Gospel 2

Duration: 43min
Gospel—David Hayhoe
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3rd Our meetings tonight with #15.
Oh, blessed gospel sound. Yes, there is room.
It tells to all around.
Joy, they now may hear. Yet there is room number 15.
All around.
Get out there and browse.
Right, everything hath done.
Yes, very thrilled.
From when it is for a thunderstorm birthday to save.
What I'm saying, I feel well to me.
I've never been running.
1000 fell away by the air. Terrorist room.
Someone that will pick all my heart.
He has never known.
Yeah, so many style of ration day.
Run near the well past our wagon is the sun breaks up more well than Do you have a merry spring?
Let us pray usually to sing to him tonight if you want to just one.
Do you like this because of the shorter job?
The one friend said Tonight I want to talk about the world.
What do you think about the world today? Where do you think the world's going?
And on what basis do you form your opinions about this world? And wait a moment.
What's your hope?
Suppose you were young, like some of these children are.
You were bringing them up in this world.
And you didn't have this book?
I know what your hopes would be for your children.
You would want them to be able to grow up and have a decent life, a full life.
Maybe a better life than what you've had.
What's your hope?
To the world and what do you think going to happen in this world? You know, I sometimes ask people that kind of a question of uh.
What do you, what's your opinion? Some older people that uh, when I say in their 50s, sixties, 70s, even 80s right now.
And they don't have too much in the way of good expectations of what they expect is going to happen in this world.
The surprises that are taking place in this world in in the in the halls of government today.
Umm and the the umm laws that are being loosened in this world. Surprise.
I would say the majority of people in North America.
There's a sleeping that is taking place.
Tell me what's behind all of this.
Bruce's boy.
Oh friends, I'm so glad we have this book.
I don't know, uh, how many you folks get this little plug in for this, this little book called the Christian.
This is June 2015 issue.
And the I get it every month and it is title on it was taking its world.
And from that, I wasn't really, not that I didn't want to speak on exactly what's in it, but it helped me and my, my own thinking regarding, uh, the world. And I want to speak tonight about ways in which the world is spoken of in the word of God.
The world is spoken of in at least three different ways. Turn with me. First of all, you'll have your Bibles to John's Gospel chapter one.
John, Chapter one.
And verse 10.
Just the first couple lines of the birds.
He was in the world.
And the world was made by him.
Who do you think that speak to me?
You go back to the start, you'll find again to read for long a little bit further. It's peaking about in the beginning with the Word, and then it speaks of the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst its Speaking of Jesus.
He was in the world, and the world was made by.
Think of it.
The very creator.
Of the world.
To the man he entered into his own creation.
Then what's the rest of the birds say?
The world knew him not.
This man Jesus.
Breather and such a danger of the universe.
Who made the world? It's the material world.
That is spoken of here.
He made it.
You know, there's many verses that come to mind.
And uh, I hardly know which ones to start with, but I'm going to go back to Genesis chapter one.
And verse 31 God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.
In the evening and the morning were the six days.
Now, in these six days, it tells us what God did.
D in which?
He prepared the world for man to live in.
The material world.
So it says here in the in the next verse, the next chapter in the first verse. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished.
And all the host of them. And on the 7th day God ended his work which he had made, and he rested on the 7th day from all this work which he hath made. And God bless the 7th day and sanctified it.
I'd like to think of it this way. I've used this illustration before.
Suppose you were a famous artist.
And you wanted you, uh, painted a fiction. You have this picture in your mind.
And you take it, and you spend your time designing it, and everything of beauty that you can think of you put into this picture.
And, uh, perhaps a day? Did it take perhaps a week?
Finally, after you inspect it over and over again.
That's what I want to convey.
What's the last thing? That's it Peter does.
Your friends God made this world and he signed his name.
The heavens declare the glory of God in the firmament.
How does that go heavy so shows it's handy for.
God's handiwork.
What happened?
Added in our first today, as by one man's sin entered into the world.
So death passed upon all men in the hand. It tells us here in this verse that God rested on the 7th day. There is no sin.
And then now turn with me, turn over to the Book of Jill, chapter 38.
Job Chapter 38.
Yes, 38 verse 4.
Where was thou when I leave the foundations of the earth? You notice the first verse says Then the Lord answered Joel, that says wherewith thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Declare if thou hast understand, Oh God, speak to the joke. And he says to Joe, Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Then he tell Joel a little bit about it. We're not going to get into that, but.
I like to look at, uh, they were six. Whereupon are the foundation?
They're all fastened, or who laid the cornerstone thereof. And this verse, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God showed her with joy. Do you know who they are?
This is before man was made who were the sons of God that are spoken of. You can find out if you turn back to the 6th chapter of Genesis and you tie it in with some verses in the New Testament.
It's good for the ambulance. You see, I believe what took place in the Friends is something like this, that God made this world way back whenever it was. It says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
And I'm not going to get into a lot of discussion about this and create any arguments with some people that don't see it this way, but it says the earth was without form and void and then God visited as it were this world again and prepared it for man to live in.
And there's six days. That's what God did. He prepared this world for you and I for mankind to live in.
And so it says here, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God showed it with joy.
I'm going to use this as a feeble illustration. You know, sometimes in this day and age, why there are things that take place in this world where.
The company along with government, decide that they're going to put a great industry in a certain place, we'll see in the United States and Canada or wherever, and I'm going to take an example of a large car company and they choose a plot of ground that is, say I'm going to choose a place like Alabama.
They decide they're gonna buy all this land up and they're gonna have feeder plants and manufacturing plants, the whole works of it all together in this particular area today. And they they make the agreement with governments and everything else and roads that are going to go there and the next thing will happen. Rolls in a whole bunch of bulldozers and earth moving equipment and so on. And all the ground is prepared and the building starts to go up.
And everybody watches to see what's happening.
They see all this that is that is going on, and they're looking and they're watching.
Dear friend, there was something that took place in this world long before that, when God was preparing this world in six days. And what does it say here that the sons of God shouted for joy?
When they saw what God was doing to prepare this world that you and I are living in today and when he finished it, it says they are back in that verse in Genesis.
It tells us that God rested on the 7th day from all his works.
Then, as we mentioned before, it makes man and he puts him in the garden to see her.
There's somebody else who was watching all that was going on.
Good angels if I can call them, not take children for joy. But Satan and his hosts were watching and they saw a man who thought foreign and put in the cart and Satan with his hatred against God, What does he do? He moves in. If God placed at him and needed them in the garden, he didn't place take them there, but they can move right in. He wasn't invited in, he just walked in.
And to God scour it. And that's what he's done. He walked into this world and sought to spoil God's creation. And he did it by introducing into man's heart that God, God wasn't good to him, that God was holding something back. And through that, why Adam, Adam and Eve fell and sin came in the world.
That is the material world that you and I are in.
Old friends, the results that have the the things that you see that are happening in the world had their origin had their beginning and the work of Satan in our our first parents.
In the garden.
So death passed upon all men for all his sins. Why do people die? Is it because of cancer? Is it because of heart attacks? Is it because of car accidents? And so on? Well, I suppose you could say so, but what's behind all that?
You see, when God made man, He made man forever, and you were made forever, and I was made forever, and we're going to live forever.
And the body dies. But this God made us in three parts, spirit, soul and body.
And you have a soul and you have a spirit and you have a body. And when people die and if you go to the to the Funeral Home, you see the bosses of his mind there, but the spirit and the soul have left the body and they're gone into eternity to one of two places forever.
You know, I believe of all my heart that most people believe in an afterlife.
And I believe as well that most people believe that there's two places and they hope that they're not going to the wrong one.
And I have said, and I'm sure many others have said this here, I said some.
Where are you going when you die?
Are you going to heaven? And the answer usually is, Well, I hope so. Well, I say you don't want to go to the other place.
They say no, I don't. We didn't even say how many places there were anything, but they know which place I'm referring to.
Nobody wants to go to hell.
But there's only the destiny at the end of life, of heaven or hell.
These are real fans, friends.
And you don't wanna go to hell.
No one wants to go to hell.
This is the material world. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
That's the world. We could turn to several other structures in connection with the material world.
So let's go on to the next one. That's the material world now, the people world.
Can you think of a verse in the Bible?
This tells us about the world that is referring to the people in the world.
Somebody's nodding their head.
I wonder if these boys, can you tell me a verse in the Bible that tells us that talking about the people in the world, and it says the world in it.
I'll give you a hint. It starts out for God.
Who can help me?
This boy.
What's your? What's your name?
Jordan. Hi, Jordan.
See you, Jordan.
That's good to know.
For God so loves us.
What's that referring to? It's the people of the world.
You see, the world is a material world, but then there's the people world. And dear friends, there's no verse that I know of like that verse.
I don't know many how many 1000 verses there are in the Bible.
So that verse means so much to me and I know it does to almost to everybody here I trust.
Who said those words?
Jesus said that.
And Jesus knew the heart of God.
He said for God so loved the world.
He was there when the heavens were made.
He was there when God made man.
Then I was by him as one, brought up with him daily, his delight, rejoicing always before him, and my delights were with the sons of men.
You see, God made man forever and he needs to have man is his companion.
And he wants you, and he wants me forever.
And he doesn't only want you in eternity, He wants you now.
Forever. How long your life is in this world? Are you a Christian? Are you walking with them?
He wants your company.
Think of it, the God of the universe.
At first means so much to me and I gain. I know it means so much to everyone here.
For God so loved the world.
This gaming was only begotten, Son and all.
Look up some time the expression only begotten.
You know the Bible explains itself.
You have to.
Was forgotten in this world.
He was born in this world, but that's not the meaning of that verse. He wasn't. It isn't the thought there of him being born in this world.
Take now thine only thy son, thine only son Isaac, and thou love of Jesus, thine only son whom thou lovest. And if you look up you will find there's about 5 or 6 or maybe a few more or less. Whatever the times where you have in the Bible the expression only begotten, put them up. Every word of God is pure and he puts them there for a purpose.
Let me turn to another one while we're here. Go with me to John chapter umm.
Oldies versus They mean so much.
Yes, John 118.
No man has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared him. You may have realized what a wealth there is in that one verse alone.
No man has seen God at any time.
That's true. God is the Spirit.
The only begotten Son.
No, darling of heaven.
That's what it means.
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father. Where was Jesus when he said these words? He was on earth.
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father. Do you know what it means? He was in heaven and on earth at the same time. He's everywhere. It's Jesus The.
Oh God.
He's everything, friend.
You know how many people there are in the world? About 7 billion.
He fees 7 billion people every day.
Do you know him?
He died free.
For God so loved the world, the people, and the world.
He gave his son.
He says here.
He walked here among men, despite rejected. That's the world you're living in.
And he said they hated me without a cause.
Never get a thing wrong in life.
And the world took a nailed.
The cross, you know. It wasn't the Roman way to nail pieces of frost.
Were thousands that died on how to cross.
You know what they did when they hung them up? They used ropes to hold them.
But when it came to Jesus.
Put nails in his hands. Why did he do that?
They hated him without a cause.
God is going to judge this world because of what they did to Jesus.
Because of sin.
And your sins are the only thing that will keep you out of heaven.
Only one thing will keep you to help.
You're sick, but your sins forgiven all. Our brother spoke last night.
Vote for gifts.
You know, in New York.
In the city of New York, I can't tell you where it is. I got a home. I haven't got it with me.
So somebody wrote a poem because they were walking through a cemetery one day and a small town in New York.
And they came across a tombstone in the cemetery, and all it was, was one word.
Do you still you know what it was?
And so touch this person. I wish I had the phone here. I read it to you.
So how does the person?
But that man didn't even want his name for uncool.
Have you been forgiven for gift?
The only way you can be forgiven if somebody has to pay the price for their sins.
And Jesus died for sinners. He.
He died for you.
I see, and I accepted him. The wages of sin is death.
But the gift of God is the eternal life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Did you ever?
Come to the point where that transaction took place.
Brother Dave, I have the words about him written down here if you'd like me to read it. Yes, it would.
Not far from New York City.
In a cemetery loan.
Close guarding its grave stands a simple headstone.
And all the inscriptions is one word alone forgiven.
No sculptors fine art have embellished its form.
But constantly there through to calm and the storm.
Advair. This word from a poor bone worm forgiven.
It shows not the date.
Of the Silent One's birth.
Reveal is not his frailties nor lies of his work.
But speaks out the tail from a few feet of earth or given.
The death as unmentioned. His life is untold.
Here lies the body, corrupted and cold. Above rest his spirit at home in the fold, forgiven.
He went from the heavens. The Lord shall descend, this stranger shall rise, and to glory ascend.
Now known.
And befriended.
To sing without end or given.
Thank you brother.
Turn with me, please. Reverse it was read last night, Luke 23.
I want to ask one of these boys if you will come up and read this verse for me. Which one of you two boys would like to come up and read this for me?
You could send, yeah, you could just stand up and read it. Hey, Luke 23 and verse 34. Just the one verse.
Find it. Yeah.
Jesus Father, forgive them so they they know not what they do and they parted his and cat flocks. Thank you.
You know when Jesus said those words?
They took them, they nailed them to the cross.
And I believe what they did is they dug the hole in the ground and they took them and stood it up. There he was hanging there.
Just just put up.
And he turned, and he lifts his eyes up to heaven.
And he says, father.
Yeah, have you had your sins you were given?
You know where you're going.
Have your sins forget.
I know where you're going.
You know the story of the thief on the cross? I supposedly heard Jesus say those words.
I think he heard Jesus say those words.
Amid all that was happening around and all the.
Tumult, confusion, madness of man.
The earth hears a man in the center cross say, Father, forgive them.
They know or not what they do.
And for a short time.
You're there and he's thinking.
With all the pain Speaking of the thief, it was beside Jesus on the cross. And finally he turned to him near the very last of the three hours before the darkness and.
He said, Lord, Remember Me, and thou cometh into thy Kingdom.
You know what he I think he meant something like this.
Can you find me just a little place inside the Kingdom?
He said Lord, Remember Me.
If thou shall confess with thy mouth.
Jesus is war.
And believe in thine heart that God have raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved.
And he said, Lord.
Remember Me?
That's what he said.
And Jesus says, Verily I say unto me, Today thou shalt be with me.
And it was about the six hour, and there was darkness over all the land to the moon. That worked. What happened, friends, during those three hours?
I'll never know forever what it cost my Savior to put away my sin. Never.
The deputy suffered for you.
Don't pass by.
The opportunity.
The scripture says whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Heard stories about people that have called at the very last, Whosoever shall call.
The name of the Lord.
Her time is almost gone.
Talked about the material world. We've talked about the people.
Our friends from 1:00 just for a few minutes about.
The whole world system.
Turn with me please to 1St John Chapter 2.
And verse 15.
Love not the world.
Neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
We just read The Burning back in John 316, for God so loved the world.
And now we read this verse here that it says love not the world.
What's the difference?
In the John 316, it's God's law that goes out to all the people that are in the world, to you and me and the 7 billion people and every man and woman that has been born into this world. For God so loved the world, and here it is love, not the world.
Neither the things that are in the world, dear friends. It's the world system that is referred to here.
It's the world that is going on to judgment.
When Cain killed his brother, he went out from the presence of the Lord, and he built a city, and he called it after the name of his son, and he lived in independence of God. And the result of the course of the human race was.
Then the flood took place nearly 1600 years later.
And they perished.
Because he went out from the presence of the Lord, and he formed this system. And dear friends, it's man's system. Do you belong to this world?
The Lord said in his prayer that those that belong to Him, they're not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through Thy truth. Thy word is free.
You want to belong to the world. Are you going to have the world? Are you going to have Jesus?
Which one friend your choice choose you this day, whom ye will serve?
I believe what this verse means. You know when John wrote this I believe he was about 90 years of age.
All of John's ministry but Josh pulled the epistles and the Book of Revelation were written as an old man. I believe I've been told that, and I believe it with all my heart. And here's this old man.
Under the inspiration of God near the end of this light as he gives this out to to other Christians and people.
Of the world.
Man, spend time with Jesus.
He walked with them for three years through this world. He was a fisherman.
The total of the world.
And then he says, if any man love the world, belong to the Father is not in him. You know what it means. You can't enjoy the world and enjoy the Lord at the same time.
You were right as Christians if you're a Christian.
And you and I set our sights on just enjoying this, to leave this conference and go away and just make the best of it in this world and meet the Lord out. We're not going to enjoy the Lord. You won't enjoy the love of God. You can enjoy both. No man can serve.
Choose you this day whom you will serve. Will you accept Christ? Will you follow him? That thief on the cross he may have only had, I suppose.
Well, they had at least three hours and he had gotten worse because he wasn't dead when they when they when Jesus brought him.
They came and they broke his leg so that he would die. He suffered, but before that he accepted Christ.
Will you have them?
Choose you this day, whom you will serve. Let's pray.
Our daughter and our Father, we vow to worship thee and thank you.
For this wonderful story of calcium.
Father, we haven't mentioned the blood of Jesus that washes away all sin. Lord, we tell the gospel so imperfectly, and we ask thee, use the new blessing.
The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sins. Father, bless thy word, we pray, thanking Thee for this privilege. Bless to each of us, we pray in Thy name, Amen.