Gospel—M. Payette
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We start our meeting by singing together #25 on that hymn sheet that was given you.
#25 life at best is very brief.
Like the falling of a leaf, like the binding of a sheep. Be in time.
Eating days are telling fast that the die will soon be cast and the fatal line be passed.
Be in time, be in time, be in time while the voice of Jesus calls you be in time.
If in sin you longer wait, you may find no open gate.
And your cry be just too late. Be in time.
Life advantage.
And it stays no longer way. You'll make sure I know when you get it and you're crying. It's just too late.
Living in time.
And your pride is not.
In time oh I miss I slept with life and it tells me to both come down to your arms of Jesus life being in time.
All I pray is held to the cost. Air the faith.
God and your priceless soul.
While the voice of Jesus.
And you're on your way. You may. I know you can't wait.
And your body is just to land in time.
Why don't the voice ever be in the following decision?
If we send you all your way, you'll get hide the whole thing and your pride is not steering away from.
Before we open the word of God together, we'll have a word of prayer.
Most of us have been here for a few days.
And as her brother was talking yesterday about the beginnings and endings, we're coming to the end of this conference. This is the last meeting in a few minutes.
Our time together here will be over.
And I know many of us have received the blessing of being together in this way.
But the Lord gives us a little bit more time now this evening, and perhaps there's one here who's going to receive blessing from our time being spent here looking at the Word of God and telling forth of the wonderful news from God's heart about the Lord Jesus.
We're going to go to Luke's Gospel Chapter 23.
Because there's an ending there. In Luke 23, there was a little time left.
For three men there.
As we have a little time before us this evening, the Lord leaves us here.
In the 23rd chapter of Luke.
I just read quickly from verse one.
Luke 23 verse one. And the whole multitude of them arose and led him, that's Jesus unto Pilate.
And he began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give.
Tribute to Caesar saying that he himself is Christ a king.
And Pilate asked him, saying, Art thou the king of the Jews? And he answered him, and said Thus sayest it.
Said Pilate. To the chief priests and to the people. I find no fault in this man. There was a more fierce saying. He stirred up the people teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place.
When Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked whether the man was Galilean, and as soon as he knew that, he belonged unto Herod's jurisdiction.
He sent him to Herod, who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time.
Verse Satan. When Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad, for he was desirous to see him for a long season, because he had heard many things of him.
And he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. Then He questioned.
Then he questioned with him in many words, but he answered him nothing. And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him. And Herod with his men of war sentiment naughty and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate.
And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together. For before they were at enmity between themselves and Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers, and the people, said unto them, You have brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people. And behold, I, having examined him before, you, have found no fault in this man touching those things. Where have you accused him? Nor, nor yet, Herod? For I sent you to him. And lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto him.
I will therefore chastise him and release him, for of necessity he must release 1 unto them at the feast. And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas, who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder was cast into prison. Pilate therefore willing to release Jesus, speak again to them. But they cried, saying, Crucify Him.
Crucify Him. And He said unto them the third time, Why, what evil hath He done? I have found no cause of death in him. I will therefore chastise Him, and let Him go. And they were instant with loud voices, requiring that He might be crucified. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed. And Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required. And He released unto them Him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison.
Whom they had desired, but he delivered Jesus.
To their will.
And verse 32.
And there were also two other malefactors LED with him.
To be put to death.
And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.
And the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left.
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do. And they parted as raiment, and cast lost. And the people stood beholding, and the rulers also with them, deriding him, saying, He saved others, let him save himself, if he be Christ the chosen of God. And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar, and saying, If thou be the King of the Jews, save thyself. And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek and Latin.
And Hebrew. This is the king of the Jews.
And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ.
Save thyself and us.
I was stopped there for a moment. The 39th verse.
We go back to Matthew's Gospel. We'd read there not only this malefactor, but both malefactors.
We're insulting the Lord.
I want you to take the time to consider the scene we have before us here in the Word of God.
A lot of people involved.
Rulers, priests, kings, governors.
And the meekest man that ever lived, the Lord Jesus.
What do we notice in this scene?
You know, people in their societies, they.
We have differences, we have cultural differences and language differences and different races and there are all sorts of things that.
Set us apart from one another.
There's been wars on the face of this Earth for centuries.
Differences between men, other men in countries and other countries.
But here we find they have a common object, these men.
Even Aaron and Pilate, who were powerful men.
There were enmity one with another.
And then they found a common ground they could agree on.
They could agree on rejecting.
This person called Jesus.
So with the chief priests, the rulers, the people.
Here they're screaming away with him. We don't want him.
Pilots said three times he's never done anything wrong.
Why get rid of him? Why crucify him?
There's something wrong, something wrong in their hearts, in the presence of one, which is Goodness himself.
This is all he ever did was good.
All he ever said was true.
Never said anything wrong or did anything wrong. The perfect man.
Full of compassion and love.
What are these words that we hear from the lips?
Of the Lord Jesus in the midst.
Of these men behaving as dogs and bulls of basin.
Want him to see him suffer, gaping upon him with their mouths, it says in the 22nd Psalm.
Forgive them.
For they know not.
What they do?
When you read verses like this.
I'm sure many of you have heard this account before, the account of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
Does it do anything to you?
You feel you'd like to stand with these people and mock him?
Call him names.
Rejoice at seeing him suffer in that way.
I don't think so.
But God sets this scene before us, and He sets it before you this evening, dear one.
Because he wants you to take sides.
You can't stay on the fence.
You're going to have to take sides.
And there's not much time left to take sides.
We might not finish this meeting, you know.
There are two things that are sure to happen.
Absolutely sure to happen.
Ones are very happy thing.
And the other one is a very sorrowful thing.
The happy thing is the Lord Jesus is coming back from heaven.
He's coming back.
For those that have put their trust in him, they didn't stay on the fence.
They put their trust in Him. They received Him as their savior.
They accepted His sacrifice on the cross. They accepted the forgiveness that He was asking here of the Father, not only for these ones who were such wicked men.
But there's forgiveness in the Lord for you and for me tonight, and I know it's true of many of us tonight. We have received forgiveness of sins through faith in His blood.
But the other thing that's going to happen shortly too, after the Lord comes.
There were events predicted in this book, prophesied I should say, called the Great Tribulation, a time of sorrow that this world has never known before.
And it says that if these days weren't Aboriginal flesh would survive.
It's a terrible thing and if you're conscious, a little bit of what's happening in the world.
How things are going. You can see it on the horizon. It's coming. It's coming fast. I don't know when, but there's just a little time left before God settles the accounts with this world.
Now we stopped at verse 39. I just want to tell you.
I'm French speaking, many here are English speaking. This is our mother tongue. But you know.
We have something in common in the flesh.
Is that we blasphemed the same name?
The French blasphemy name of Christ and the English to use his full name, Jesus Christ. We have that in common too. Just like these people here, there was a united thought of despising this One who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory forever.
And I can confess freely. I'm guilty of having done that in the past, before I knew him.
And the many curse words that I used, I used his blessed name.
And perhaps some of you have also.
You know some of these men here this.
Malefactor in verse 30 and I said, if thou be the Christ, if they'll be Christ.
Of course he was.
If he knew he was the Christ, he would have spoken to him that way, would have mocked him.
If thou be the Christ, if thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
But there's verse 40.
Wonderful verse.
Luke 23, verse 40.
Here was a man.
He got such a blessing.
In the little time that was left in his life.
He received a wonderful blessing.
What kind of man was he? Well, he was a malefactor. He had been judged by the courts of this world.
And condemned to death.
Perhaps he was a murderer like Barabbas who was set free that day. Doesn't tell us the crimes that he did, but he was a malefactor.
Nobody in this room I would think has ever been under a death sentence.
I've met men who have told me that they killed somebody. They weren't happy about it, but.
This man, but the other moments before.
If you read Matthew's Gospel, we look at that verse in Matthew, Matthew 27.
Just want you to see that.
Verse 44, Matthew 27 and verse 44.
The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.
They insulted him the same way. They use the same language as the others.
You wonder.
Here's three men hanging on a cross and this crowd.
Crying insults to the center one, I don't know, Perhaps we would say if he was a regular man, you'd say, well, don't worry about it, be over in a few minutes. You know, never mind what they say. We're suffering enough as it is. No, these men beside the Lord, they join into.
How can that be?
Allows it to happen so we can see what the heart of man is like towards God.
I choose there on that center cross the Lord Jesus, a man, yet also God, manifest in flesh.
There he is rejected and hated.
Forsaken by his disciples, denied three times by Peter, betrayed by Judas.
What a fine testimony to mankind.
Well, here's a fine specimen. This man, he's a manufacturer. I have nothing good to say about him. I know no good works that he's done.
Something happened in the heart of this man at that very moment.
The Spirit of God was working near getting into his mind and his heart. Say, what am I saying?
What am I doing?
He questioned himself as to his own behavior. You question yourself about your home behavior, young people.
Perhaps you've never heard the gospel before, but I know many in this room. You've heard the gospel many times.
You question yourself about your behavior.
Well, if God judges you on your behavior.
And if God judges me on my behavior.
We're headed for a lost eternity of torment, of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
That's what we deserve before a thrice holy God.
This man says Luke 23, verse 40.
The other answering rebuked him.
Maybe he's just a bit, you know, Why don't you be quiet?
Why don't you be quiet? What's the matter with you? You were insulting him a minute ago. What's happening to you?
Anybody ever ask you what's happened to you? You've changed. I used to hear you swear and use bad words and go here and there. What's happening to you?
That ever happened to you, yet a change of heart concerning the person of the Lord Jesus and seeing yourself in His presence.
The other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God?
There was something there that wasn't there before. The fear of God and this man's heart.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. He was becoming a wise man. Didn't have much time left and neither do you.
Are you wise tonight? Do you fear God?
We had that verse brought before us. Prepare to meet thy God. This is not my God. You're going to meet Him anyway.
You're going to give an account of yourself.
Let me tell you, we're going to read about this man who's going to go to heaven that very day.
What did he know about the Lord Jesus?
What could he say about this man? Was he a witness of the miracles that he made?
Did he hear the Sermon on the Mount? Was he there in the upper room when the Lord spoke to his disciples?
I don't have the proof of any of that.
Maybe the only encounter he has with the Lord Jesus was there's moments that he had when he was crucified with him.
He didn't know much. He knew just about this much.
Yet this much that he had in the presence of the Lord, the Spirit used to quicken his soul.
And he turned around.
And he went to heaven that very day.
What do you know?
About the Lord Jesus.
You know more than him.
You know a lot more than him.
You've heard about him, maybe, over and over and over again.
You're going to stand before God and say I didn't know.
I didn't really understand, it wasn't clear.
Brother stood here last night and made it perfectly clear.
Would God help? With God's help, I hope it's clear tonight.
What are you going to say? Because you are going to stand before God.
And you are going to answer for yourself before God.
And you're not going to be able to say I didn't know.
Canada, the United States, the Western countries.
Inhabitants of these lands I speak generally.
There are even more without excuse.
They print these bibles in these lands.
They have them in every hotel room.
And there are Christians everywhere, trying, we trust.
To tell them.
About the one which is called the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now we're not going to settle all these.
People talk about what their end is going to be. What is before us tonight is you in this room. You're hearing about it.
You cannot leave this room tonight and say I didn't hear. Maybe something's not clear. Make sure you don't leave with that thing uncleared in your mind. This man.
He left this world that very day. I don't know how much time you have left or much time I have left.
But time is going by quickly.
Like the falling of the leaf.
We have half an hour gone by, a few minutes left.
Dost thou fear God, seeing that thou art in the same condemnation? Verse 41.
And we indeed justly.
That's something you know when you come to own.
That you've done wrong.
And that there's penalty, judgment, consequence to having done wrong. So you do wrong, you get the consequence that's just.
This man, he was there.
He had acted in this world in a way that was reprehensible, and he was judged found guilty and condemned. And he said, and we indeed justly, for we received a due reward of our deeds.
In this world.
There's more rewards.
Because it says it's appointed unto men once to die.
And after this the judgment.
You steal $20 from your mom and dad and you hide that.
And maybe you start working and then you say I'm going to pay that back. And you pay that back and you figure it's all over. It's not all over.
You stole. Giving back the $20 doesn't take away the fact that you stole.
Stealing is a sin. 20 bucks doesn't erase sins.
Undoing the harm that you have done is not going to erase the sin of misbehaving.
Of disobeying God.
The ones down here might say, OK, you stole $20, she gave it back fine.
But it's appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.
These men hanging on the cross were judged in this world, and they were going into eternity.
To be judged again.
By God.
For their deeds.
Maybe somebody says, well.
These are these are criminals. I'm not a criminal.
Father said that verse last night. Romans 323 all have sinned.
And come short of the glory of God, this world has got.
Elastic morals.
They stretch, whatever they generally go on with, they stretch and they say that's all right, we're all going on with it, it's all right.
But God's morals, they don't stretch.
They're always the same. It used to be when I was a kid and the religion I was in, if you did certain things, it was a sin.
Turned out later not a sin anymore. That's man standard. God's standard doesn't change.
Well, it's not really sin, it's a failure weakness.
You might want to call it what you like, but God calls it sin and the wages of sin.
Is death eternal separation from God?
And weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth forever.
These men are going to enter eternity that very afternoon. This one has a change of heart, he says. We received a due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done nothing amiss Well.
He's progressive, he's looked at himself and he says I'm a guilty one. I deserve what I'm getting.
But then he changes his gaze, and he looks on that one beside him on the cross.
But this man, was he left or right? I don't know, but this man had done nothing amiss.
He spoke well.
Of the Lord Jesus.
Your friends hear you speak well of the Lord Jesus.
People you work with.
In your family, do you speak well of the Lord Jesus?
Or you say.
You're going to laugh at me?
Well, you know when I read this book.
And I receive what God says as to how he made the world.
A lot of people say things. It makes me laugh.
People believe the most ridiculous things, you know.
And if they want to laugh when I tell them about the one who loves them and conceive their soul, they can laugh if they want.
They're the losers. I'm not the loser. Don't be afraid, dear ones, to speak well of the Lord Jesus.
And if they laugh, well, too bad for them. Maybe the Lord is going to use that to convict them.
That there's something wrong with their hearts. And then he turns and he says to the Lord verse.
And he said unto Jesus.
Remember Me when I'll.
Comest into thy Kingdom.
I said before and this man didn't know much.
He knew a few things.
He knew that this person beside him had done nothing wrong.
And he was no ordinary man.
He called them Lord.
Have you ever called Jesus Lord?
Is he tonight? Is he your Lord and Savior?
Perhaps you haven't done that yet. I'm thinking about it. Well, let me tell you.
If he's not your Lord tonight.
Somebody else is your Lord.
Somebody else is your Lord, and somebody else is ruling over you.
And I can tell you in love, you're in a lot of trouble.
You're in a lot of trouble if the Lord Jesus tonight is not your Lord.
You're headed for trouble in this life, and worse trouble after your time is over down here.
This man I.
I kind of see it as a worst case situation. He's.
We're not like that man physically. We've got education and we we didn't misbehave as he has and.
There's perhaps better things we could say about you and each one of us that we couldn't say about this man. But God is showing us here that this man, as bad as he was and up to the last minute, insulting the Son of God. If I'd have been God, lightning would have struck him right there. And the other one too. And all of them too. Get rid of all of them. That's me.
Upsets me.
But you can't upset God. You can't provoke him to wrath.
He's going to deal in his own time. His right is going to come in his own time. Nobody's going to provoke him to do it out of time. What he has now is forgiveness.
And as wicked as we could be, and here's the manifestation of it, God says there's your heart and here's mine. This one you spit upon and you hit with your fists and blindfolded.
Scourge his back nailed him to a cross, and when he was hanging there, you showed absolutely no pity, no compassion.
You made fun of him then too. That's your heart.
And I'm going to show you my heart.
I'm ready to forgive you.
I'm ready to forgive you, and the way I'm going to forgive you is for this one who is called Jesus.
To hang on that cross, and in three hours of darkness to bear the sins of all those that God is going to bring to heaven, and to be made sin.
For men.
And to become the savior of the world, well, this man, all he said was.
Lord, Remember Me when thou comest in thy Kingdom. He didn't say. Lord, forgive me my sins, wash me in thine own blood. He didn't know all that.
He had just a little bit, but he knew this man had done nothing wrong and he was the Lord and his Lord. What about me? Can you do anything for me? I'm using my own words. But he called upon the name of the Lord, and the Lord answered what he saw as faith in him.
What did the Lord say verse 43?
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee today.
Shalt thou be with me?
In paradise.
That man went to be with the Lord Jesus in paradise.
That very day.
You know.
If he could have walked up to him after the Lord said that.
And I would talk to this man and say I saw you talking to the man on the center cross there.
What did he say? He said today I was going to be with him in paradise.
And if I said to him, do you believe that?
I don't know what he would have said. Perhaps he would have said of course I believe that.
Or perhaps he would have said.
I'm not. I'm, you know, you're asking me. I'm not. I'm not sure you know.
But if you ask me if this man, when he died, where did he go? I could tell you he went to paradise.
On the authority of the Word of God, the Lord Jesus said, Today thou shalt be with me, and paradise is unconditional. He called upon the name of the Lord, and he went to be with the Lord whether he had doubts or not.
Not mentioned.
Want you to know, dear ones, here tonight you put your trust in the Lord Jesus. You say Lord Jesus save me. You call upon him from your heart tonight he's going to save you. And maybe you're not going to be sure about things as you read the word of God and you listen to what God says that he's done for us to the gift of his Son.
You can be absolutely sure and you will be able to affirm many things.
From this precious book.
You can know where you're going to go when you pass into eternity.
If we had time to work with this man on the cross, with the word of God, we would say.
Where are you going when you're going to die? I'm going in paradise with Jesus. And why is that? Because that's what Jesus said, the man who cannot lie.
Many in this room tonight, you asked where are you going to go when you're going to die? I'm going in heaven to be with the Lord Jesus.
How do you know? Oh I have the Lord Jesus my Savior? How can you be sure the word of God says it?
Is that your portion tonight? If your time runs out tonight like this, man, it is time run out that very afternoon.
If your time runs out tonight, where are you going to go?
Are you going to go to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven?
Should have heard the gospel many times. I know John 316 by heart. Go to Sunday school and go to conferences. Have a Bible at home. I carry it with me to conferences.
Does it work?
Here's a person. His name is Jesus. He's the Lord. You have to call upon his name. Lord Jesus, save me.
Ever done that, dear young people?
You know it's a mercy when God gives us to know.
That we're going to go into eternity in a certain time. This man, there was number doubt to him that he was going to die and certainly had an effect as to how he took things. And he was serious, solemn about these things.
Sometimes the people we know, people we love to get sick and we'd rather for them not to be sick.
But sometimes they get into terminal illnesses and we know of many accounts and I've heard some recently and it happens all the time. Here's someone that is facing the reality of death.
And perhaps they were boastful before and too proud to admit it, but when they're alone with someone they can confide in?
They'll listen.
They'll listen to the gospel and there'll be millions in the glory, I'm sure that's how the Lord.
Dealt with them so he gave them to know that there was a deadline there within weeks or months whatever and they were having to settle that they were going to meet God and they needed to get ready and many believed the gospel that way. Well this man God used.
Mercy towards him, He allowed him to be there in the presence of the Lord Jesus, and at very day to call upon the name of the Lord and to be saved.
I want you to read a verse with me in Romans chapter 5.
Romans 5 verse 8 But God commanded.
His love toward us.
And that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
You know, in that scene we had in Luke 23, it's remarkable because we have.
Two aspects, two things happening at the same time. We have God working in this man's heart by his grace to him to become conscious, to wake up, to have his eyes open to his own condition, and to look to the Lord Jesus. And at the same time, here's the Lord Jesus on the cross doing the work. Momentarily. He was going to do the work to save this man's soul and to save mine too.
To save the soul of many people. This all happened in the present, you might say.
And here we are, maybe 2000 years later, something like that, and we go back as we read the scriptures to that scene and we read how people behaved and what happened and the words that were said.
So he says that's just a long time ago, you know, I mean.
Different today.
People today say oh God is love.
God loves me well. Why? Why am I sick? Or why did I lose my job? Or why, why, why?
I want the proof that God loves me.
Well, God.
Is going to give you proof that is love that he loves you.
He's going to prove it to you today.
Not the way you want him to prove it.
God loves me. I want to win the lottery. I want to be a millionaire. I want my business to prosper. I want that person to get better.
God says I'm going to prove my love to you.
Romans 5 and verse 8.
You know that verse there if I had written this book.
Or if Paul himself.
As he wrote this book was not inspired by the Spirit of God. He would have written God had commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Christ died 2000 years ago. That's absolutely true.
By that word, commend it, it means proved.
And that verb is in the present tense.
It's not in the past tense. God proves his love toward us.
In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That's the proof today that God loves you. Christ died for you. And God is telling you, he's telling me today I love you. And there is that proof, the greatest proof he could ever give that he loves you was that he gave the Lord Jesus for you.
He gave the Lord Jesus for these rulers.
He gave the Lord Jesus for the men that spit in his face and hit him with their fists.
He gave the Lord Jesus for Herod and Pilate for those thieves on the cross.
Now all these men have entered eternity.
One I'm sure I'm going to see in the glory.
The rest I'm not sure at all.
That other thief on the cross, He died that afternoon. The soldiers came and they broke his legs. He suffocated. A few minutes later he entered into eternity.
To stand before that one who was on the center cross beside him, the judge of everything now.
To answer not only for his life.
But for how he responded to the privilege God gave him to be in the presence of the Lord Jesus, perhaps for just a few moments.
And he despised that, blasphemed his name, and he mocked him.
Dear young people tonight. Older ones too.
I can say from the authority of God's word, and you should believe it, that God loves you right now.
As love reaches you right in your seat and he says I love you and the proof of it I've given you already.
On the cross of Calgary, when I let my son suffer for you and shed his precious blood so it could have you as my child and bring you into heaven.
How much time have you had in the presence of the Lord Jesus?
How many times have you heard the good news of salvation? How much more do you know than this poor man in Luke 23?
Boys and girls, older ones, young people.
You know.
It's in your head.
You can answer Bible questions.
Brothers said this morning in the Sunday schools. If you can't fake it, if you fake it, you're not going to make it.
I like that little play on words.
Momentarily we're going to go 5-10 minutes.
Back to our homes.
Might be the last gospel meeting.
Momentarily the Lord is going to come and we're going to go forever from this earth to be with Him forever you coming along.
Are you part of those that have been redeemed with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus?
Nobody is good enough to get to heaven without the work of Christ, but anyone?
Can get to heaven with the work of Christ. This man did that very day His Savior was beside him, and momentarily after he asked the Lord to remember him.
The Lord paid for his sins on the cross and brought him in paradise.
Three days later, he rose again.
As we speak this evening, there's a man in flesh and bones.
In heaven itself.
Let's draw numbers. We'll say, come on, billions of galaxies of thousands of late years, and he went up.
Yeah, I believe that. I believe the Word of God. That's where he is in the 3rd heaven, the presence of God as a man there. He's coming back from heaven the same way he went up. He's going to come back. You sure about that? Absolutely. Sure. Says it in this book here.
The Word of God. The Bible.
You have it in your hands, young people, I trust tonight, perhaps you were at these meetings during the weekend. We've heard things that were brought before us.
The only way you could escape what God brings before say OK this book isn't true then.
This book isn't true. I'm not going to believe what this book says because this book says I'm a Sinner and the only savior of sinners is the Lord Jesus. So I'm going to do something else.
Well, whatever you figure out, I'm just sorry for you. I'm just sorry for you because this is the word of God. The Lord Jesus came down here and he was what he said he was. He did these miracles and he died and he rose again. And the disciples and Peter and James and John and 500 brethren, they saw him resurrected and they were ready to give their life for the faith that they had in him. This is no fairy tale. This is not an ordinary book. This is the word of God.
And tonight, as we speak spoke from its pages, I want you to just listen to this verse here in Romans chapter 5 again.
Verse 8.
God commend, it proves his love.
Toward us.
And that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us. God has proven His love.
He proves it today. Christ died for sinners.
Want to be qualified to be brought into blessing you have to be fitting in that category, category of people called sinners. God says all of sin and come short of the glory of God. You say I haven't sinned. You make the God a liar because he says you're a Sinner. If you take your place as a Sinner before God, knowing that you're going to have to answer for what those things that you've said and done or even thought as brother was bringing out this morning, the Lord Jesus appeared before God. You might say on the cross for you.
To take all those things away. So the Word of God testifies and says clearly the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. And tonight, my friend, if you're not washed in a precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and your time runs out, which I don't know what that's going to be, but it's going to happen.
You're going to stand before God in your sins, and you're going to be judged.
For your sins. And the most terrible thing about that, you know.
Is that you would have been in this room tonight or last night, but Sunday school this morning or at other occasions where you heard God pleading with you to come to him through Christ, and you neglected that this malefactor didn't do much of A life, but he came to the Lord Jesus and I'm going to see him in heaven. I hope I see you all in heaven. Let us bow our heads.