Man's Responsibility

Gospel—Michel Payette
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Like to welcome everyone to the Gospel meeting and we'll start our meeting this evening by singing together hymn #23 on the hymn sheet.
Behold, behold the Lamb of God on the cross, on the cross for us. He shed his precious blood on the cross, on the cross.
Oh, here the overwhelming cry, Eli, Lama, Sabachthani, Ronier, and see the Savior died on the cross, on the cross #23 someone started, please.
Let's have a word of prayer before we start.
Our God and our Father we.
Thank you this evening for such a hymn that we can sing of that one, the Lord Jesus that was hung between heaven and earth.
That was forsaken, that I was having my house, father, children.
That I was blessed human beings, millions of them, because of thy love.
And we pray tonight, Father, as us giving us another opportunity to open my word and to speak of these things that, uh.
Every heart here would be attentive.
And if anyone here and tonight, Father, is still a stranger to such love and to that finished word, to thine glory, Father, that would please Thee tonight to work in their hearts. We pray Thy help. As we open Thy word and we seek Thy guidance, we ask it with Thanksgiving. Father, thanking thee again for Thy love and for the Lord Jesus in His name we pray.
Well, this evening we'll be considering verses from the book I have in my hand, which is the Word of God.
People who claim it's not the word of God are not really read it.
Or read it attentively, because those that have started reading it and recognize it to be the Word of God, they read it and read it and read it and read it and never exhaust the depth that is found in the pages of this book. So tonight we're not presenting thoughts from ourselves. We'd like to present something from the Word of God, the Epistle to the Romans, chapter one.
Some of you I know, some I don't know.
When you walked into this room this evening.
You had a certain level of responsibility before God because all of God's creatures have a responsibility towards Him.
I don't know what that responsibility was when you came in.
Well, all I can say is I'd like to make you more responsible.
And I trust with the Lord shall you be so responsible that if you don't know the Lord yet as you're saved, you'll be so responsible and uncomfortable at such responsibility that you might pay attention to God's offer. A wonderful offer cost him so much to propose it to you, to offer it to you free.
Men have heard about it and they've forgotten about it.
It went in one ear, out the other and they make jokes about it.
And they're very, very responsible.
Tonight, perhaps this is your umpteen gospel, meaning you might have heard it many, many times before. Perhaps not.
We're going to read from the Word of God. The Apostle Paul writes an epistle to the Romans, chapter one. We're going to look at different levels of responsibility in the Word of God.
Because we all have one. In Romans chapter one verse 18 it says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven.
Against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness.
You know, gospel, meaning gospel means good news, and you're starting to preach the good news on speaking about the wrath of God. Well, actually, the good news precedes the wrath of God. We've been singing about the good news from God, the good news from God. You could sell it, say it in one word. The good news from God is Jesus.
This man whose name is Jesus, the Son of God, who came into this world 2000 years ago.
And dine on that cross we've been singing about.
And more on that cross. At that time, the sins of all the believers were gonna be in heaven, mine included.
I don't know about yours, I trust yours included too.
Doesn't depend upon God. If you included yours or not depends upon you tonight.
If you have not yet.
Pondered. Thought about, considered.
The question of what's coming on the horizon, not only for this world.
But for eternity.
Now the wrath of God is revealed from heaven.
But it's not coming down from heaven right now.
It will.
But it fell on the person of the Lord Jesus on the cross when he was forsaken. When he said that Eli Eli Lama said back tonight, Why hast thou forsaken me?
The wrath of God was upon him.
Not for any unrighteousness or ungodliness that was found in him. There was none in him.
But there was mine.
And there was that of many in this room.
And we pray, We hope.
But there was yours also.
So it says in this verse, the apostle Paul, he writes about the condition of the world that he was in. A lot of the world was Pagan, and he says there for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth.
In unrighteousness.
So God holds man responsible for truth.
And somebody somewhere on the face of this earth tonight, there are probably millions like that they've never heard.
About the Lord Jesus.
His death and resurrection and what God proposes to us through his finished work, they've never heard that.
But they are not without truth.
And these ones that the apostle Paul writes about, they did not necessarily have the truth of the gospel yet, but they had to measure of truth.
Now if I ask you to distinguish between blue and red.
Black and white, yellow and orange. Most of you, you make a difference.
If I spoke different languages and I asked you which language was that, most of you would find out what it was. You'd be able to discern with your mind all sorts of things, and that comes from God. God has given us abilities as His creatures to recognize things, and one of the things we should be recognizing as His creatures is that there is a God.
You and I and the rest of the creatures human beings on the face of this earth should know.
We're equipped to know that there is a God. We might not know how he is, we might not know him personally, but as we observe creation, God has given us senses and a perception to know that this creation as an author, and that's what God is.
And it says here that they hold the truth in unrighteousness because they refuse to acknowledge.
The obvious that there is.
If you travel different countries in the world, you'll find you meet up with different religions, different forms of temples, different religions, forms of worship. What's all this about? Well, there's a consciousness in the soul of man that there is a God.
And God says, well, you're responsible to know that.
If someone says tonight there is no God, well, God says there's a fool.
The fool says in his heart there's no God, he's lost a sense and French, the word is senseless. The senseless says in his heart there's no God, He's lost a sense when he was born into the world, unless he was crippled or blind or something. And it can happen, but generally you should have a sense that tells him there's a difference between good and evil. You don't need to go to school to find out what that.
That's ingrown and not theirs ago. And when you say there's no God, well, you've lost something that you're supposed to have.
Hi, Chris. There's no one here tonight that says there's no God.
So these ones here, it says that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. Ungodliness, that word, it means not that somebody that doesn't believe there's a God. It means somebody who knows there's a God but pretends there's no God.
He acts as if there was no God.
He acts as if he's not going to give an account of himself to God, which he is going to do, by the way, and everyone of you is saying.
That word ungodliness.
It's better in English than in French. It's not a clear as clear in French. It has reference to God definitely.
Living in a manner that is ignorance, voluntary ignorance of God. And it goes on to say, Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, For God had showed it unto them, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen.
Being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without.
Now when we talk about the gospel, we know there are two things. One is our responsibility when we hear about the things of God.
And the other we recognize too, that the working of God who knocks at the door of our hearts and brings conviction and puts your sins before you and makes you feel uncomfortable about these things. This is the working of God in us to bring us to repentance and faith.
And that's his work.
But you know, nobody is going to stand before God in the future day and say, why didn't you do this work in me?
Nobody's going to say anything like that, because when we stand before God in judgment, it says every mouth stopped.
Not one excuse, not one argument, no alibis. Every mouth stopped and all the world guilty.
Now the wrath of God is revealed from heaven, and we're not right now standing before God to give an account of ourselves. God is so long-suffering and patience, he said. I don't want them to meet up with me this way.
I want them to meet up with me in a different way, availing themselves of what I've done for them.
Through my beloved Son the Lord Jesus and the sacrifice that he provides by his death and shed blood on the cross of Calvary. So I ask you tonight, my friend.
You know there's a God.
I trust you do, and you're not senseless.
This book also says.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
You accept that.
That you have in your mind a distinction might vary from a person to another of what is right and what is wrong. We all have that. Might not have the same reference, but we know when we go to the extremes, we all agree that's bad, we know that's wrong.
And then we kind of move back and then we start with our elastic and say, well, that's not that bad.
Well, there's a standard for what's right and wrong. It's in the Word of God. But you have a conscience. And even if you had never had the word of God, you have a conscience that tells you.
What's right and what's wrong? And when you do what's wrong, when your consciousness told you it was the right thing to do, it wasn't that. It was something else. He did it anyway. You become responsible.
You can't say I didn't know you knew, but you did it anyway.
So the apostle goes on, and the Epistle to the Romans to bring conviction to those that never had the law of God, but they had the testimony of creation to realize.
That when they did wrong, they were guilty.
Now God in time, in the history of man, He communicated with men.
And he brought to Moses in the book of Exodus. There he brought the 10 commandments, He brought his law.
He brought a requirement for man to be declared righteous. He had to do all these things and not do these things.
Now before the law.
If you said something wrong, if you told a lie, well, your conscience might have accused you. So I shouldn't have said it that way. I should have said the truth because I I can't look at the person in the eye anymore. And I'm uncomfortable when she comes because if she finds out that I've lied to her, you know it's going to be bad. It's going to break our relationship when the law says thou shalt not lie.
Then it's not just your conscience.
There's positive communication from God not to do that.
If you lie again.
You're more responsible, aren't you?
It says in Romans Chapter 7 as to the law. We can look at that.
Route 7.
It says in the middle of the verse there but sin that it might appear, sin working death in me by that which is good, that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
So somebody lied and say that's really bad.
But if somebody knows the law of Moses and your life, that's really, really, really bad.
It's still a lie, but it's exceeding sinful.
Because you have more than just your conscience and just a society around you to to incline you to do something or something else. You have the very word of God that says don't do that and you transgress. You go against God. That's very, very, very bad.
Have you ever disobeyed God's law?
Have you told a lie? You know God says not to lie.
Take God's name in vain.
Covet with your heart, through your eyes, perhaps through your mind that says don't do that.
Do it anyway.
You're gonna tell God when you stand before Him. I didn't know every mouth stopped. No excuses.
Now I know most of you. You know there's a God. You've heard about the law of Moses.
And you know this hymn that we sent about Jesus the Son of God?
We died on the cross 2000 years ago. Who uttered these very words? Eli. Eli lamas the back tonight.
You don't believe that happened? That really happened. God saw it and he recorded it in his word for us.
And it happened so God could bless you and bless me and bless this world.
Says in John chapter 3 verse 16, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have.
Everlasting life.
This has been done already.
That happened 2000 years ago. But you were not there 2000 years ago, or 100 years ago. Nobody here was there a hundred years ago. You were in the world yet.
But now you're here, and the God who's given you life and an ever dying soul, he lets you hear.
About his love.
Well, what he's done for you, he wants to make you conscious that you're responsible before him for those things he's allowed you to hear and understand.
You know.
Villa boy sits at the table.
And the mother says that here's your supper, some vegetables and some meat. Perhaps I'm not hungry.
Have a little piece of cheese and some bread. I don't want any.
Well, mother says, you know, if you don't have something because you don't have any supper, come 8:00, you're gonna be hungry and you're not gonna eat. Before you go to bed, eat your supper. No, I don't wanna eat meat supper.
No any of those.
I'm not hungry, but come 8:00 Mommy, I'm hungry.
Why are you hungry? Why didn't you eat when you had it before You was a child young enough and you know what to do? Parents, you know, we love them and we help them out with that. But you know, if you got any older, you say, well, he's hungry, but who's responsible for him being hungry?
It's him.
And that's what's gonna happen, you know, And the story of the gospel, it's a sad thing to consider.
The wrath of God, eternal fire and punishment which we can hardly take in to consider people that are going to suffer.
But it's not God's fault.
Because God would have spared everyone of them if they'd let Him.
And we're not talking about having a meal.
Going without dessert. We're talking about eternity and weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And people say God so good.
He's not going to send anybody to hell.
We know God is so righteous that if he just goes by his righteousness, he'd have to send every one of us in eternal punishment forever.
But because of his love, He wants to send none of us.
Into eternal punishment and because of that, because of his love, that's why Jesus on the cross says.
Eli Eli Lama said back that night so God could save every Sinner on the face of this earth.
By the sacrifice of Christ.
Tonight God proposes to you to put your faith in the Lord's Jesus. Simple faith tonight from your heart you can say, no matter how old you are, you say Lord Jesus, I want you as my savior. Maybe it's just in your head. It doesn't matter. It'll it'll go down into your heart and time. Lord Jesus, save me, please. I want, I want to be saved. God's going to save you. He's going to honor the name and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and bring you as a trophy in heaven a Sinner safely.
If you say no.
I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes. You might not have any shoes at that time. Standing before the judgment seat of Christ.
Standing before the great White Throne and God with you in your life.
And you're leaving in your head those moments when God feedeth with you, he said.
Don't be neglectful.
We had this verse this afternoon. How shall we escape?
We neglect so great salvation.
Can you answer that question?
How are you going to escape?
If you neglect what God and His love and incredible grace and mercy did for you to take you to heaven, he said, I won't have that. I'll have it my way. How are you going to escape? Was it the verse First Thessalonians chapter 5?
First Thessalonians, chapter 5.
The last part of that verse.
First Thessalonians, chapter 5.
Verse 3.
The last part of verse three it says And they shall not escape.
And they shall not escape. You know man is not smarter than God.
Man thinks he's smart.
But he's not smarter than God. And if you compared levels of intelligence, there's no comparison between the intelligence of God and intelligence.
My brother was talking about this.
Particle accelerator Hadron, I think that they have in Europe 27 kilometer loop, you know, and they're having these particles, they speed them up in other chambers and then they precipitate them into this 27 kilometer loop there underground and they make them collide and, and if you follow all what they're reasoning, they're looking for a little invisible particle nobody's ever seen, but they suspect.
They suspect.
I think it's maybe €30 billion that they've spent so far on suspicion.
A little particle.
It's a little particle called a boson.
Nobody ever saw it.
But even if they don't see it after they spend €30 billion on the Boston, probably sometimes I saw it. I saw it. Yeah. Yeah, we saw it. Yeah. We're gonna write a book on it. We saw it like we saw evolution. We've seen evolution. Everybody knows about evolution. It's no longer a science. It's not Ethereum. Sorry. It's a science. No, it's a science of evolution. Everybody can observe evolution and creation, right? You look outside, you see, you see men, half monkeys, you know, they're they're evolving. It's just it's a continuous process over long periods of time.
Well, they're spending €30 billion to find out how.
And then they figure once they've got this particle colliding, they'll better understand how the universe came into being.
Well, if I read Hebrews Chapter 11.
In my Bible anyway. Hebrews Chapter 11.
Because they wanna have an understanding how the world's were put together.
Hebrews Chapter 11 verse three. It says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
So invisible bosons they don't appear.
Within the scriptures here, we know that God spoke the world into existence. Not God is so much more intelligent than you and I, but He's powerful. He's almighty. Let him be God. God says something, and there it is.
But man in his unbelief.
He wants to prove God wrong because this is not the word of God. This is written by men. We're going to find how this universe came into being, but God tells us how it came into being.
Now where do you find this? Search for the origins.
Of the universe outside of God's plan. We find that in Christian nations. Is that what we're talking about today?
Christian nations are looking for answers that God has already given, but they have not believed, so they're looking for other answers.
And God will let them look.
But you know if I go into this book here of Jude.
The last epistle in the New Testament I'm going to read in verse.
40 June 14. And Enoch also the 7th from Adam prophesied of these things Behold.
The Lord cometh with 10,000 of his Saints, or myriads of his Saints, not an exact number here, it's myriads of his Saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that our ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
If I ask you, what's the word?
Comes more often in this one verse. Ungodly, ungodly, ungodly, ungodly.
When Paul writes to the Romans, he's speaking to Pagan nations, and he found ungodliness in Pagan nations.
But he's not writing to Pagan nations here.
He's writing to apostate Christendom.
He's right. It's a Christian nations who have professed to know the true God and they know in their heads about the story of Jesus. And I've gone on to other things.
Where do we find laws that go against the laws of God's moral?
Morals being passed, we find that in Christian lands, that's where these laws are passed. What is that? That's apostasy. And you know this little expression here, ungodly sinners.
It's ungodly and it's sinners kind of say that same thing, yes, but ungodly sinners, I believe the Spirit of God singles it out because these are sinners voluntarily without Christ. These are ungodly who refuse to recognize that they are sinners and they have a problem when they're going to stand before God. They've done away with God and Christ, and God calls them ungodly sinners.
And when he comes down from heaven.
It says he's gonna execute judgment and he's gonna convince them.
No arguments, they will know.
And you know of all the things that these people do and say.
Part of their discourse is.
Their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
You know, if you go Muslim lands.
You will not hear Muslims speak against the Lord Jesus.
You will not hear them. Blasphemous name.
Nor in Arab or in French or in English.
But you hear his name taken around where you live from where I live.
Do we take the name of the Son of God in vain? Do we say blasphemous things about Him?
In the very lands where God has committed to us His Word.
So when the wrath of God?
Comes down from heaven.
It's going to be well deserved.
But God is slow to anger, You know the Lord Jesus He put up with spitting in his face.
They blindfolded him and they hit him with their fists. And here's the Son of God. Tell us who hit you. He knew He just had to say a word and the universe is gone. Make a new one.
What are you doing?
Because God is love.
And if we could see tonight, the wickedness.
Of his creature that he made into his own image.
And the affront of his glory that we impose upon Him with our mouths and heartbeat. If you get a picture of that and say, oh, May God forgive us.
Goodnight my friend. God wants to forgive you, young person, young people.
God looks into your heart tonight.
Is there ungodliness there? Is there ungodliness in your life?
Does God see sin in your life tonight? Doesn't like it?
Has to punish sin.
His wrath is revealed against these things.
But he doesn't want you to have it. He wants to spare you because he's such a wonderful God.
Long-suffering, not willing that any should perish.
I don't know how many people are in this room tonight, but God is not willing that any should perish.
Can we be assured that we're all going to be in heaven tonight? We could.
Are you gonna be in heaven today? Can you say yes, I'm gonna be in heaven?
In front of what I've done, God is able to forgive me.
Tonight we're responsible, dear ones.
No, there's a man in the Bible. We spoke about him this afternoon. It was King David. King David was a responsible man.
He had a position God had given him, had chosen him when he was a child, made him make him a leader of his people.
Adam gave him victory over his enemies, established him as king.
He had wives in the plural, not as many as Solomon his son, but he had wives.
And then he failed.
He acted in an ungodly way, as if God didn't see what he was doing.
He committed a serious sin.
And then to try and cover it up.
He had an innocent man murdered.
Any of you here have done that before?
I don't believe so.
I don't believe anybody in this room perhaps, but I I don't know you personally, but I doubt anybody in this room is as responsible.
As David was before God.
There were consequences in David's life, but I'm going to see David in heaven.
And we're going to sing together about the same person.
About the Lord Jesus, it doesn't matter tonight what you've done.
God can forgive. He forgave David and restored his soul, and I'm gonna see him in heaven.
And those things that David did, many others, I'm sure in his life, God knew all about them.
One man was punished for David's sin.
And that was the Lord Jesus on the cross.
I'm not gonna tell you about my sins.
But God punished my sins.
On the Lord Jesus, on the cross. And many in this room can tell you the same thing. They're sinners and their sins have been punished already. The judgment that we deserve, the chastisement of our peace, fell upon somebody else. Not just anybody else, somebody else. And God wants us to say it with our mouth. The Lord Jesus is the one who bore my sins in his own body on the tree. The Lord Jesus is my savior. The Lord Jesus died for my sins.
I accept the Son of God, the Lord Jesus, as my personal Savior.
You ever done that?
If you've never done that, why don't you do it tonight?
Hate in your heart to God. God.
I've done that. He knows them all anyway. Recognize those things for what they are.
It says repentance is taking sides with God against yourself. It's all the opposite of making excuses.
Is addressing those things that you've done when David's sin was brought before him and the prophet said you are that man. He recognized that man. No, he he about, he said yes, he confessed.
We don't need to bring everything out in the open. God knows your life, He knows mine.
And he wants you tonight.
To feel responsible before him.
For the thing that you've done.
And for what you know about him, and for what you've heard from him.
And he wants you to be a wise man.
I told you there's a guy laying bricks as you go out the door there and he's really clumsy. Every five seconds he drops a brick, go out by the other door.
You've been advised.
You see? Yeah, it's not gonna happen to me.
There you go, bump on the head.
Why did it happen to you?
You didn't become a wise man. You had information. You didn't act about it. Nobody in this room tonight can say I didn't have any information about Jesus.
Can you say that tonight? I don't know about Jesus, never heard about him before. Do you have a copy of the scriptures in your hand? If you don't, we can get you one.
God says don't go that way, don't be stubborn, don't be unbelieving tonight.
Tomorrow there might not be a gospel meeting. Tomorrow we might not be here. You might not be here tonight. God says don't stay any longer under the possibility that my wrath will fall upon you.
So it wouldn't fall upon you already had it fall upon my son for you. If you'll have him, if you'll trust him tonight, if you'll have him as your savior.
Somebody said I'll I'll think about it.
Wakes up one morning.
All his friends that he knew from the assembly, they're gone.
And then he hears all sorts of other things.
And he sees signs and wonders, and he says, ah yes, I believe now.
Well, that's that person in Second Thessalonians chapter 2. Wouldn't wanna be in his shoes. Second Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 9.
Piece of the future day when a man of sin appears.
And he's going to seduce many, many people.
You know one thing about somebody that's seduced is a person that's seduced doesn't know they're seduced.
Otherwise it wouldn't be seduced. Might not be the right word, but I think it's that seduced, yes.
It says verse 9 even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all powers and sign and lying wonders.
And with all it's deceived that I wanted to save, rather than seduced with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.
That day all might be damned who believe not the truth.
But had pleasure.
In unrighteousness. So it was deceived was the word I was looking for is different in French. But someone who is deceived obviously doesn't know he's deceived, otherwise he wouldn't be deceived.
And Satan is a deceiver.
God will not deceive you.
It says they receive, not verse 10, the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
It's not that they didn't love the truth.
What happens after they did not receive the love of the truth? Because the truth from God tonight is that He loves you.
He so loved the world. That's the truth.
God is love. He's undertaken. He knows your need. He knows my need. He knows what this world needs. He's undertaken in love and provided in his love for your need and mind. And that's what the truth of God presents to us.
A true Savior for lost sinners. But these ones?
They receive not the love of the truth.
That they might be safe because had they received the love of the truth, they would have been saved. I asked you tonight, my friend, are you saved? If you can't say you're saved, don't put it off because this is really going to happen.
Power of deception God allowing those who did not want to believe the truth.
They're going to believe.
Many lies out there. Books written about lies. They're not presented as lies.
They're deceitful.
When finite man contradicts the infinite Creator. When the words of man pretend to be truer than the word of God.
You make a choice.
Well, Mr. says, let God be true and every man a liar.
Doesn't matter who's speaking, Mr. Obama, Mr. Harper, the Pope, whatever they say, if it's contrary to the word of God, you pick who you want to believe. I've made my choice.
Now when you die, what's going to happen when you die, what God says is what's going to happen when you die. It's a pointed at them and wants to die after this the judgment. Maybe your doctor doesn't believe that, maybe your teacher doesn't believe that, but I assure you it's appointed until then wants to die after this the judgment. That's what's written in this book. Jesus says having a nurture will pass away. My word shall not pass away everything we have in this book.
Is going to come to pass every promise of God.
And the Lord Jesus, the one who is being blasphemed right now, mocked, derided like he was when he was here, He's gonna reign over this earth.
You know, it's quite a contrast there when you think of that.
Man in Europe he made a load caricature. Is it of?
Haven't even tried to kill him ever since. For mocking their prophet, you know, and, and Muslims do not believe Muhammad was God. You know, they're they, it's just a prophet, but it's a prophet of God. You don't mock a prophet of God.
But in North America, those have been to Sunday school, they've been to churches. They're the ones who are blaspheming.
Not a prophet of God.
God himself and a person of His Son.
Now, if you look, want to read the news tomorrow, in a week, if you've been noticing over the past few years, things are kinda worsening, you know, things are kinda heading up to some of the climax, some sort of a climax. You know, I don't know about Ontario, but in Quebec they had, I think 500 people vaccinated.
In something like 2 1/2 months, you know, they just, they vaccinate everybody.
In case you had to swing.
How long would it take to get a little mark on your hand or your forehead to make sure you could buy? And you know, if we reorganize the market, you think it's taking five years?
These things in the Book of Revelations, everybody has the mark of the beast on their hand and their forehead, or else they can't buy anything. How long is that gonna take to?
Be brought into functioning power while the trouble comes. You know this was AII. Don't believe the swine flu was very serious though. It's just my opinion. There wasn't that many cases after all anyway.
But when there's real trouble and say, no, no, this is no Mickey Mouse, we're gonna, everybody has to have it. That's it. The governments of the world have gotten together and they decided unity and and resolution, we're gonna have it this way. And that's the way it's gonna be. And it says so in the Book of Revelation. It's gonna be exactly as it is in this book. It's not gonna happen any other way that God's gonna see to it. It's according to his word.
And I tell you, my friend, tonight you hear the gospel, tonight you're hearing the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and you don't believe it, and you put it off till the Lord Jesus comes, which might be in the next 5 minutes.
You is gonna be one of those gonna believe a lie because you did not believe the truth. You did not receive the love of the truth to be saved. And it says right in the verse that they all might be.
Think God talks for nothing, He has nothing better than to have this written for you and me. No, God knows the end from the beginning. He knows you're never dying, soul.
He knows your name, he knows what you're thinking right now and he pleads with you. Do not put it off. Talk to somebody if you're not sure, get somebody and and look at these verses and consider what he says to you tonight. 2 testimonies and then we're over the first testimony.
And first John chapter one. First John chapter one.
God says Romans 323 other passages to all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So no one in this room is excluded from what God says, but some people say verse 10, first John chapter one and verse 10. If we say that we have not sinned.
We make him a liar and His word is not in US. Would you dare call God a liar?
God bears testimony to his creature man, and he says all have sinned.
And come short of the glory of God it was, otherwise the Lord Jesus wouldn't have had to go and suffer and die and shed his precious blood on Calvary's cross. But because there's none righteous, no, not one. The righteous woman, the Lord Jesus, He was made sin for us, Him who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
Then in first John chapter 5 verse 9.
If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. For this is the witness of God, which he had testified of his Son. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God had made him a lawyer, because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
God speaks about you and me, we better receive what he says, otherwise we're making him a liar. And God tells us about the Lord Jesus, we better receive what he says, otherwise we're calling God a liar. I suppose for a minute that you did have, when you stand before the judgment seat of God, to give an account of yourself. Suppose God would say, OK, I'll, I'll allow you to feed your case, what are you going to say?
I didn't understand.
It wasn't clear. I don't speak English.
Or I put it off.
But other things on my mind.
I didn't believe.
What was being brought out from the Word of God?
Tonight, my friend, you have a choice to believe.
You have a choice to take God's side against yourself and say yes I'm a Sinner and Christ didn't die for nothing.
He died from Can you say that tonight, my friend? Christ died for the involvement, Christ died.
God is going to judge this world. He calls them ungodly sinners because they've heard about Him and about His Son. And not only do they continue in ungodliness and sin, they have bad words to say against you. Tonight, my friend, I trust you have good words to say about the Lord Jesus. He is your Savior, that you trust Him for yourself.
And you have a desire in your heart to live for him. Let's bow our heads.
A God and her Father.
We thank you for the Lord Jesus.
How little we enter into thy heart of love, and all the things that let us know about Thy creature and man. What grief did I heart? We were made in thy likeness to behave as we have and as we are still, and we thank thee for thy long sufferings and patience, Father.
With our haughtiness and pride and ridiculous endeavors, we just thank you for their patience. We pray tonight, Father, wherever the Lord Jesus presented, that there might be souls that come to him tonight. We wait for thee from heaven, Lord Jesus, tonight to come. We know all these things are true. We have them in our precious word tonight. We pray together for anyone in this room, young or old, that has been made responsible. Super has been brought up in a Christian family and perhaps Sunday school or.
Whichever way has been pleased to visit them and instruct them that, uh, we would be responsible and just take now notice of those things that I was told us and we wouldn't go to that broad Rd. that leads to destruction that everybody's on and having a good time. It just appears that way.
We pray that tonight someone would be saved and accept the Lord Jesus his Savior. Lord Jesus, I'll just do all the work to bring us all to heaven. And we pray that all in this room tonight we would be all together in heaven too. And if there's anybody here still unsure he would talk to someone would confess thee with his mouth, believing in his heart. We pray Father, these things and thank you for our time together and the wordy name of the Lord Jesus on that.