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Gospel—M. Payette
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A Savior who suffered on Calvary's 3A Savior is willing to save now as ever. His arm is almighty, His love great and free. Number 10 on your hymn sheet. Someone start it for me please.
There is a savior on.
The Lord.
Our God and our Father, we thank Thee tonight. We can sing of such a Savior on high in the glory, the one who hung in that cross of Calvary, to stand before thee, our God, and bear the punishment our sins deserve. And we just thank thee for thy long-suffering, Father, over this world, and which each one of us tonight. And thou are not willing that any should perish, but also come to repentance. And we thank Thee once again, Father tonight for the liberty of opening thy word and speaking from its pages.
And we trust with Thy help, telling others about the Lord's Jesus, the delight of thy heart. We pray for Thy blessing on our time together. Father, we count on Thy help by Thy Spirit. We ask it with confidence that would bless us tonight. In a worthy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Let's turn to the second Book of Kings.
And chapter 5. The second Kings, chapter 5.
A story that many of us know concerning a man whose name was Naman.
And I think we talked about on that this afternoon, a different 1 spoke about leprosy. And it's a story of a man who is.
Sick with leprosy, and we'll just read some verses here in Two Kings, chapter 5, from verse one. Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria. He was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leper. And the Syrians had gone out by companies and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid, and she waited on Neyman's wife.
And she said unto her mistress.
With God, my Lord, were with the prophet, that is, in Samaria, for he would recover him of his leprosy. And one went in and told his Lord, saying Thus. And thus said the Maid, that is, of the land of Israel, And the king of Syria said, Go to go, and I will send a letter unto the king of Israel. And he departed, and took with him 10 talents of silver, and 6000 pieces of gold, and 10 changes of raiment. And he brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying.
Now when this letter is come unto thee, behold, I have their wits sent name, and my servant to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy. And it came to pass, when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his clothes, and said, Oh my God, to kill and to make alive, that this man does sin unto me to recover a man of his leprosy. Wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how we seek at a quarrel against me. And it was so when Elijah the Son, the man of God, had heard that the king of Israel had rent his clothes.
That he sent to the king, saying, whereforest thou rent thy clothes, Let him come now to me.
And he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel. So Damon came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the door of the House of Elijah. And Elijah sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan 7 times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.
But Naman was wrought, and he went away, and said, Behold, I taught, he will surely come out to me, and stand, and call the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper. Are not a banana and far part rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel? May I not wash in them and be clean? So he turned and went away in a rage, and his servants came near, and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee to do some great thing.
Would this thou not have done it? How much rather than when he said to thee, Wash and be clean? Then when he down and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the sayings of the man of God, and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.
Now here's a story of a man.
Who was healed?
But I would say he was almost not healed.
There are so many elements in name and story that could have been different.
And he almost could have been not healed.
But God's purpose was to heal, name was to bless this man and he worked out the path of naman and the circumstances in this man's life for him to be healed.
How did he find out about the possibility of being healed? Well, it was from a prisoner he had taken in one of his wars. A little maiden, the Israelites girl that knew where she lived. There was a man of God with the power of God.
She could have kept that to herself, but she didn't.
I trust this little girl had something in her heart from God which was love for others.
Even love for her Master. She'd been taken away of her land and brought into a strange land and she was to serve there. She could have hated her Master, but she didn't. She had a concern for him and wanted to see him blessed.
And this story within right here if this little girl did not speak up.
Many boys and girls here today you know I know. Some of you know the Lord Jesus.
This mighty man name, and he was right beside the king. You know, it tells us a little bit later on that when he went into the House of his God, the king would lean on name. It was like his right hand, you know, It was right by the king. Real important man, this man named. And this little maiden, this little girl, if she doesn't say what she knew to be true, Naman would never have been healed of his leprosy. But she spoke up.
It's nice for boys and girls who know the Lord Jesus to tell others, little people, big people, tell others about a man of God, not Elijah like in our story, but the Lord Jesus Christ that we've been singing about, the one who went to the cross. And you can heal all the lepers, you know. You know, the leprosy in the Bible is a picture for us of sin. And in that sense, you know, all of my mankind were all lepers. And we all need to be healed from leprosy. We need to be healed from sin and the only thing that can heal us.
Is the Lord Jesus by his blood. And it's wonderful that this little humble girl was used in blessing to this great man by the world standards. Name it. And that should encourage us who know the Lord Jesus to tell others, whether we're young or old to value every opportunity we have to tell others. And I would suggest to you that this young maiden had a fullness of heart that made her speak responsibility for you and I who know the Lord Jesus.
To tell others of the one that should be filling our hearts and we should have his name on our lips. Well, it starts with this girl and then it gets to the ears of the king. She could have said that and nobody carried a message, but somebody else carried the message right to the ears of the king. Now the king could have said.
I need you to rest on name and you can't go. I need you here so much.
But even the king, he had something in his heart for name and to see. Well, it would be a nice thing if Naaman was healed. He gave him a holiday. He let him go. He says you go and I'm going to write a letter. He even wrote a letter for him recommending him. He recommended him to the wrong person because he was ignorantly. I'll do what I can to help. You couldn't take away his leprosy, but he could recommend them. And he recommended him. And he recommended a letter to the king of Israel.
And it comes to the king of Israel. We find here in the king of Israel. He reads the letter.
And he gets all upset. Why is he upset? Because he thinks this is some sort of a trap. The king has sent him a letter to do something that he can't do. And then because he can't do it, he's going to come and make war with him. And he gets all upset and could have stopped right there. You know, Naman could have come with the letter. And the king says, your master just wants to make war with me. I can't do anything for you. Go back home.
But didn't happen that way, Elijah. Elijah heard about it. How did he hear about I don't know, but Elijah heard about it?
Said to the king, Send him to my house. So here's what we have.
There's Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot full of horses and Chariots. I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong place here. There we go.
Chapter 5.
Naaman came with his horses and with his Chariots. There we go, and stood at the door of the House of Elijah. There he is. The man of God is there. Naaman is there outside the door. And there's a possibility for naming. Now he's a lot closer to being healed than he was when he was back in Syria.
But you know, Naman, he was a man of the world, he says. I thought he was expecting things. He was a great man.
He left his country and made all this trip and had all this money with him and change of Raymond and gifts and everything. Oh, because one little girl I know, maybe she was seven or eight or nine, maybe 12. I'd said something and there was enough there for him to say, oh, go. And here he is. And the blessing is slow, but he's an important man. He's there with his horses and his Chariots, and he's expecting Elijah to come out.
But Elijah didn't come up. He sent a messenger. Verse 10. And Elijah sent a messenger unto him, saying.
Go and wash in Jordan 7 times.
That was hard on naming on his pride, you know?
That Elijah didn't come out. He sent a messenger. I'm not important enough for him to come to me. He sends a messenger.
And Golden Wash and Jordan 7 times.
Verse 11 Naaman was wrought and went away, and said, Behold, I thought.
That was Neiman's problem.
He thought, he thought wrong. Now many of us, we think wrong. Naman was thinking according to the standards of the world, how man would do things, how we expect God now to act like a man. God is God and he acts like God.
I thought he will surely come out to me, which he didn't. He didn't come out to him. He sent a messenger.
And he's going to stand and he's going to call upon the name of the Lord, and he's going to move his hand and he's going to pray. And that's how it's going to happen.
You and I tonight, we live in a world where a lot of people think.
This is what you need to do to be right with God. You need to do this. You need to go to church. You need sacraments, you need penitence. You need this, you need that. You need sacrifices, we think.
But God is not a man like us.
You know, this is a beautiful story because it ends with Naaman being cleansed. It's wonderful. But can you see, as we read down the story, how close he was to not being healed? All these elements were chained in his life, and finally he'll be healed. But here he's upset, and he's got his own thoughts, you know, about how things should have been done and it wasn't going to be done the way he thought. So he's going back home.
Ever been like that in your soul? You're upset at God because things aren't the way you thought they should be.
Maybe the Christians around you and treating you the way you thought they should treat you, but that the Christians as they go on together, they're not going on the way you thought they should be going on.
Well, it says here he was upset and he challenged verse 12. Are not Abayna and far par rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel? Not only he sent a messenger, he doesn't do anything. Come and pray and put his handle. He says go and bathe in this Little River called Jordan. We have beautiful rivers in Syria, much nicer than Jordan. Why couldn't I take a bath there?
And I'm wondering if in his mind saying why 7 times? Why do I have to go in Jordan 7 times? Why not just once?
This God, this man of God is capricious. That's the right word in English. Capricious, you know, finicky just wants this, this, it's got to be this way and there and seven times and.
Well, you know, he turned and went away in a rage. He started off from Syria and now he's heading back home to Syria with his leprosy because things weren't the way he thought. That's not what he expected.
But here in verse 13.
His servants came near. Other people intervened in Eamon's life. His servants came near and spade to him and said, My father.
Maybe Naman had real friends in his service. They called him Father, you know. They had a heart for him too, just like the serpent.
They see him going away and he's so close to blessing. They kind of believe maybe, you know, if he just went a bit further, it might happen to him. My father, if the Prophet had bid thee to do some great thing, willest thou that have done it?
How much rather than when he said to thee wash and be clean. You know, I'm sure Naman, if the prophet had said, now you're going to get the biggest pack sack you ever saw, you know, and you're going to fill it with rocks and you're going to go up this mountain here on bare feet. When you get to the top, your feet will be full of blood. And then you're going to ask God because of this wonderful feat that you've done for him to heal you. Well, Naman would have done it, I'm sure. And I'm sure God said to you, I'm going to bless you if you do this, you try and do it.
And they say I did it.
You know, there's no glory for this man of the court of the king of Syria to dip himself seven times in this teeny weeny river in Israel. He's not going to go back home and say I baited seven times in Jordan. He's not going to tell anybody about that, but he might have told him this is how I got healed. God said you go there and you do that and you know what he says it says there verse 14. Then when he down and dipped himself.
Seven times.
In Georgia.
You know 7 * 7 in the scriptures is a number that appears very often.
But I have a question. I'm going to answer it for you. But why seven times?
Why 7 times? Why not six times?
Why not 26 times what it says right there in the next sentence, according to the thing of the man of God? If the man of God had said 26 times, it would have had to dip in Jordan 26 times. But the man of God had said seven times. If you would have gone home to one of these fine rivers of Syria and dipped himself seven times in far apart, would he have been healed?
Now the other river, the Amana, No. What about dipping in Jordan 6 times? Didn't work. Had to be the way the word of God told him to do it.
Now, if you follow his story.
There were a lot of elements there that had to come into place for him to be healed.
When it comes to your story and my story.
It's not that complicated. God didn't ask me to go and dip myself seven times in any river to clean me from my sins. I didn't have to travel from Syria way over to Israel to hear the man of God. The word of God came to me and he told me about the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn't have to change clothes. I didn't have to move position. I didn't have to stand or tornado to lay down. All I had to do was believe in my heart the message that was coming from God to me.
Now Naaman is a good example. He's a man that almost didn't get healed.
And tonight I want to ask you, dear ones here in this room, are you saved tonight?
The Word of God comes to you. It's come to you perhaps many times, perhaps this is the first time you hear it, and I doubt that for most of you, but it's come right to you. There's a Savior on high and the glory, His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the cross 2000 years ago. He rose again from the dead. And God has been telling men and women and children for 2000 years believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved. Is that too complicated?
It's not complicated at all, you know? But before we go any further, I want to turn to another man who was in a similar position as Naman and his second Kings Chapter 7.
He was another man that the king leaned on.
It's the same prophet, the man of God in Second Kings Chapter 7.
Two, King seven was a time of famine because the Syrians had encircled the city of Samaria and they were in a siege and they were getting very, very weak because they had no food. And things, terrible things were happening in the city because of that. And the king was really upset and he wanted to put Elijah to death. But here's Elijah's prophecy in Chapter 7.
Then Elijah said, Hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord.
Tomorrow, about this time, shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel.
And two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria.
Then the Lord on whose hand the king leaned, that's the one I want to talk to you about, Hans are the man of God, and said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shall not eat thereof. And there were four leprous men at the entering in the gate and of the gate. And they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? And we say we will enter. If we say we will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there.
If we sit still here, we die also. Now, therefore, come, and let us fall into the host of the Syrians. If they save us alive, we shall live. If they kill us, we shall but die. And they rose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians. And when they were come to the uttermost part of the campus of Syria, behold, there was no man there. For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of Chariots and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host.
And they said one to another, Lo, the king of Israel had hired against us the Kingdom of the Hittites, and the king of the Egyptians to come upon us. Wherefore there rose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and their ***** even the camp as it was, and fled for their life. And when these lepers came to the other most part of the camp, they went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried then silver and gold and raiment, and went and hit it, and came again, and entered into another tent, and carried fence also, and went and hit it.
Then they said one to another, we do not. Well, this day is a day of good tidings.
And we hold our peace, if we carry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us. Now therefore come, that we may go and tell the King's household. So they came, and called unto the port of the city. And they told him, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians. And behold, there was no man there, neither a voice of man, but horses tied, and ***** tied in the tents as they were. And he called the porters, and he told it to the King's house within. And the king arose in the night, and said unto his servants.
I will now show you what the Syrians have done to us. They know that we be hungry. Therefore they are gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of this city, we shall catch them alive and get into the city. And one of his servants answered and said, Let some take, I pray, five of the horses that remain which are left in the city. Behold, they are as all the multitude of Israel that are left in it. Behold, I say, they are even as all the multitudes of Israel that are consumed. And let us send and see. They took therefore 2 Cherry horses. And the king sent after the host of the Syrian saying, Go.
And see, and they went after them unto Jordan, and lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels, with the Syrians had castaway in their haste.
And the messengers returned and told the king, and the people went out and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of God.
And a king appointed the Lord, on whose hand he leaned, to have the charge of the gate, and the people throughout him in the gate. And he died, as the man of God had said, who spake, when the king came down to him. And it came to pass, as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, 2 measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel shall be tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria. And the Lord answered the man of God, and said, Now behold, if the Lord should make windows in heaven.
Might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shall not eat thereof. And so it fell out upon him, and the people trod him in the gate, and he died.
So here's another instance in the life of Elijah, and we find the king here to remember the king of Israel, when he got the letter, he thought the king of Syria was looking for war against him. Here, when the king hears the report, the good news that the Syrians have said always says, no, no, they haven't fled. They're hiding in the woods. They wouldn't come out. They'll jump on us. Didn't believe either, You know, that God was doing your work. You know, the great people in this world are ignorant of what God is doing.
This little girl in the Syrian camp, in the Syrian court there, which was inaudible, she had an idea of who God was and what he could do. Well, what happened here? There was famine, and then God decided to undertake for his people and deliver them from the siege of the Syrians. And this man, the captain, you might say, or the Lord on whom the king leaned, he said something that brought judgment upon him. He was.
He was unbelieving.
What does it say in the beginning? He says. Elijah says hear ye.
The word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord, Tomorrow at this time shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel in two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria.
That he said the day before. Because that's what's going to be tomorrow.
That's what it's going to sell for tomorrow.
Where'd you get that, Elisha?
From the word of the Lord thus saith.
The Lord, you know what happened. Guess what the price was the next day. Exactly what the word of God had said.
You know what's going to happen tomorrow.
You know what's going to happen in the end of the world.
You know what's going to happen when Lord Jesus comes? Exactly what's written in the Word of God.
And this man said even if God made windows in heaven, that's not going to happen. He put it as a question, but he doubted.
The Word of God, you know, it tells us in Revelation, the unbelievers.
It's not the ones that I've never heard. The unbelievers are those that have heard and have not believed. Do you believe the word of God tonight? The Word of God says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God is that he said we're all lepers.
We need to be healed. We need the leprosy to be taken away. Sin cannot enter into heaven.
And if you have sinned, as the Bible says, you're going to be estranged from God forever unless you can be cleansed from your sins.
You know that man name and he had to travel. There were all those circumstances in his life, he said. He almost wasn't healed, but he was.
Well, I know lepers in the New Testament, you know, you have in this story you have 4 lepers that carry the good news. The good news at that time was that the Syrians were gone and there was plenty of food and resources in their camp and they just needed to come and take it. It was good news for them. That's the good news they needed then.
Thought that as good news for you and good news for me. We have 4 lepers in the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Who are these men? These were sinners just like you and me, but they met up with the Lord Jesus Christ and they were cleansed that were made whole. They became sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ like many here. And they have good news. If you read the gospel they'll tell you all all the same thing about the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is who God the Father wants to speak to you tonight about the Lord Jesus Christ. And I want to show you from the gospels encounters, it's the same encounters in all the gospels. It's Matthew and Mark and Luke, the 1St 3 gospels, an encounter of a leprous man with the Lord Jesus.
Mark's Gospel chapter one.
Verse 40.
Mark one and 40 and their team a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
There was a man, he was in that condition of a leper. You know, if you look in Leviticus chapter 13, there were different manifestations of leprosy.
Could be a scab, could be a boil, an ulcer, could be spots. We spoke this afternoon. Leprosy of the head and the beard and the hair. There were different manifestations of the same sickness. Well, sin is like that. We have a sinful nature and there are different manifestations of that sinful nature. Can be lying, cheating, it's bad behavior. Could be just things going on in your heart, rumbling in your heart, having bad feelings and bad thoughts. Were somebody malice, speaking evil of others.
All sorts of manifestations of sin and some very gross things that I wouldn't mention here. It's all the same. Sickness called sin has different manifestations. This man was a leopard.
Did he have it on his arm, on his head, in his? I don't know, I don't know. But he had leprosy and he came to the Lord Jesus, beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying that if thou wilt.
Thou canst make me clean.
If you go see a doctor.
You can tell them what you have and then you can say, can you help me, Doctor? You don't ask the doctor if, if you will, you can, you can heal me. You can't say that to the dog. Can you help me? Can you do something for me? That's not what the leper said. He knew this man, the Lord Jesus, could help him if he wanted to.
This is a remarkable expression of faith. He says, If thou wilt, thou canst make me whole, thou canst make me clean. The question is, do you want to do that for me?
Did the Lord Jesus want to heal this man? You read through these gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Anybody ever come to the Lord Jesus with a sickness, with a problem? He was deaf or mute or blind or a leper and not healed. They're all healed.
And all those that were dead, that were in his presence, he rose from the dead.
So the Lord didn't look him over and say what kind of leprosy you got? Oh, it's a bad case, No.
What kind of sins in your life?
Little since petty sins. There's something in your life you'd be ashamed to confess to anybody but the Lord.
Something that you've done, you're carrying with yourself nobody knows about but yourself. Maybe you're still going on with it. God sees it.
Is it hopeless?
Can a leper have such leprosy that he couldn't be healed by the Lord Jesus Christ?
There's no such thing.
Now he came to the Lord.
But the Lord Jesus, we had read Matthew 11 and 29 beautiful verses about the yoke, but it happened in 28. That's the gospel. The Lord Jesus, come unto me, I'll ye that labor, and I'll be laden. I will give you rest.
He's inviting you to come to him. He didn't get an invitation. This leopard didn't get an invitation. He came. He knew his need.
If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
Verse 41 and Jesus.
Moved with compassion.
Not rejoicing over the opportunity of manifesting his power.
Moved with compassion the heart of God and the need of man. What is there in the heart of God? They say, Hey, you need me. He was moved with compassion the love of God expressed in the person of the Lord Jesus.
Something you never do in the Old Testament to a leper.
You don't touch your leper.
You never touch a leopard because if you touch a leper, you become unclean too.
The lepers in the Old Testament, it says in Leviticus, if he had leprosy, he had to. If he was walking down the aisle of the street, he had to say unclean, unclean, unclean. Nobody ever touched him. This man in his leprosy, nobody ever hugged him.
Nobody ever kissed him because he was a lipper.
Sin isn't like that, you know.
Because sin doesn't isolate us from people, it just isolates us from God. We can have a lot of friends in sin. The only friends we can't have in sin is the Lord Jesus.
But the leper had no friends but the Lord Jesus, and what did he do?
He didn't say I want you to be clean. He went over and he touched him. He put his hand on him. Never been touched. This person. He's a leper. He touched him.
The Lord Jesus would touch you tonight, my friend.
And said unto him.
I will.
Be thou clean.
Four times in the New Testament. In the Gospel, the Lord Jesus says I will. Just four times, unless I'm mistaken. My friend's concordance might be wrong, but that's all I found.
I found one in Mark, one in Matthew, one in Luke, and one in John. He says I will. He says to the Father, not my will, but thine be done. But here he says I will. What did he want? He wanted that leopard to be cleansed.
He does so the same account in Matthew and Mark and Luke. Three times he says of the leopard, I will be thou clean. Is there any doubt in your heart and mind tonight that the Lord Jesus will want to touch you tonight and make you whole and heal you from your sins?
There's no doubt in my heart that's what he's done for me and he wants to do that for you. And the 4th I will is John 17. We know that verse there with Father I will those whom God has given me be with me where I am. He wants those fairy lepers that he cleans with him in the glory to see his glory in the Father's house. Wonderful news in this the word of God.
Boys and girls, older ones, tonight I can't see in your heart. God says we're all lepers, we're all sinners, and we need a Savior. There's only one Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And tonight the Lord Jesus is able to touch you and make you whole. He's able to save you tonight.
And he will if you'll ask him tonight to be your Savior. He said, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner. I trust you as my Savior. Somebody, you know, somebody people, they have little prayers. They say say this prayer where the Lord isn't fussy. You know, you could just say, Lord Jesus save me comes from your heart. He understands what you mean and he's going to save you tonight. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Well, our time is almost up. I just want another little comment on the leper, you know.
In the New Testament, in the Bible, you have people that were anointed.
By the command of God, the anointed kings, the anointed prophets, and the anointed priests.
And they anointed lepers.
That's the only four in the scriptures I found anyway, that were anointed prophet priests and kings and lepers. Wonderful to see that God loves the Sinner. I don't know tonight how bad a Sinner. I'm not interested how bad a Sinner you are, but God is interested tonight in saving your soul. Jesus is able tonight for 2004. I'm not sure the date, it's 730. Lord Jesus tonight is able to save everyone in this room.
And if he comes tonight?
He's not going to be able to save anybody that's still going to be in this room after he's come because you've heard the gospel and you're responsible before the Lord Jesus tonight to put your trust in him. Though this man, all he did was doubt the word of God there. And he challenged, how is God? God's going to open the head? How is he going to do that, you know?
But he died just like the word of God said. The word of God says that the unbelieving are going into the lake of fire. But all those that believe don't matter how big a Sinner there was. Maybe they had leprosy in their back and their front, on their hands, on their feet, on their legs, everywhere. But the Lord made them whole. And God can save by the blood of the Lord Jesus. Tonight, everyone of you here, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. Let's pray.
Our God and our Father, we just thanked you for the Lord Jesus, for His work on the cross, for his shed blood, for His suffering for us taking our sins on His own body on the tree, being made sin for us too. We thank you for his victory Father, and for the glorious good news now that was proclaimed to this poor lost world. And thou has given us tonight to share in a measure in this room. We just pray Thee Father, for the boys and girls and older ones too, young people too, without us know the circumstances of our lives. We just thank the Lord Jesus for thy heart of love, thy heart of compassion.
That would touch us tonight and draw us to thyself. We pray there might be blessing in our souls tonight and into lost one soul tonight too. Father, we ask it with confidence and Thanksgiving and the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.