
Gospel—Michel Payette
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Could we open our meeting this evening by singing together #25?
Someone started for me please.
Life, that death, is very brief.
Right now.
You're on your way.
And your pride is just magnetic being in my mind.
I can explain to my.
Like president of the clubs, care of faith. How are you being proud of the world? And you're right, the Salt Lake of us.
Look to the Lord in prayer.
Our God and our Father.
We do thank you this evening for.
The privilege of telling forth the good news of thy love, of Thy long-suffering over this guilty world, Thy desire to bless, to bring us into blessing each one. We thank the Father for this opportunity this evening to have this gospel meeting, to open my word together. And we seek Thy blessing. Father, we know that is the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross that has assured many of us.
Of our salvation, when it's the work of thy spirit and our souls. And we pray that thy spirit might be free to work this evening in this room.
We ask it, Father, with Thanksgiving, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for His honor and glory. Amen.
I'd like to read first of all three verses.
In the book of Proverbs.
Book of Proverbs, chapter 5.
And verse 7.
Hear me now therefore, O ye children.
And depart not from the words of my mouth.
Then another verse in Chapter 7.
Proverbs 7, verse 24.
Hearken unto me now, therefore.
All ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.
And chapter 8.
Verse 32.
Now therefore, hearken unto me, O ye children.
For blessed, blessed are they that keep my ways.
Similar verses.
I have a common message.
Addressed to children. See the word there means sons.
And I believe it's addressed this evening to those that will be called the sons of men or the children of men.
Everyone of us in this room, we fit.
The description here before God as being children of men, sons of men. And God says, Hear me now therefore, O ye children.
You know that.
Of the senses. God has given us senses.
There is one sense.
That works before you're born, and that's a sense of hearing.
Little child in the mother's womb hears a loud noise and he'll be startled. His hearings already work. He can't smell, can't talk, but he can hear. Can't discern what he hears, but he can respond to a noise.
And you know the last sense.
That stops working. There's a sense of hearing.
Remember seeing a man who was in his 50s dying of cancer slowly going away.
This weakening every day to a point where he was so weak he couldn't move.
He was so weak, he couldn't wink, he could not move his eyelid, he was so weak.
But he could hear. But he could hear.
I remember speaking to that man. He knew the Lord Jesus, the one we want to talk to you about tonight.
And when I told him.
Within a few moments, he'd be in the presence of the Savior. I just saw a little slight movement in the corner of his lip. A smile. He didn't look worried. He looked peaceful, but he couldn't move. But he could still hear.
And you know, God says here.
And I would wonder if there's anybody in this room tonight that's unqualified to listen.
Would the last person in the corner there, The last row, The last seat. Can you hear my voice? Raise your hand, please. Thank you. The other corner there, the far end corner. The last person. Would you kindly raise your hand? Thank you, Sir. Everybody can hear.
If you didn't want to fulfill verse seven of chapter 5, hear me now, therefore all your children.
And depart not from the words of my mouth.
You'd have to leave this room.
You're in this room, you can hear. We can go to the second verse, Proverbs Chapter 7. It says, There, hearken unto me now, therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.
I remember a brother once in a meeting, he said something. He said during this meeting, if somebody walks up to me and asks me for the silver dollar, I'll give it to him. And somebody was paying attention. And during the meeting or at the end, I mean he walked up and he says, give me that silver dollar. And the brother gave him that silver dollar. He was listening to what was being said. And that's the next criterion in this room this evening is, are you listening and paying attention? Are you going to take in what we're going to say?
We trust with the help of the Spirit of God because if you're not listening, it's not going to be profitable for you.
And if you remember the last verse we read in Proverbs chapter 8.
Verse 32 Now therefore, Arkan unto me, O ye children, for blessed are they that keeps my ways. There's a promise of blessing. God has a blessing in store for you this evening if you listen, pay attention to His word, and respond.
I was reading an article this week. The Bank of Montreal, The bank in Canada.
Record profits $1 billion and 15,000,000.
$1 billion profit.
I've had a sheet of paper here.
And I said, if I was a arch billionaire, and I said, OK, I'm taking names down this evening. You attentive? I'm taking names down this evening of people to whom I would be willing to give a billion dollars. You're paying attention.
But what I have to offer from God this evening is worth way more than a billion dollars, and it's being offered to everyone in this room. We can hear my voice.
And if you don't have that blessing when you leave this room tonight?
Maybe it's because I'm going to have said it clearly enough. I asked God to help me to make it clear and plain. But if you don't have that blessing when you leave this room tonight.
You haven't paid attention.
Ask me again before you leave, I'll try and make it as plain as I can.
Or you won't respond to the message and say, oh, I don't want my name there. I don't want that blessing.
So I want you to be attentive, please. And you know the child in the womb, he can hear. We can't understand, but there are many children here. If you're old enough to hear my voice, you're old enough to understand a lot of the things we're going to be speaking about. So don't give up. Pay attention.
Now you know we sang about time.
We sang about time. You know this book here, the word of God, it tells us about time.
And I was thinking this week about time, you know, and time is something that kind of immaterial, but we'd like to define it this evening for each one of what's time, and we'll call it the period between this verse here we'll read in Genesis chapter one.
First book of the Bible, Genesis chapter one verse one. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said that there be light, and there was light, and God saw the light, that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. There's a beginning of time, the very first day, day one right here in the Bible, the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. They won.
Now let's go to the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible.
Chapter 20 of Revelation. Chapter 20.
And the 11 verse will be coming back to this chapter a little bit later on.
Revelation 20, verse 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.
So there are the heavens and the earth disappear, no place for them. And I'd like to suggest to you tonight we're going to define this as time.
From the first day when the heaven and the earth were created, and the last day when they disappeared.
Now if I read my Bible correctly.
The space of time between this creation and the fact that they disappear.
In the Bible is approximately 7000 years.
7000 years.
You know, if you take a person.
That lives 70 years, 70 years.
Person lived 70 years, he died. And the day she died, somebody is born and they live 70 years and they die after 70 years. And when this one dies, somebody else is born. Well, they'd only take 100 people for the whole span of time. That includes the Millennium, only 100 people. Now, if you take the first section of this room there, the people sitting in that first section there, there's more than 100 seats just in that section.
That's all that's needed for that span of time. It's not very long. It seems like a big number, but 100 people isn't very much living 70 years. And that's the whole span of time from creation till the heavens and the earth disappear.
You might say, what's that got to do with me? Well, we live in time and we have days too.
You listen to Psalm 90 turned up Psalm 90.
Because we're not going to live 7000 years.
We don't have that much time.
Our span of time is much shorter.
We don't know how much time we have.
Psalm 90.
Verse 10.
Psalm 90, verse 10, The days of our years.
Our three score years and 10.
That's an old English way of saying 70.
Is that like that number we used before? 100 men living 70 years each. That's three score in 10 years.
And if by reason of strength they be 4 score years, that's 80.
80 years and you know the average age, woman's average age in Canada.
Is 77 years.
Right in between those two numbers 70 and 80. So some die before, some die after.
But that's the span of time. None of them live 150 years.
So there's a verse here and a twenty 90th Psalm, verse 12.
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts.
And the wisdom.
Need to number our days?
Now, how would you feel if?
Somebody is 6 foot four and big fellow walked up to you and said your days are numbered.
I'd be worried.
But I can tell you God is telling us tonight our days are numbered.
Our days are numbered. We don't know how much time we have left, but he knows.
And he wants us to number our days.
2,500,000 days.
Two and a half million days, roughly 7000 years.
70 years 25,000 and some days that's all.
So pay a dollar a day, $25,000 not that much gone.
Little time looks like a long time when you start it and say look forward. I'm young, many years before me. Well, all things being equal, maybe 70 years, maybe 80. All things being equal, if nothing happens before some die a lot younger than 70.
I saw a woman once who was 55.
Average age in Canada 77. She was 55. She died lung cancer from smoking.
Cigarette robbed or her of over 20 years of life. Had she not smoked, she might have gotten to 80 or 85.
Didn't know when she was going. It's gone now.
Remember seeing her in the hospital? Her minutes were numbered.
She was going to go, hardly anything left in her lung.
Trying to get some air because she was choking.
Told her about the love of the Lord Jesus wants to have her with him and my glory. I don't know when she crossed the eternity, whether she was saved or not.
If time goes on, everyone in this room here, we're going to pass into eternity.
Some of us are older, getting older. The Lord doesn't come. The days are fleeting. Why? We're going quickly by.
Because I pointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.
Is that all? No.
There's good news from God. There's a now in those verses and proverbs, it says there, listen to me now.
There's now there's blessing purpose from God to you this evening in this room.
Eternal blessing worth more than a billion dollars can be yours tonight.
You know it says in Jeremiah chapter 5.
The last verse.
Just like to use the end of the verse, thinking about our life and what will ye do.
In the end thereof.
How long is it going to last? We don't know. Maybe tomorrow some of us won't be here. I see roads coming down, I see roads going back.
Some of us get sick, we don't know what are you going to do in the end thereof?
You know, one day in my life.
I thought I was dying. I didn't know the Lord Jesus my Savior was working for the telephone company.
Leaving a little bit of stress when a nervous fellow.
I went for supper. I was working overtime. I had some soup and crackers there. I never have crackers, but.
How is eating the soup? And in the soup there was a wrapper, a piece of wrapper from the crackers.
And I didn't see it, picked it up in my spoon and I swallowed it. When I got it in my throat, it stuck there.
And I felt I was choking and a fellow always missed it.
Something in my soup.
And then I could get my voice back. Something arrived, I think it was a piece of wrapper in my soup. I showed up again. So I was getting weak and worried. And so let's go to the the bathroom and maybe you could throw up. And so I tried in the bathroom. And as time went by, I started feeling weaker and weaker and getting concerned about this choking up and.
Finally, she decided to get one of the security persons and by that time I was turning white.
And then they got me on a stretcher and they called the ambulance and I was going down all the time. And I remember in the ambulance, I was in the ambulance and then I and I could hear them say it's a heart attack.
Look at his face, it's got to be a heart attack. It's very comforting when you hear that.
Anyway, I was in the ambulance there and I was going. This is the impression I had. I couldn't move anymore. I could just barely talk and I can tell you I had no thought whatsoever towards God as to where I was going. My mind was set on things down here.
And all I could think I was I supposed to meet my wife at 9:00? I said to this fellow, tell my wife I won't be there.
I thought I was dying. What was I going to do in the end? Thereof? Nothing. I was going to crossover in eternity as a lost Sinner.
What are you going to do in the end thereof?
Don't wait, don't wait.
Remember seeing a man?
Was a story being acted out Anyway, he was dying. You know what the last thing he asked for when he was dying.
The same thing that killed that woman at 55, he asked for a cigarette.
Yeah, that puff and you die.
What are you going to do in the emirate? Death and judgment are before me.
That's what we had in the end. Is that what good news we have for you tonight, or the blessing God has for you tonight? No, He has a blessing to remove from you the judgment that you're heading towards.
There's only one way he can do that.
Read with me.
In Revelation chapter 20 where we read before.
We read verse 11. We'll read it over again.
And I saw the dead, small and great stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened.
Which is the Book of life?
And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire.
I said at the beginning, if I was writing names down here for a billion dollars, maybe give me your name.
God is writing names tonight for eternal blessing.
But he wants you to know the consequence.
Of refusing, neglecting what he has for you tonight.
It says here before that great white throne, there's one sitting there. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
And before the face of this one sitting on that white throne, heaven and earth disappeared.
The one sitting on the throne is no other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
And says there were books opened.
And if I had died those years ago when I was still unsaved, didn't know the Lord Jesus.
I would stand at this judgment, seat of Christ, and I don't know how the books were made-up here.
But I was thinking of a book, you know, long shelf of books and there it says on the book.
The life and works of Michel Bayet.
The life and works of Michel, they recorded everything I've done and thought things I've forgotten about, all recorded there. And God would judge me according to the works that I've done, not what you've done, what I've done.
And you know what the outcome would be.
The Lake of Fire.
I'm so glad, I'm so thankful my name is in the book of Life and tonight God is taking names and writing them now in the Book of Life. Would you like to have your name tonight written in the Book of Life?
Or would you rather have him look at that book on the shelf, the life and works of not Michel Payette, but put your name there? Every thought, everything you've done, ever, ever, ever. Everything there. Nothing missing.
Well, tonight.
Through God's grace, we'd like to show you from God's Word.
Ah, you can have your name written there. Turn with me now to the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 17.
Verse 30.
Speaks of people there that were ignorant of the true God but says here and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now.
Commandeth all men everywhere to repent.
That's all children of men, if you like boys and girls, moms and dads, young girls, young men.
All, and not just in Canada, in every place. And when that he does, he say that it says God commands it.
Now, right now, 1996, I think it's November 29th. Is it Seven o'clock 730? God commands everywhere now meant to repent.
You say?
Repent from what?
I can't say for you. I can say for me.
And my sins.
You know when Cain slew his brother Abel? God asked Cain.
A question, he said. What hast thou done?
What hast thou done? Didn't God know what Cain had done?
Course he did was written in the book.
If Cain would have thought of the questions, what have I done?
Last Repentance.
Seeing your sin as God sees it, what have you done?
I don't know, but God knows and God says that you sin.
God says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And if it wasn't for the good news, the promised blessing of God that you can get tonight, we'd all be standing before that great white throne and all those books.
Being open, we'd all end up in the lake of fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. But God wants you with him in heaven.
And happiness. But you have to repent.
You have to realize that you're lost and you're guilty before God, that you've done what's wrong.
You've disobeyed God. You've done your own will, you've told a lie, you've cheated. Perhaps you've stolen. Perhaps you've been mad at somebody and you've hit them. I don't know. God knows. But God says that you've sinned.
I want you to read with me in Matthew's Gospel chapter 27.
Because there's another seat of judgment there, like that one in Revelation chapter 20. The Lord Jesus is sitting on a throne and heaven and earth have disappeared and everybody's there. Not everybody, I should say, but a lot of people are there, raised from the dead, just standing there in mid air or no air either, just in space before the Lord Jesus, held there by his power. And he's going to look their life over and he's going to have to cast them away forever.
But in Matthew 27, there's another man here judging and from the 19th verse.
This is Pilot.
When he was set down on the judgment seat.
His wife sent unto him, saying, Hath done nothing to do with that just man.
Verse 20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
And the governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said the Rabbis.
Here are two questions. Actually there's three, Pilate said unto them. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?
They all let him be crucified.
And the governor said why?
What evil hath he done?
The Lord Jesus.
Never sinned. He could not sin. There was number sin in him, even a thief right beside him. He said this man that does nothing amiss never did anything wrong. What evil had he done?
What evil have you done?
You can't say none.
Why the Son of God?
He was in the ship with the disciples and it was a storm and he said peace be still, storm stopped.
Lazarus was there in the grave. Four days dead stank already. Lazarus come forth. Rosen from the dead.
They came to get the Lord Jesus in the garden with swords in heaven. He said, Whom seek ye. And they said, Jesus Nazareth, I am ye, I'm he.
And when he said that they all fell backwards, could have just left, he stayed there. Why?
Do you want to know why?
For you.
Because he loves you, that's why. The Son of God who loved you.
And gave himself for you. You know him.
For this evening, my friend.
You're lost and guilty. You're going to stand before God unless you receive the free gift of God.
Through faith in the Lord Jesus.
You need to know you're a Sinner because Christ died for sinners didn't come to die for justice. People, people always done right. No, the Pharisees thought that way. They were all good. Everybody else is bad.
Bible says there's no righteous one. No, just one, not one.
And that's why the Son of God, he let wicked men take him and heard him and nail his hands and his feet on the cross, and he was lifted up between heaven and earth. And then when he was on the cross, earth wouldn't have him, and the heavens were close to him. He was forsaken on the cross.
For me.
That's why I'm here tonight.
Because the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me and for many here in this room. And we would pray that you would know tonight that He did it for you and that you'll have Him as your own personal Savior tonight.
You know, they asked the question, Pilot asked the question.
What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? And they said crucified?
Away with Him, crucify him.
What will you do tonight with Jesus, which is called a Christ?
Dial 1.
Tomorrow I'm too young. I've got many, many days before me. You don't.
None of us might be here very long, the Lord Jesus coming back.
And when the books are going to be opened.
Maybe God will ask you why.
Why didn't you?
Were you listening? Were you being attentive?
Did you accept the fact that you were a Sinner?
Just believe it. God says it. It's true.
Say, Lord Jesus, I want you as my savior. Save me tonight. I want my name in her book. I don't want to be judged. I don't want a lake of fire.
No, God says he doesn't watch in the lake of fire. He wants you in heaven. He wants to bring many sons to glory. He loves you.
But he hates sin. The problem isn't God, it's not you. It's sin. He loves you, but he hates sin, and he cannot take you into heaven.
Without having your sins washed away. And that's why the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross is so precious. Look at verse in First Corinthians.
First Corinthians.
Wow, wow.
Verse 18, Chapter one.
First Corinthians, chapter one, verse 18.
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness.
But unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.
If the Lord Jesus hadn't gone to that cross, what he done? None.
But he didn't go to that cross. God couldn't bring you or me in heaven.
And we would all stand before that white throne and be judged for our sins.
And be castaway from God.
God so loved the world, so loved you, that he gave his only begotten Son. He didn't send angels, His only begotten Son.
And how did we treat his son? Could we have treated him worse?
Spit in his face, hit him with our fists, hit him with sticks.
Nailed him to the cross and then when he was there hanging on the cross.
And he sympathy from our hearts.
We mocked him. If thou be the Son of God, come down, save thyself.
And us.
It's all going to be reckoned by God. It's all going to be brought to light. It's all going to be judged.
What shall you do in the end thereof?
It tells us in the book of Romans.
That all the world is going to be guilty before God.
And every mouth stopped.
Perhaps you do something wrong. You're a child and you've been bad. You say, Oh my little brother, he did this. It's not my fault. Looks like Adam and Eve said no, it's not me, it's a serpent.
Passing the responsibility around, trying to explain ourselves rather than saying what have I done? I've done it wrong, I've said.
But when we stand before the Great White Throne, no explanations.
No advocate nobody to plead your cause before God. It's all written in the book.
Nothing to be debated, no facts to say. Well, is that fact exact? God knows everything, everything about you in all the details. Nothing escapes Him. And when you read the account?
You won't have anything to say.
And in all your mouth is going to be used for is weeping, wailing the national king.
My friends, it's serious.
We go back to our verse in Proverbs.
Get the last.
Proverbs chapter 8, the last one we read.
Verse 32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children, for blessed are they that keep my ways.
How can I be blessed? How can I receive more than a billion dollars tonight By receiving the free gift of God.
Through faith in the Lord Jesus.
Romans, chapter 6.
Verse 23.
For the wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God.
Is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord?
What will you do then with Jesus, which is called a Christ? Are you going to leave this room tonight? Say I'm going to think about it?
And if you never think about it again, you never hear the gospel again.
What are you going to say before the Great White Throne?
Don't put it off.
Life at best is very brief, like the falling of a leaf. You'll watch a leaf fall.
The book of James, it says our life is but a vapor that appears for a little time.
Or perhaps you've seen these boys and girls that maybe a bowl of soup, a hot bowl of soup and you see so hot you can see the vapors. There have been try and lay hold of the vapors.
You watch it in there, it doesn't last very long. It's gone.
And pretty soon, everyone of us, we're going to be looking at our life and say that didn't last very long, did it? It's gone, it's over.
So, my friend, tonight you can take the most important decision in your life that's going to affect your life down here. How long it's going to be, I don't know, but it's going to affect your life down here. You're going to be happy down here and you're going to be happy forever with the Lord Jesus in heaven, the promise of God's blessing, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Perhaps you say, I know all that. I've heard that many times from maybe mom and dad and others around. And I really want, I really want to be sure. I really want to be sure. Well, you know, perhaps you've already, I'm sure you've all received one day. You've received a gift.
Receive a gift.
That's enjoyable, receiving a gift, a nice gift, maybe a doll or a truck, something nice.
You know a gift. How does it become yours?
How do you have a gift if I if I brought a truck to one of the young boys here and I said, here's a truck, where's a gift for you? And, and I walked back and be 20 minutes, they say, hey, who's this truck? It's yours, Sir.
Well, I thought I gave it to you. Well, I'm not sure it's mine. Is it really mine had that experience one in once in Benin. They liked these little wallet calendars. I gave a man a wallet calendar and another man at wallet calendar and gave wallet calendars around and we got talking about the Lord Jesus and the free gift of God, free salvation of our souls, our sins washed in the precious blood of Christ. And he said, oh.
But you've got to do this and you've got to do that and.
And I said, well, when you receive a gift, what does a gift belong to?
I said, yeah, well, but you know, objections and maybe so I told the first fellow. I said that calendar you just put in your pocket.
Who it belonged to? He said me, pointing to me. He says it belongs to you. You give it back. He gave me back to calendar. I put it back in my pocket. So I went to the other fellow. I said that pop that calendar in your pocket. Who does it belong to? He said me.
Simple, it's mine. The Lord Jesus came in the world to save sinners. He saved me because I received the gift of God.
And believing on the Lord Jesus, God offers to all the boys and girls tonight and adults to to be his sons and daughters through faith in the Lord Jesus. If you believe in your heart and the Lord Jesus, God will forgive your sins and make your sons and daughters. You want that to be yours. You just say it's mine. Lord Jesus, I want you as my Savior. Talk to adults sometimes. I want you to read one more verse before I close John's Gospel chapter 6.
He is the Lord Jesus speaking, the Son of God, God manifest in flesh.
He says in John chapter 6.
Verily Verily. Verse 47. Verily, Verily.
Truly, truly, I say unto you, he that believeth on me.
Hath everlasting life.
I was talking about trucks and dolls to kids but spoken to many adults. They believed the Lord Jesus died on the cross for them.
And he really believed that he was raised from the dead. He's at the right hand of God.
And I have them read this verse. The Lord says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
The Lord Jesus, the Son of God, declares that those that believe on Him have.
Everlasting life and you, I asked them. But many times, I'm sure many here have done that. Do you have everlasting life? These are mature adults, they say. I hope.
I hope.
I hope I have it. I hope I'm going to have it. I hope God will.
There's no hope here.
He has.
I can tell you tonight, by God's authority, His word, I have everlasting life. Why? Because I have put my trust in the Lord Jesus. I was a guilty and lost Sinner on my way to hell. And the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, who never did anything wrong, He went to the cross. Why for me? Because He loves me. Why for you? Because He loves you. Do you have everlasting life tonight? But receive him as your Savior. Believe the word of God.
And you can say with many of us tonight, I have everlasting life. Thank you Lord Jesus.
I'd like to have another hymn here.
So we've spoken about the Lord Jesus.
And the reason why he was delivered up for our offenses, the reason why he went to the cross.
For everyone in this room, that's why. Because he loves you.
And I trust with the word of God that you've heard tonight that you can have your name written.
In the book of life.
Can God write your name in tonight?
My name's there. Is your name there? Would you have your name there tonight?
And if not, may I ask you why not tonight?
Why not tonight?
Because I've been tell you if it's not tonight.
It might be never.
Let's pray.
Our God and our Father, we thank thee for thy love again, for the gift of thy Son the Lord Jesus, for that work on the cross, that perfect work to save sinners.
To save hell, deserving sinners like me.
Like us, we thank Thee, Father, for loving us so much, and we thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for coming down.
And for letting wicked men hurt thee and spit upon thee.
And mark thee in thy time of agony and to thank our God and our Father that thou didst punish him for the evils that we have done, for the things that we have done because he hadn't done anything wrong. We thank you for this Father. We thank you for the peace, the joy that we have in knowing him as our Savior, having thee as our Father. And we would pray to thee, Father, tonight for any in this room, boy or a girl or older one, who still.
As in said, Lord Jesus save me, we pray tonight they would come to thee Lord Jesus and enjoy.
Thy work for them receive Thee as their own personal Savior, having their sins washed and Thy most precious blood. We thank Thee for Thy patience. Our God, we thank Thee for the opportunity this evening to preach the gospel. We know we do it in weakness. We count on the working of Thy spirit and souls. We thank Thee for Thy word, for the good news, and for Thy beloved Son. And we ask Thy blessing what's been said, what was from Thee. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray. Father, Amen.