to catch a big potential. They can go play sports, I think, but it's a lot sufficient. A lot is sufficient. And then all the other things he adds on. So thank you Lord for the nice day. Thank you for the fellowship, thank you for the activities, thank you for sports, thank you for the quality of life that we have. It's enough. You give me more, thank you, Lord.
But I have enough.
But move me ahead. I have brought on my heart and I want to give him something and I gave him something and he gave it back. So I have enough. You know, you could have more.
Well, this one says you don't have enough.
Some people said this book isn't enough, you need to read the other gospels. It's not this book at all. And there are other writings that that didn't include. They're just, they're very good. So you, you, you can't just rely on on this book.
And you know you just can't sit in your room and pray and read simply.
And learn that way you need to reach also you need more, you don't need more. We have more and we can benefit by anymore, but we don't need more. God is sufficient to supply all our needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Scripture says speak to my own heart to learn to be satisfied. What's the next one?
And there again was battle in Gob with the Philistines.
Where El Hannon, the son of Jerry, Oregon.
Wonder why they called her kids that way. Bethlehem might slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spirit was like a weaver's bee.
That suggests to me, you know, Weaver's been. I think they made garments with that.
And it suggests to me that one of the, uh, scenarios of Date of the Devil is to propose to you acquisition a nice garment, a nice place in the world where you're recognized and valued by society.
But you're important, you know, personally, I feel that you know, you, you have talent, God that's giving you natural talents and abilities and you he's left you in the world. And you should go ahead with those that you've given you and complete your studies and get a job and provide for your family. And that's fine.
But last thing after position is a snare for the natural man. It happens in the world, wanting to get the next promotion, the boss's job. And it happens in among the Saints too, wanting to be like brother so and so, wanting that position, wanting that reputation, you might say. And Satan is very able to put before us. He weaves things together.
To propose to you things that are going to appeal to the natural man, well, you know you can't get a better garment.
Than the government that those orders provided for you we're gonna be glory with garments white, not a spot on them. Sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. There's not one position in this world.
That comes up to the Hemel. We're sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. There's nobody in this world that can offer you that. Mister Trump, I don't know if he's a son of God or not. He's the president of the United States, Mr. Putin.
Saint John, you know, the God of the North Koreans.
We're higher than that.
Sons of God who faith in Jesus Christ can't be better than us. And if I'm the Son of God, I don't need all these additional garments. If God gives them to me, give them to me. I gotta function there and the ability, you know?
Telling your brother here I was reading last week and it came to my heart. So I was sitting down and said, you know.
I read about this brother here, this brother there, I'm talking about the cat there. And so I said, well, they have so much access to this and that, and they published this and published and I'm, you know, and I said to myself, you know, I'm so insignificant and useless, you know.
And the thought came to me, I think it was sort of a little bit of Michel, you stay insignificant. It might be useful.
Especially being significant and useful.
Little boy came to Samsung and he showed them where the columns were and that was great victory that day. That's a little boy. Insignificant little boy. He was really useful. You know, the boy brought his five loaves and two fishes and this significant.
And he blessed 5000 people with his with his lunch. You know, insignificant but useful.
Hey, God help us, dear ones, to be a significant and useful when you're a young person, you know, you're, you're going from the state of childhood to manhood and there's all sorts of possibility development in your body, you know, and things that you look forward to and, and these pulses in your in your body too. And there's many things there to attract you, to distract you.
But if you stay close to the Lord, he has power. His mind is able to keep you from yourself and from the world and make you useful. 12131415161718 Doesn't matter how old you are, as Mike is able at every stage of your life. It depends on you. There's no fault on his part. And the last one here.
And that was a battle in gas where a man of great stature has positioned, you know.
I'm sorry, it's power I should say. And that on every hand, 6 fingers and on every foot, six toes, 4 and 20 in number. And also was born to the giant.
Now these keys, they only had four four fingers, 4 toes cut them off. This man yes he has six. He cut one off. He still had five. You know as I mentioned yesterday at the uh the dog that bit off the little pinky, you know?
I wonder what he had. He had the 6th 1:00. Well, he had two thumbs or two indexes. No, I don't know.
Interesting you know of your hand.
My hand teaches me the gospel.
Repentance towards God, oh the fat thing to do.
Faith in the Lord Jesus there is.
All the bad things have been covered by the work of the Lord Jesus, you know.
And I like I tell you what I tell you, if you hold your fist on this here, any other new guys here, you try and pull it from the other guy, you're fine. Boy, do you have that grip, repentance towards God, all those things that you've done, you might have six figures, 7 fingers more than that covered by the Lord Jesus.
What about this figure here? Don't worry, I'm not gonna use one of my fingers alone.
What about this figure here? Remember what I was writing along?
Accusing people.
How about pointing people to the Lord Jesus? Can you do that?
OK, try this. This is a challenge. And you watch each other. OK, You ready? We're gonna point the clock. All right.
I take a 123 call .5 Max Wonderful.
How about pointing someone to the loyalty?
We can do that. You can point to the fund that's worthless clock maybe just a battery worth a few dollars. 20 lbs on the Lord Jesus my hey.
Carl, finger eggs this center one here. I'm gonna present it this way. You know, this center one has been used by the devil so much to bring filthy clothes in the minds of men. And I'm not going to use it by myself because but you know, this is the center figure.
And it's the highest, and to me it speaks of the Lord Jesus, the highest.
In the center of it all, that's my hand. This one is where you put your wedding ring on.
I tell you, that's the way it is. God, it's giving us abilities.
Small or great, we can point, we can hold the Lord hold on to His word. Now this man.
He had more than you and I.
He could do any better.
He's probably run faster, stand better, hold stronger. I have to say sometimes I've heard discourses and spiritual matters.
And when it's finished, I'm so disturbed.
I'm really.
That and I'm so you know, I go away discouraged. I pick up a book and I read it.
I get the skirts. You know, the Spirit of God is not a discouragement. He's an encourager. He'll find something to encourage you about your life. I'm sure if you have used your life today, that's good. That's really, really good.
Could be better. We could improve. Of course we could all improve and be better based on encouraging. And so sometimes in great spirituality you can assess what it's doing to you. You feel encouraged to go on for the Lord. You feel so I'm never gonna. That's noise. I'm never gonna be like that. I get discouraged. Who's that from?
This is one of Goliath's son. He had six fingers on every hand. He had six fills on every foot. Do everything better than anybody else.
Don't even try. But he wasn't.
The Son of God, your Son of God, he doesn't have the power of his might. You have the power of his might. Just five fingers.
And I didn't put your toe off. You got 5 tones, you know?
We're able with the strength of the Lord to do that, and He's given us hands and feet to do that. Let's go finally to a verse. I think it's Psalm 144, a few more minutes.
Psalm 144.
First one.
Blessed be the Lord, my strength.
Which teach it my hands to war.
And my fingers.
Blessed be the Lord, my strength.
The power has his mind, his strength.
You know, I'm gonna be 7 years old, 70 years old in a while, and I am, I am really, really thankful to the Lord for every measure of health and strength it gives you. But my eyesight is Laurie and my hearing is lowering and my strength is lowering. I'm very thankful for the measure that I have, but I know as time goes on, my natural ability and strength is gonna go down.
But his in my life is not going to go down. He doesn't need my energy, he doesn't need my sweat. He doesn't need that.
You can use you, you can use me whatever way you want. You know, I started public speaking and my uh.
Phone company? No, I can say that. Here we go.
And the phone company where I work, you're not getting a point to that anyway.
I, I was talking to businessmen, you know, and I got in the habit of public speaking. And so it doesn't, uh, I, I, I still worry and pray and, you know, but, uh, it doesn't affect me as badly as others. And, uh, so I asked the Lord, you know, I said, Lord, I'm, I'm a Rascal. You open doors for me for, uh, for the gospel today. He opened doors always funerals, you know, it's OK, it works out. How do people die? Because I wanna bribe, I wanna preach, but he opened the door for me and, uh, and in therapy houses and.
Uh, some nights I have 20, sometimes 30, sometimes 40 guys and they come back and, uh, it's just, I said small groups, some people get audiences of thousands of people, but I've been doing that since 2003 and that's, uh, 14 years ago. And, uh, I haven't counted how many Bibles I've given up, but it's in the thousands, you know, just a little bit of here, a little bit there. And so it's just the way the Lord works.
Over a long period of time and there it is, you know, there it is, you know, a tree. It grows a little bit and a little bit and a little bit and then it gets big in itself. That's what he does in our life. You have more growth potential than I have.
I would say when I was 27, anybody here 27 except the old folks in the back, uh, anybody here, you know what? You've, you've, you've got, you've got a lot of more of the Lord than I had when I was 27. And so if you just search the scriptures daily, go to the Lord, pray, learn, listen, you're going to grow and you're going to strengthen you to get your strength from him and he's going to save.
Your life, you're not going to waste your life you're going to be, you're not going to be miserable. You're going to be useful. And that's what we want for you young people to be blessed, to be saved if you're not.
If you're safe to have a safe life and when he comes, he says, well done, good and faithful servant, let's pray.
Our God and our Father, how we thank thee for these beautiful pictures in my word of the victory that was over those sons of the giant. We think of David who had five stones in his, uh, in his little pouch there, and he used one on Goliath and there's four left. And these four giants were slain to by each of thy servants. And we just thanked you for this and we pray you might be simple in our faith and just to be able to recognize.
These Wilds of the devil, how he wants to distract us and occupy us and keep us from laying hold of those things which are of real value. And so we are not to pick up the crumbs under the table. Lord Jesus, we're invited to come and to remember you at that table, to enjoy thy fellowship with the Father. What a privilege, what a, what a wonder. And we thank thee for thy precious word. And we pray for blessing on the young people here. Give them a happy time.
A profitable time spiritually too, unless the other meetings, if they're coming, if he doesn't come, Lord Jesus and so.
We thank you for all and and for Thy Spirit and Thy word. In the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and thank you. Amen.